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I'm a gamer and, I'v been on the GCN for about a month now, mostly messing with my profile, figering things out, talked on some post's.but I still dont really got the hang of it. you see, I'v never been a twitter or a facebook guy, and I always see my friends on the computer with twitter and thy act brain dead when I try to talk to them. so I was like screw that. but this would half to be the first "post and talk " site I'v been on. I felt I could relate because what this site stood for, GCN "Gamer's Collective Network" and I'm a gamer, and when I learned about the URA project. I thought, dude this is the place to be. how badass. but despite how cool that is I still dont know anyone.and I never introduced my self.

So I'm Sairugoth, hello GCN

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Greetings, and welcome to the GCN. I definitely know what you mean. I felt like that when I first joined, not really knowing anyone and feeling a bit out of place. But eventually, you know what happened? I met the majority of my closest friends right here on the GCN. So yeah, it's great here and I love it.

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I'm right with you there, man. When I first got into the Zelda hacking community I felt like such a noob and an odd duck. Give it a bit of time, though, and be an active, constructive poster, and you'll quickly find your place. Like Nero, I met a lot of my closest internet friends through this site and its previous incarnations.


That aside, welcome to the GCN, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask myself or another other staff member. :)

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well, despite the update that when't on for 2 days ,by the way cool skin Sadow Fire.

Naxylldritt, I have lots of questions but the the one that hits me right now would be, How did you and Nero get those member names, Nonspecific Sexbomb, Drunk Homosexual. I mean I'v seen people with, Newbie,Member and even advance Member but never Nonspecific Sexbomb and Drunk Homosexual. thy sound pretty random.

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