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Is anyone else having some trouble with the site?


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Hey guys, just giving a heads up that I'm having some difficault problems sending people messages and replying to threads. I keep getting Error like this one below. I was posting in my thread replying to two people and I got this message.trict Standards: Declaration of tbHideContentHanEmail::buildMessage() should be compatible with that of hanEmail::buildMessage() in /home/thegcn/public_html/hooks/tbHideContentHanEmail_ad325ae4f8fc0f61d5f716927e069879.php on line 32


And I try to send some friends a PM and I get a "Action Failed" message. If anyone else is having some troubles, can you please share? Or am I the only person having this issue? Thanks. :) 

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It's not just you, I think there are a few kinks to hammer out with the latest upgrade the GCN just went through. It's a shame Shadow Fire isn't around at the moment, but it looks like even though these error messages are cropping up, PM's are still being sent successfully, so the best I can recommend is wait this out until he gets back and can address the problems.

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A temporary work-around has already been found. The error was due to a conflict with a mod I had installed. I merely disabled it, and everything seems to be in working order... for the most part.


A skin issue is also evident, but it is only minor, and I have asked the skin author for support on the matter.

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