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The Bomb Bag gave me all the items. Help.



Okay, here's the deal.


My idea for my mod was to start out, get the emerald, go see zelda, then after some events, you find you can't get into Dodongo's Cavern. The idea is to go forward in time right after the emerald, because the door of time has been broken by Ganondorf, so you have access right to the master sword.


Then you have to beat the forest temple to go back in time and open the cave to progress as adult link, ect.


BUT. When I was doing some testing on this, I got the master sword, spawned a chest in Hyrule Field with a bomb bag to make testing easier and when I picked up the item, ALL of my items are now in my inventory.


....what the hell happened? Is this because of the master quest rom itself doing some weirdness (I'm on file 2), or is this actually part of the game coding itself. I really would like this idea to work, but I certainly can't have my players get everything they need.


Pictures of said everything (Before I only had the fairy ocarina and greyed-out bombs from the adult reset that happens when you go forward in time the first place):




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It's part of the coding. If you already have a Bomb Bag in your inventory the game wants to add 20 Bombs to that spot in your inventory (I have the means to change what item you receive from the Bomb Bag but eh... who's really going to use that?)


But because something is already occupying that spot the game doesn't know what to do and I guess it writes an FF to that value thereby giving you all items? I know this is the problem because the Bomb Bag is in the place where the Hookshot should be and that corresponds with my various tests in that matter.


EDIT: However you mention specifically that these items appear when you go back in time with an empty inventory, how intriguing... I knew about the Kokiri Sword being put on Link, but I did not know about these other values that seem to appear... let me look into it. I may find the way to prevent that from happening in the first place.

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The Bomb Bag only and it's because it's a special item. It is the Only item in the game which adds not just the Equipment signifier (Bomb Bag) but also the Inventory item (Bombs). Why they handled it like this when they didn't do so with Deku Seeds or Arrows is absolutely beyond me.


As I said in my edit above, I will look into this and see if I can't turn off the Auto-gain items from the future-to-past transition.

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Okay....whew. So much weirdness


We did some route testing to how you would actually get there. I got the Goron bracelet, Zelda's Lullaby, Saria's Song, Zelda's Letter, Fairy Ocarina, and of course light medallion. And I picked up three deku sticks. This might matter, I have no idea.


We blew up the entrance to dodongo's cavern to test getting the bombs in there instead of in the field.




I didn't get everything that time. Hover boots did appear though, but not in the regular slot of course.


So...according to how I want this to work, the people playing this then shouldn't get all the items....but what the crap made all the items appear in the first place?

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Hmm, this is  rather strange, but with using file 1, if you set all of your equipment items to 00, only the Hover Boots remain in the top left position. Bizarre. I think that it is something only with file 1 though. The other file also reads 00000000 at default, but it does not have Hover Boots (obviously) Hopefully I'll be able to report more soon.


EDIT: Let's see going back in time gave me no items, as expected it forced the Kokiri Sword to be equipped which makes sense. Yet here's an oddity, going back in time seemed to clear that odd Hover Boots dealing from my equipment screen. That was nice of the game. 


It did not give me any other item. Let's see if going forward in time will do anything in regards to that...


Oh wait it only appears as an adult...? Oh this is starting to hurt my head.


Okay so after extensive testing it seems that the game doesn't care if you have the greyed out bombs on C (why that happens in the first place is a little beyond me. It may deal something with taking off child only items and putting on adult viable items). Hover Boots is... oddly enough the Default for Adult Link, ordinarily you would see the Deku Seed Bag there greyed out as an adult but if you never add it, it will appear as a pair of Hover Boots (possibly a hint of something beta they intended?)

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Okay, here's the deal.


My idea for my mod was to start out, get the emerald, go see zelda, then after some events, you find you can't get into Dodongo's Cavern. The idea is to go forward in time right after the emerald, because the door of time has been broken by Ganondorf, so you have access right to the master sword.


Then you have to beat the forest temple to go back in time and open the cave to progress as adult link, ect.


BUT. When I was doing some testing on this, I got the master sword, spawned a chest in Hyrule Field with a bomb bag to make testing easier and when I picked up the item, ALL of my items are now in my inventory.


