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Really weird actor/object/variables going on in Kakariko Village



I was shifting around actors in Kakariko village today, and I noticed that there was an object/group for kokiri in the village. I was all like...cool, free group to get rid of!


So I replace the Kokiri (00C5) with the horse group (0027). I save, go to see if my changes were made properly and all that.


Anju is now gone from my village.


I was confused at first, thinking I must have overwritten her group (0110) by mistake. I check my editor and realize that no, that group was still there. So I do some testing and come to find out, Anju will not spawn unless the Kokiri AND her own numbers are there.


Anyone have any idea why this occurs?

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Object 0x00C5 is the file object_os_anime, which contains animations (and hierarchies? not sure) used by several different actors, not just the Kokiri. I take it she uses that file for her animations and/or hierarchy and doesn't load if it's not loaded as well.


See also http://www.spinout182.com/mqd/ and the objects page in particular.


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