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  Are you honestly suggesting that civil rights activists are a bad thing, because they disappointed their previous generation?

Are you seriously that thick dude? No, I wasn't, I was referring to how the generation before civil rights activists became more known and how THEY responded. I'm all for equal rights, no one should be given anything less than HUMAN rights.


I skimmed the rest of it, so I'll give you my opinion on that.

I said nothing about people who run café's, I was referring to people that leave their kids at home so they can go party. Do what makes you happy, just don't hurt people or impose your shit on anyone else.

Saying "this is just my opinion" is NOT a cop-out, it's me stating that this is my opinion. It's not fact, it's how I see things.


Take it how it is and stop reading into shit like it's some fucking conspiracy, I'm speaking broadly and directly, I'm not inferring anything subliminal about peoples' rights, I'm not saying people shouldn't like what they like I'm saying my opinion on what I consider shitty music and the general mass of people who mindlessly listen to it. If you look at it more than surface level, great, more power to you, but if you're going to be so blatantly empty-headed that you'll follow any trend that comes up like a mindless automaton, I won't even bother. Why? I CAN'T STAND IDIOTS.

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Look, I'm as big of a Freddy Mercury fan as anyone, but you do realize that is a completely inaccurate statement by stating those people, right? Because you know, they were fads once too? They were called the Devil's music back when these people were in business. People thought it was mindless and a horrible excuse for music. So basically, people felt the same as you, and look where that got them? Right here. You, by your logic, are not part of the solution. You're part of the problem. Of course, there isn't a problem unless someone makes one.


Just some food for thought.

The people who said that it was mindless didn't bother to ACTUALLY listen to it, it was probably some Fred Phelps fuck who said "God hates Queen" or some shit and every stereotypical Christian Republican mother ever (my grandma) hopped on the bandwagon of "IT'S THE DEVIL'S MUSIC!" And how the FUCK am I part of the problem for liking Queen? Yeah, it was a fad, but for a good fucking reason. First of all, Freddy Mercury was an INCREDIBLE singer, the likes of whom are few and far in between. Second, Queen's music was written by one person and had some of the best lyrics of ANY bands to this day. Meanwhile, cookie-cutter garbage, like today, is written by 24 corporate douche-bags in an office trying to sell records, not even bothering to write something that means anything. Third, if I was part of the problem, I'd be listing shit like Donnie and Marie, not Queen, not Steve Vai. Yeah, they trended in the rock and early metal scenes, but not EVERYTHING THAT TRENDS IS MINDLESS. Queen's music is relevant TO THIS DAY, see Justin Beiber in 10 years, he's going to be as relevant as NSync or the Backstreet boys.

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Apparently you've been discussing another things. My point was rather how some people accept things so easily and that sort of sabotages the democracy system.

Not only in my country, there were many times when the media influence helped, actively or passively, to elect some messed up politicians, despite their corrupt past.


Back on topic, I could still argue some music will help steer people towards consumism and "life is short" and how these people would affect the world around me but, seriously, it won't change fuck, so I'll do the usual: deal with it.

I wasn't quite going for that argument, but ok... And I do deal with it, I just decided to open a discussion, but at this point, I kind of regret it because I've come to find people resenting me for having an opinion that differs from theirs. :

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I kinda get what you mean: yeah, a lot of folks are quick to follow, easy to be fooled, so naive.


And a lot of people like the new stuff, and hate on the "intellectuals".


But that's just people's "opinion". It's what makes humanity so great. It's free, and its yours.


You can't force someone to like certain things; that's just how people are.



But I get what you're getting at, HellSpawn.



As I said in a couple other posts, my opinions aren't about shoving things down peoples' throats, it's just my opinion on the subject of music, but thank you for not having a hostile response like seemingly everyone else in this thread...

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come to find people resenting me for having an opinion that differs from theirs. :\


Nobody ever said they resent you, including me; I think you're a cool guy.


Also, if you don't want others replying in such a hostile manner, maybe you shouldn't yourself? Don't even act innocent, you're pretty damn hostile yourself in this thread.


Anyways, nobody here resents you.

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Are you serious, Hellspawn? Did you actually just try to start a debate thread, then blatantly toss aside a very well thought-out reply to your comments and then have the nerve to essentially call that person an idiot without even reading what they had to say or defending yourself from their posts? I fail to see how an action like that is anything different from the asinine individuals you've been spending your time condemning with decidedly elitist remarks. If you're going to use this thread as a dumpster for your ill-placed frustrations to make bigoted remarks rather than open-mindedly debate a concern you have, you can expect it to end up locked very promptly.