....what the hell happened? Is this because of the master quest rom itself doing some weirdness (I'm on file 2), or is this actually part of the game coding itself. I really would like this idea to work, but I certainly can't have my players get everything they need.


Pictures of said everything (Before I only had the fairy ocarina and greyed-out bombs from the adult reset that happens when you go forward in time the first place):

Hmm... Here's what you can do. You could just remove the Door of Time because Link can't get to Hyrule anyway without getting the Emerald.

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Hmm... Here's what you can do. You could just remove the Door of Time because Link can't get to Hyrule anyway without getting the Emerald.

There's about three different ways you can escape the forest without the emerald. I did one of them just for faster testing so I wouldn't have to go through Deku Tree. But yeah, I will be having the door broken (off to the side).

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There's about three different ways you can escape the forest without the emerald. I did one of them just for faster testing so I wouldn't have to go through Deku Tree. But yeah, I will be having the door broken (off to the side).

Yeah, I just saw your other post with the Door of Time screen shot. lol It looks like Ganondorf was like, "These nice people spent an awful lot of time making this Door of Time, so I don't want to break it while invading the Sacred Realm."

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oddly enough the Default for Adult Link, ordinarily you would see the Deku Seed Bag there greyed out as an adult but if you never add it, it will appear as a pair of Hover Boots (possibly a hint of something beta they intended?)


This is probably a result of the game trying to read data that isn't present. Normally you have two different sprites for item icons; one usable, the other being the grayed out unusable one. My guess is that it's trying to call for the grayed-out sprite of the current bullet bag since the player doesn't have the quiver yet, but since there's also no bullet bag, it loads the next smallest index number which would be the Hover Boots. I seriously doubt it's beta. Just thought I'd point that out.


As for your problems with some items appearing in random places, giadrosich, my best guess is that this is a result of the game reassigning your default Adult Link equipment set (iirc Ocarina of Time on C-right, bombs on C-down and deku nuts on C-left) which in turn forces a check for sprites that aren't there, as described above. You could probably fix this with a basic assembly hack, but I'm not sure how you'd go about that.

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That makes sense. Thanks for that insight Naxylldritt. I managed to locate how the game puts the Master Sword into your inventory along with how it automatically equips to you a while back. So finding the forced items should not be that difficult of a matter. I'll start there then.


EDIT: Well. That was easy. All of the "Force items" code is in one nice little bundle. 


In RAM -


84782 - Master Sword being Auto-Put on B (003C)

84792 - Deku Nuts equipped to Left C (0001)

847A2 - Possibly what's on A? Very difficult to say. Not important for this.

847B2 - Bombs equipped to Down C (0002)



Still looking for the Fairy Ocarina... it doesn't seem to be in the same exact manner as the others.


EDIT 2: 


847B6 - The forced Equipment (If Link has a Hylian Shield?) for Link upon entering the Chamber of Sages and meeting Rauru. (1122) 1 - Kokiri Boots, 1 Kokiri Tunic, 2 Master Sword, 2, Hylian Shield.


Unfortunately though I cannot seem to find how the Ocarina is put onto the Left C Button since even though there is a 0x0007 changing it appears to do nothing. If you do not have an Ocarina though it will not automatically be equipped when you become an Adult anyway.


However I am confident that in this chunk of code is all the dealings of what becoming Adult Link entails.




Well except for seemingly Adult Link himself. But the game seems to do a check at every map load to see what age Link is, which makes sense.


Oh found it. I just Read on the Young Link Byte, pulled the Master Sword, jumped through Ganondorf's scene and it is just that the Ocarina business is dealt in a little bit of a different manner. 


It looks at the value currently in that position in this case 847AC-  924D007B - which tells the game to look at what is in a certain register (currently the start of Link's data 15E660), then add 7B to it and extract that value and place it into Right C.


So I found where the game puts in the byte (or rather removes it) to make Link into Adult Link but unfortunately that's only one part of it. It would appear that his model is loaded before the age switch so changing just the age switch for that particular occurence still makes Link glitch out in the same manner as using the "Press this to switch ages" code.


