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Trailer 3


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@ kokiriforestFTW : (15 January 2013 - 11:12 AM)

This is beyond a fucking joke. Fuck this. I know a troll when i see one. Six times delayed? Each time an elabortae car crash or terminal illness? FUCK. THAT.


So, yeah, I have a question for you:

Are you so simple-minded and impatient that you cannot wait even HALF a day before passing judgment? So much so, you'll pass stupid insults such as these on to the team?

Are you really 23? Because I am getting the vibe you're anywhere under 14 with the way you act(hint: like a whining child who wants its way NOW NOW NOW), so you should probably correct the age on your profile. Another thing worth mentioning, is how you clearly never did sincerely mean your apology to Zeth on the minisite, because of your little display on the shoutbox.


Also, this topic doesn't belong here; I'm moving it to randomness.

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You've obviously never worked on a large project before. A project like this is run not by a large budget corporation, with hundreds of people working around the clock to reach a deadline. From what I can tell, there are about ten people in total working on a very interesting hobby of theirs, which they are decent enough to share with people like you. And like all hobbies, there is appropriate times to work on it, and sometimes other things get in the way. There is no deadline, because there is no reason for it. The trailer will get done when the people working on the project feel like finishing it. Which might not be right now. Hell, it might be a LONG time. You aren't helping it get done by being an impatient asshat, swearing and spamming the forums.

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