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Ancient Desktop Thread


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We have a desktop thread, where we post screenshots of our current desktops... but what about ones from years before that might still lurk on your HDDs or webspace or so? Let me show you some 800x600 goodness from almost 9 years ago, which still were on my members.aol.com account until they closed the service for good a few years ago.


From either February 3rd or March 2nd 2004 - probably the first as Mozilla Firebird was renamed to Firefox on February 9th 2004 with v0.8 - according to the original filename:


Posted Image


Going by the same logic, this should be from March 4th 2004 (featuring Firefox):


Posted Image


...while this is, for sure, from August 27th 2004:


Posted Image


I don't think I can go back any further. I do remember one specific desktop screenshot I took (2002 maybe?) that had a somewhat messed up screenshot of one of the Child Link dungeons from OoT, as played by Daedalus v0.07b or so, with some replacement shell, uh, replacing the normal Windows task bar... That screenshot's probably been lost to time, tho.


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