I wouldn't know how to proceed from there, but that particular byte is at 8EB74

Edited by Three_Pendants
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Yeah, I just saw your other post with the Door of Time screen shot. lol It looks like Ganondorf was like, "These nice people spent an awful lot of time making this Door of Time, so I don't want to break it while invading the Sacred Realm."


XD The image of that made me laugh. Yeah, using rubble is a good idea, pendants, thanks, I didn't know that wasn't part of the environment. XD

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Oh right, before I forget you mentioned that you were having problems with putting up with cutscenes (particularly Saria's) over and over and over... well if you press L in any cutscene you will have free movement and can just walk on by without consequence.


And finally, if you want to have blank C buttons (except Ocarina spot, because if you don't have the Ocarina it just puts FF (Nothing) into your Left C Button) just change what is below to 00FF.


In ROM...


0xAFB922 - 003C - Master Sword being put on B

0xAFB932 - 0001 - Deku Nuts being put on Left C

0xAFB94C - 007B - (Item in 15E6DB put onto Right C - This is actually very interesting. It shows that they may have intended you not to have the OoT when you first used the Master Sword, because there is no reason that this shouldn't read just whatever the OoT's item number is rather than extracting the byte from what is in that area)

0xAFB952 - 0002 - Bombs being on Down C

0xAFB956 - 1122 - Forced equipment from first time age transfer. I cannot recall if the game gives you a Hylian Shield automatically if you do not have one.)



Hope this helps!

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Oh right, before I forget you mentioned that you were having problems with putting up with cutscenes (particularly Saria's) over and over and over... well if you press L in any cutscene you will have free movement and can just walk on by without consequence.


And finally, if you want to have blank C buttons (except Ocarina spot, because if you don't have the Ocarina it just puts FF (Nothing) into your Left C Button) just change what is below to 00FF.


In ROM...


0xAFB922 - 003C - Master Sword being put on B

0xAFB932 - 0001 - Deku Nuts being put on Left C

0xAFB94C - 007B - (Item in 15E6DB put onto Right C - This is actually very interesting. It shows that they may have intended you not to have the OoT when you first used the Master Sword, because there is no reason that this shouldn't read just whatever the OoT's item number is rather than extracting the byte from what is in that area)

0xAFB952 - 0002 - Bombs being on Down C

0xAFB956 - 1122 - Forced equipment from first time age transfer. I cannot recall if the game gives you a Hylian Shield automatically if you do not have one.)



Hope this helps!

I appreciate it! This'll help for sure if I can do this right!


Also, with the pressing L, do you need all 4 controllers plugged in or is this on just the first controller?

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The first controller should do the trick. There's a few simple Debug controls you can take advantage of in normal testing. D-pad - Left and L will put you in "free movement mode" where Link will freeze up and you press A to elevate him, B to lower him, and the directional pads to move him about. And if you want to go back to normal movement just hit D-pad Left and L again.

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0xAFB956 - 1122 - Forced equipment from first time age transfer. I cannot recall if the game gives you a Hylian Shield automatically if you do not have one.)


Last I checked it doesn't, I remember doing a shieldless run a while back and I want to say the game was consistent in not giving me a Hylian Shield when I got the Master Sword.


I appreciate it! This'll help for sure if I can do this right!


Also, with the pressing L, do you need all 4 controllers plugged in or is this on just the first controller?


The page I linked to earlier in this thread has a great listing of all the debugging controls in the game, you should give it a look.

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Hmm, that would hint then that there must be a version without that of simple 1102 then... I'll take a look and see if I might have missed it around that section. Thanks Naxylldritt.


EDIT: Even turning into an Adult without the Hylian Shield the game still references this area since I tried an experiment and went forward without a shield and changed the 1122 to 2200 and I was equipped with the Goron Tunic and Iron Boots (though only equipped with them, I did not actually have them in my inventory). Changing it to 2230 changed nothing. The game seems to be noting somehow that you go into the future without a Shield (or at least a Hylian Shield). Hah. Some pretty good programming there. As for how it is taking note of this, I am not entirely sure, but its a non issue. If for whatever reason you wanted the player to go into the future with something other than default equipment, that's the ticket.

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