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Tainted Link Textures


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Tainted Link Textures.


These were actually Zeth's Magic Armour Link textures that I modified a bit.


Still can't get the gauntlet textures to work. I'm quite irritated by the fact that despite they are placed in the correct locations, they do not function. Why?!


Anyway, here's Tainted Link.


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A close-up of Tainted Link's face. Notice his crimson gaze.



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Tainted Link playing his Ocarina.



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Tainted Link just walking like a bad-ass.



And those are the screenshots, folks. Any questions?

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Indeed; Texture packs aren't really a good thing to release with a mod patch. They kind of get obscured, and quite frankly, it's annoying to switch video plugins.


A tool called ZLE2, and I think there are other little things, an example on Maco are tools by SoulofDeity can aid in injecting textures, although they will not be hi-resolution.

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Indeed; Texture packs aren't really a good thing to release with a mod patch. They kind of get obscured, and quite frankly, it's annoying to switch video plugins.


A tool called ZLE2, and I think there are other little things, an example on Maco are tools by SoulofDeity can aid in injecting textures, although they will not be hi-resolution.

Now how would a person make a patch, anyway?

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Via a program, PPF-O-MATIC. How else were you planning to release this mod; By giving people the edited ROM? That's usually a no-no.

Hm. Small details like that usually get sorted out in time; I typically deal with things one at a time. I will figure out how to make patches in time, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I've got much bigger plans than trivial stuff like that.

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Well, if it's any consolation, I've zero plans to use these textures for some Zelda fun until they're in the form of a patch(I do not, at all, like messing around with graphics plugins, as it -always- becomes a massive headache for me).


If you weren't planning on releasing these until the final mod, however, that's a different story; like you said, you'll have it worked out by then. Anyways, they look nice. Good job on the edits.

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Well, if it's any consolation, I've zero plans to use these textures for some Zelda fun until they're in the form of a patch(I do not, at all, like messing around with graphics plugins, as it -always- becomes a massive headache for me).If you weren't planning on releasing these until the final mod, however, that's a different story; like you said, you'll have it worked out by then. Anyways, they look nice. Good job on the edits.

I figured most people wouldn't want to screw around with those damn plug-ins, because, believe me, they can be very troublesome.


Anyways, these textures are only a small part of the Legend of Zelda: Tainted Blade mod. Go check out my other Tainted Blade post for info.


Still need to find out how to edit text without my game crashing all the time, because Scroll of Time strikes me as a less-than-perfect creations. It works, sometimes...


Anyway, I'll still need the help of all my new friends here at GCN to bring forth this dream of mine and make it an enjoyable, dark, yet human chapter to all of your Zelda gaming experiences. I want to share it with you guys, and I'll need help with that.


So, anyway, how would I inject textures into the game? It'd be nice to get little stuff out of the way.

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ZLE2 has a read-me/instructions file explaining how to dump and edit textures. I haven't messed around too much with it myself, but I hope to put a tutorial on it one day. But with your more advance skills, you might have better luck with it. ZLE2 and ZAP2 are really easy programs to use when you get the hang of it. I do have a ZAP2 tutorial in my video tutorial thread if you want to check that program out.


I've learned to ditch Scroll of Time, use http://www.the-gcn.com/files/file/47-oot-text-tool/. If you don't want to bother with it, like I said I'd be happy to help you out with text woes. Can add me on skype if you need to--just check my profile for the username.

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ZLE2 has a read-me/instructions file explaining how to dump and edit textures. I haven't messed around too much with it myself, but I hope to put a tutorial on it one day. But with your more advance skills, you might have better luck with it. ZLE2 and ZAP2 are really easy programs to use when you get the hang of it. I do have a ZAP2 tutorial in my video tutorial thread if you want to check that program out.


I've learned to ditch Scroll of Time, use http://www.the-gcn.com/files/file/47-oot-text-tool/. If you don't want to bother with it, like I said I'd be happy to help you out with text woes. Can add me on skype if you need to--just check my profile for the username.

The first things I ever played with were ZLE2 and ZAP2 before finding Utility of Time. Utility of Time's good if you're a very visual learner.


As for the Text Tool, something just wasn't making sense to me. I have two versions of it, lol, but it doesn't really tell you how to inject it into your ROM. Otherwise, the text would be like cake to me, just a different variation of "yummy."

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Just go to the OOT text tool command thing and it should tell you to press "i" for injecting it into the ROM, at that point just type the text file (mine is msg_bank.txt) and then it'll ask you the rom file name, and then it'll ask if it's debug rom or not. It'll have to be debug to work, from what I remember, not sure. At that point, wait for the "done" message, press enter, and there ya go. :)

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Just go to the OOT text tool command thing and it should tell you to press "i" for injecting it into the ROM, at that point just type the text file (mine is msg_bank.txt) and then it'll ask you the rom file name, and then it'll ask if it's debug rom or not. It'll have to be debug to work, from what I remember, not sure. At that point, wait for the "done" message, press enter, and there ya go. :)

Yeah, did all that stuff. It gave me some freaky jazz.

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The text



file that's produced when you extract the text from the rom, and it should save it as msg_bank as default. Be sure to type the .txt part or it won't work.

Oh, damn, lol, I actually typed in the individual message number and it's code... xD Text editing suddenly became possible. :)

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XD It's okay, yeah, you can edit a whole bunch of stuff at a time and just inject it right into the rom

Wait a second-- I just got an issue. Characters are speaking lines that aren't theirs-- not only that, but those messages are in bits and peices.

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Go home, Sheik, you're drunk.


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Seriously, though, something went wrong with the text edit. These aren't the lines written, lol, but this wasn't as bad as when Rauru said, "Link... Asdfghjk!!" Which also wasn't my doing. What's wrong with this thing?

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