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Lucid Dreaming Discussion


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Ok, if anyone is aware Lucid Dreaming is becoming aware while you are in the dream state. You can become lucid awhile your concious in your dreams and do what ever you want or what you want, you can do allot of things you can never do in real life. You can do the impossible, what are your thoughts on Lucid Dreams? Has anyone had one before? I've had a few and they can be fun, I've experienced quite a bit in the past and I must say that they are really a life changing experience. If you had any Lucid Dreams before or are into this kind of subject please share your stories. :)

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I had a dream yesterday that I was the HitMan from the game, and I stabbed this scientist, and I threw him into a bat of science juice! And then his assistant looked into the juice, and realized that the extra mixture of dead guy actually was the formula for curing cancer!


It was an amazing dream.

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I've had a few of them but sometimes it's a struggle to stay dreaming after you realize you are.  A few weeks ago was my most recent one.  My friend had somehow gotten her arm cut off so me and another person went to help her out but she was all casual and completely disregarded it.  So I went to the bathroom to text my other friend that we probably should take her to the emergency room which was when I realized I was dreaming and then I grabbed onto the barriers of the urinal as if there was a wind pushing me out of my dream state and I was trying to hold on :P


It's definitely something that you can practice and be able to perfect and maybe lucid dream at will.  I've always wondered, what if I continuously repeated a really tough song on the piano or something in my dream so much so that I could play it/or at least play it somewhat accurately in real life? In dreams, I'm pretty sure, for example, the parts of your brain that are active while you're walking are also somewhat active while you're walking in a dream. So, if practice is simply repeating an action so that neurons in your brain wire a certain way (this I know for certain is true) so that it eventually becomes natural, in theory, practicing in a dream state should have some effect on that ability when you wake up.

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I've had a few of them but sometimes it's a struggle to stay dreaming after you realize you are.  A few weeks ago was my most recent one.  My friend had somehow gotten her arm cut off so me and another person went to help her out but she was all casual and completely disregarded it.  So I went to the bathroom to text my other friend that we probably should take her to the emergency room which was when I realized I was dreaming and then I grabbed onto the barriers of the urinal as if there was a wind pushing me out of my dream state and I was trying to hold on :P


It's definitely something that you can practice and be able to perfect and maybe lucid dream at will.  I've always wondered, what if I continuously repeated a really tough song on the piano or something in my dream so much so that I could play it/or at least play it somewhat accurately in real life? In dreams, I'm pretty sure, for example, the parts of your brain that are active while you're walking are also somewhat active while you're walking in a dream. So, if practice is simply repeating an action so that neurons in your brain wire a certain way (this I know for certain is true) so that it eventually becomes natural, in theory, practicing in a dream state should have some effect on that ability when you wake up.



True, but there are other methods for dream stabilization for staying Lucid, like rubbing your hands togeather, using your senses, grabbing onto an object, closing you're eyes and spinning, etc. Are good methods for stabilizing your dream, and if you keep a dream journal, those help you also for recognizing Dream Signs which can help you recognize you're dreaming. Like if I see something in a dream that I don't see in real life. It can possibly mean that I'm dreaming. Well you know. It's a cool experience. Also with reality checks, those can help as well. Like nose plug, pushing fingers through the palm of your hand, etc.

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I heard about this a while ago. Looked into it but haven't actually done it. It sounds really great and I want to do it at some point.


So OP(or anyone else), what lucid dreams have you had? Wanna share anything? If I ever had one of these I'd probably try using telekinesis shape shifting.

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oh boy... I haven't really had a LD in a while... and I really don't think they're as awesome as my regular dreams are :P


For me it was mostly summoning things (wink), though I would sometimes explore the dreamscape... usually it would be a familiar place (say, my house) but things would be slightly different, say I wake up in my bedroom but it's slightly bigger and there's more stuff in it, and my bed is in a different place... I'd describe it as like being an early version of a videogame level.


My most memorable dream was where I had a false awakening and everything was black.  Even turning on the light didn't help.  Turns out it's night out, so I get to my hallway, and it's about twice as long as it is in real life.  And has bookshelves on both sides where in real life it has neither.  I look out the window on the side and there's also bookshelves outside.  So I float through the window :o and get to them.  Then I start flying around my house, and I see a shed with a bell on top :P


So I get to the bell and it's a wireframe bell :P  I then fly around to the other side of my house and fly into the living room.  I then wake up :P



Not so sure why this is memorable to me.  From a dream standpoint it's quite boring.

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It's definitely something that you can practice and be able to perfect and maybe lucid dream at will.  I've always wondered, what if I continuously repeated a really tough song on the piano or something in my dream so much so that I could play it/or at least play it somewhat accurately in real life? In dreams, I'm pretty sure, for example, the parts of your brain that are active while you're walking are also somewhat active while you're walking in a dream. So, if practice is simply repeating an action so that neurons in your brain wire a certain way (this I know for certain is true) so that it eventually becomes natural, in theory, practicing in a dream state should have some effect on that ability when you wake up.

My father claims he learned how to drive a manual transmission car this way. While I'm not sure I believe him (if you cant drive one, how will your brain properly recreate one?), if true it definitely goes with your hypothesis.


I've never had a lucid dream before, but I'd love to have one. I've heard that if you become aware that you are and think your slipping, the best thing to do is spin. Has something to do with how your eyes move back and forth in rem sleep. 

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oh boy... I haven't really had a LD in a while... and I really don't think they're as awesome as my regular dreams are :P


For me it was mostly summoning things (wink), though I would sometimes explore the dreamscape... usually it would be a familiar place (say, my house) but things would be slightly different, say I wake up in my bedroom but it's slightly bigger and there's more stuff in it


I agree with you, and I haven't heard from you in awhile. :P Well I have the same problem here. When I tend to have FA's or Lucids in my dreams. My room looks bigger and wider as well which is really odd because it isn't like this in real life. Everything feels like it's been "stretched" if you know what I mean. And it's mostly dark and you're vision looks blurry in the dream. It's quite odd how you're house and you're room looks different than it does in real life. If you wanna watch a movie on dreams and Lucid Dreams I suggest watching Waking Life, it's worth it. :) Or if anyone hasn't seen it I highly reccomend it.

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