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Something very weird happened

That 1001th Person

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No, this isn't like my "I'm in danger" topic, this is just something just happened. 


So, I was listening to dubstep (Awesome to the Max by Ephixa) and then all of sudden, the lights started flicking. My first reaction was to ask my parents what was going on (now I'm thinking the music was too awesome). They said it was the weather. Me, thinking it was snow, got disproved by my parents saying, "It's the wind". Only problem is, I would have heard the wind blustering against my window. I have no idea what could have happened. Could of the electricity really malfunctioned because of the wind? Or did something spiritual happen in some kind of way? What do you think?

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Yeah, power lines can be affected by wind. My dad being an electrician, he's must've gone over it with my mom 500 million times because it happens quite often where I live. Cool thing is, my dad is working on a product to stop stuff like that from happening. :)

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Yeah, power lines can be affected by wind. My dad being an electrician, he's must've gone over it with my mom 500 million times because it happens quite often where I live. Cool thing is, my dad is working on a product to stop stuff like that from happening. :)

That sounds like it could be really useful. Aren't power outages usually caused by trees falling on the power lines and not by the wind itself though? That seems to be the case where I live.

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It means, BEN is coming and you shouldn't have done that. Quick better get your self some sphagettei ready. Wait wrong game. XD Ironically I just think you're paranoid, I don't think nothing bad or spirtual is happening, probably just a power surge.

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