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I'm in danger

That 1001th Person

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Well, I heard on the news today that North Korea plans on using nuclear weapons on the USA. The explosion should be as big as the atom bomb that dropped on Japan. They said that the nuclear bomb (or missile) is aiming to destroy lower Manhattan. Luckily enough, I don't live there, however, I could die from the radiation. I'm not sure what I should do. Try to convince my parents to move from the USA, or just sit and die? I don't want to leave this world. It's so beautiful and wonderful, it's truly blessed. But I don't want to die from North Korea just because they hate the USA. I at least pray, that God will hopefully protect me and my family.

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Well, look at that. My search terms were spot on, and I found no articles, yet there's a video on it with 7,000+ views. Do you know why this bit of news is getting so little exposure? It's because it's not a big deal, not even in the slightest. But if they do decide to attack us, I look forward to our counterattack.

I've been counting the days until America or some other country wipes them off the face of this planet, so by all means, I hope they -try- to nuke lower Manhattan.

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Well, look at that. My search terms were spot on, and I found no articles, yet there's a video on it with 7,000+ views. Do you know why this bit of news is getting so little exposure? It's because it's not a big deal, not even in the slightest. But if they do decide to attack us, I look forward to our counterattack.I've been counting the days until America or some other country wipes them off the face of this planet, so by all means, I hope they -try- to nuke lower Manhattan.

Wishing death on innocent people because their "leaders" are retarded, why?

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Oh God, you guys took me seriously.



Let me be more specific than that:

I just find this topic dumb(I mean, nobody's in danger except North Korea), so I have an incredibly hard time taking it seriously. So most of my post content in here is going to be anything but serious. If you guys seriously thought I meant that, it shows just how little you two know me. Thanks, guys, thanks.

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To be fair, Blinx, even as well as I know you, that struck me as a bit off-the-wall and for a moment I wasn't sure if you were serious or not. Even as a joke, saying you hope a city gets a nuclear bomb dropped on them isn't really something anyone should go around saying without expecting to upset a few people, so I would suggest refraining from that. That's all I have to say about that, and all I expect to be said on the matter.

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Honestly in my opinion, North Korea can try to launch a missle. Every time they try they always fail. Now if Iraq tries to launch a missle, then we would have to worry.  Chances are of a Missle hitting us by North Korea are zero to none. They keep trying and trying and it always back fires on them. So there's nothing to worry about.

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North Korea isn't trying to deploy nuclear missiles targeted at the USA. Unless I misunderstood the sources cited here, they're just doing nuclear weapons testing in international waters, which the UN has asked them to stop doing. For the reasons I posted about well above, no one is going to drop a nuclear bomb on anyone because of the concept of mutually assured destruction. No one is in danger of anything. Enough said.

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North Korea isn't trying to deploy nuclear missiles targeted at the USA. Unless I misunderstood the sources cited here, they're just doing nuclear weapons testing in international waters, which the UN has asked them to stop doing. For the reasons I posted about well above, no one is going to drop a nuclear bomb on anyone because of the concept of mutually assured destruction. No one is in danger of anything. Enough said.


I'm not trying to start an argument here over something silly. I never said that North Korea is trying to bomb the US. It's clearly stated that they wanted to launch the missle into space and use the nuclear test on the US. On how many times that happened it always back fired at them and fell right on top of them. I understand where your coming from. And that you don't agree with my comments, everyone has the right to their own opininon. I know your a staff in all but I really don't care, you don't scare me. If you want to judge my comment just because I said something then more power to you. I really don't care. I'm just trying to state my own opinion and I'm not trying to scare anyone. I'm just saying what I said found an a news article that I read. Yes I know the media can be false at times, but I have intitled to my own opinions. If you want to get mad at my comment, then get mad. Other wise, I'm ending this discussion because I don't want to start a fight with another staff member on another forum.

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Armos, I wasn't trying to pick a fight with you, belittle your comment/opinion or do anything you're implying I'm guilty of. I'm just trying to make it clear that there isn't any danger present on the off chance someone stumbles across this thread and assumes the worst. I was presuming by this comment:


Chances are of a Missle hitting us by North Korea are zero to none. They keep trying and trying and it always back fires on them.


that you meant NK was constantly trying to drop a nuclear bomb on the USA, which isn't at all true. I'm not mad, I'm just presenting facts as I understand them and refuting false claims as I see them; if I misinterpreted your comment as a factual assertion in the manner I just described, then you have my apologies.

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Armos, I wasn't trying to pick a fight with you, belittle your comment/opinion or do anything you're implying I'm guilty of. I'm just trying to make it clear that there isn't any danger present on the off chance someone stumbles across this thread and assumes the worst. I was presuming by this comment:



that you meant NK was constantly trying to drop a nuclear bomb on the USA, which isn't at all true. I'm not mad, I'm just presenting facts as I understand them and refuting false claims as I see them; if I misinterpreted your comment as a factual assertion in the manner I just described, then you have my apologies.


No its fine, I over reacted alittle bit so no worries here. :)

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