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Are you serious, Hellspawn? Did you actually just try to start a debate thread, then blatantly toss aside a very well thought-out reply to your comments and then have the nerve to essentially call that person an idiot without even reading what they had to say or defending yourself from their posts? I fail to see how an action like that is anything different from the asinine individuals you've been spending your time condemning with decidedly elitist remarks. If you're going to use this thread as a dumpster for your ill-placed frustrations to make bigoted remarks rather than open-mindedly debate a concern you have, you can expect it to end up locked very promptly.

Yes, I threw away his well thought-out reply because he obviously didn't bother to pay me the courteousy of properly reading my responses. As I said to Blinx, I don't always think of things I want to say until I'm asked about them. I've been questioned on the same thing at least 5 times in this thread, of which, he is one. I'm tired of responding to this post already. I just wanted to rant, create some friendly discussion, but no, everyone straight up attacked me, except maybe 3 people.

By the way, I decided, after you said that, to read more critically what he had to say.




  The reality is, the most progress will be

made by individuals that are passionate about the field they're

contributing to. You even mention some of them, these are the

intellectuals who end up expanding our collective knowledge. Does that

need to be every single person though? Absolutely not, life is entirely

too short to force people into things that they don't enjoy. If someone

wants to spend their life running a café because they love to chat with

customers, why look down on them? It's great to respect the people who

do make massive contributions, but disrespecting the people who don't is

flat out wrong. Progress will continue to be made, and by the right

people for the job.


  Just take a look at the massive change in

technology over the last 20 years. The more progress that gets made,

the easier it is to make future progress. Or go back even further and

look at how things have changed over the last few hundred years. Only

three hundred years ago, the average person couldn't even read. Just let

that soak in, something as basic as reading was beyond the average

person's grasp, and you're going to say that we're less intellectual as a

whole now, or that things are getting worse? It was just recently that

the internet became wide spread, now the average person has access to

more information than they could ever consume during a life time. Even

something we take for granted today like negative numbers, wasn't truly

sorted out until the 18th century. Now we expect any student to

understand them intuitively, and we have a base of education that every

person is required to go through. Our standards are getting much higher

over time, not lower.


On top of all that, lets take a look at

how laws have changed over time. I mentioned that Canada legalized

same-sex marriage about seven years ago now, there's a trend of society

becoming more accepting of people. Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1

(1967) banned any laws prohibiting interracial marriage in the United

States. That was only forty years ago! Before forty years ago, you

couldn't marry someone with a different ethnicity. Again, things getting

better rather than getting worse. I could provide so many examples of

laws becoming more sane, we're moving in a positive direction and only

more rapidly as time goes on. Society is becoming more accepting, not


I should clarify, I was more referring to societal decline, not scientific decline. Also, my rage is more directed at the past 5-10 years. The 100 year remark was more along the lines that each generation seems to think the succeeding generation is falling to shit, not that I believe so myself, at least not the past whole 100 years, we've made great strides, be it Civil Rights movements (which as previously stated, I consider HUMAN rights), technological advances, or scientific advances, we HAVE advanced, tremeandously at that.

With that in mind, here's some examples of societal downfall.







I'm not huge on gun control, but Alex is fucking crazy!



Saying this is "just your opinion" is a cop-out. You are making an

assertion, it's either true or it's not; you should be able to back it

up. "I don't like <type of music>" is an opinion. Instead, you're

trying to present a weak argument based on things that have no

correlation about the degredation of humanity. Why is a song that one or

two people worked on, inherently better than a song that many people

worked on? That's not even accurate anyways, "Friday" was "written and

produced by Los Angeles record producers Clarence Jey and Patrice Wilson".

That's two people, you made no point there. I could do some more

digging, I also remember reading that a lot of the big pop hits were

written by a single person. That's how I feel about the whole issue. Can

you give even a shred of evidence that Gangnam Style and Ke$ha are bad

things, beyond that you don't like them? If not, maybe you need to admit

that you're falling victim to human nature yourself, with this whole

elitist rant as a way for you to feel superior to other people based on

an arbitrary preference.


  Society is progressing remarkably, despite something so horrendous as people enjoying catchy music.

Wanna know some recent pop hits?

Here's some eloquently worded lyrics about the angst, I mean joy, of a rich man fucking his friend's girl, something about a car, and the colors black and yellow.



Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is

Everything I do, I do it big

Yeah, uh huh, screamin' that's nothin'

When I pulled off the lot, that's stuntin'


Reppin' my town when you see me

You know everything

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


I put it down from the whip

To my diamonds I'm in

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


Black stripe, yellow paint

Them niggas scared of it, but them ho's ain't

Soon as I hit the club look at them ho's face

Hit the pedal once, make the floor shake


Suede insides, my engine roarin'

It's the big boy, you know what I paid for it

And I got the petal to the metal

Got you niggas checkin' game, I'm ballin out on every level


Hear them haters talk

But there's nothing you can tell 'em

Just made a million

Got another million on my schedule


No love for a nigga breakin' hearts

No keys, push to start


Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is

Everything I do, I do it big

Yeah, uh huh, screamin' that's nothin'

When I pulled off the lot, that's stuntin'


Reppin' my town when you see me

You know everything

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


I put it down from the whip

To my diamonds I'm in

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


Got a call from my jeweler, this just in

Bitches love me 'cause I'm fuckin' with their best friends

Not a lesbian, but she a freak though

This ain't for one night, I'm shinin' all week, ho


I'm sippin' Cliquot and rockin' yellow diamonds

So many rocks up in my watch I can't tell what the time is

Got a pocketful of big faces

Throw it up 'cause every nigga that I'm with tailored


Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is

Everything I do, I do it big

Yeah, uh huh, screamin' that's nothin'

When I pulled off the lot, that's stuntin'


Reppin' my town when you see me

You know everything

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


I put it down from the whip

To my diamonds I'm in

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


Stay high like how I'm supposed to do

That crown underneath them clouds can't get close to you

And my car look unapproachable

Super clean but it's super mean


She wanna fuck with them cats, smoke weed, count stacks

Get fly, take trips and that's that, real rap

I let her get high, she want and she feel that

Convertible drop fill, '87 and the top peel back


Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is

Yeah, yeah, uh huh, you know what it is

You already know what it is, man

And if you don't, you should by now


Reppin' my town when you see me

You know everything

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


I put it down from the whip

To my diamonds I'm in

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is

Everything I do, I do it big

Yeah, uh huh, screamin' that's nothin'

When I pulled off the lot, that's stuntin'


Reppin' my town when you see me

You know everything

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow


I put it down from the whip

To my diamonds I'm in

Black and yellow, black and yellow

Black and yellow, black and yellow





This one? I don't even know what the fuck it's supposed to be about.






Rack, rack, city bitch, city bitch

Rack, rack, rack city bitch, city bitch, rack

Rack, rack, rack city bitch, city bitch

Mutha on the beat




[Verse 1:]


Rack city bitch, rack, rack city bitch

Ten ten ten twenties on ya titties bitch

100 deep V.I.P. no guest list

T-Raw you don't know who you fucking with?

Got my other bitch fucking with my other bitch

Fucking all night nigga we ain't celibate

Make it sound too dope I ain't selling it

Bar fresher than a motherfucking peppermint

Gold Letterman last kings killing shit

Young money young money yeah we getting rich

I Got ya grandma on my dick (ha ha)

Girl you know what it is


[Hook: x2]


Rack city bitch, rack, rack, city bitch [x3]

Ten, ten, ten, twenties and them fifties bitch


[Verse 2:]


I'm a motherfucking star (star)

Look at the paint on the car (car)

Too much rim make the ride too hard

Tell that bitch hop out, walk the boulevard

I need my money pronto

Get it in the morning like Alonzo

Rondo, Green got cheese like a nacho

If you ain't got no ass bitch wear a poncho

Head hancho got my seat back

Nigga staring at me don't get bapped

Got my shirt off the club too packed

It's too turned going up like gas

God damn pulled out my racks

Mike Mike Jackson nigga yeah I'm bad

Rat T-T-T-Tatted up on my back

All the hoes love me you know what it is


[Hook: x2]


Rack city bitch, rack, rack, city bitch [x3]

Ten, ten, ten, twenties and them fifties bitch




Throwing hunnids, hunnids

Hunnids, hunnids

Throwing hunnids, hunnids

Rack city bitch, rack, rack city bitch

Hunnids, hunnids

Throwing hunnids, hunnids

Hunnids, hunnids

Rack city bitch, rack, rack city bitch


(Rack, rack, rack, rack, rack...)




But seriously, if this is not proof that music today, for the most part, is absolutely horrible, then I don't know what you could consider horrible. AIDS maybe?



To address the point of Gangnam Style and Kesha, you're right, there's no proof that they're horrible, that's just my opinion. However, the evidence placed above should suffice. (I never mentioned Psy as a horrible thing, Kesha's just a shitty role model, and Lady Gaga... Well, there's no combination of words in the english language to describe the wtf value she draws from me, but there's nothing particularly wrong with liking her music, I just think it sucks ass, but that's purely subjective. However, I do think Lady Gaga's a great role model with her recent participation in anti-bullying efforts. (The examples I stated in previous responses weren't quite what I was wanting to put as HORRIBLE, but they were the first to come to mind, and not much thought was put into them, so I apologize for poor examples, but as stated above, there is a literal definition of horrible in the music industry that doesn't need to be heard to be scorned.))

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Haha get it because it's in comic sans hey gaiz am I cool yet

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