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Background Music Editing Only Works For Kid Link



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You can just load it up and see. If all else fails, if it's music, changing all the headers wouldn't be a problem. Though typically, 0x0 is the scene for Child, while most others are for Adult. Note that not all scenes have this, only ones with scene changes (like Kakariko Village).

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You can just load it up and see. If all else fails, if it's music, changing all the headers wouldn't be a problem. Though typically, 0x0 is the scene for Child, while most others are for Adult. Note that not all scenes have this, only ones with scene changes (like Kakariko Village).

I mean, I've always made sure maps I've modded went for Adult Link, (I look for actors present only when Adult Link is there), and it just doesn't seem to want to work. I've used just about every version of Utility of Time that supports the background music feature. I'll give it a few more tries, though.

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When you open the file, does the old value show up again? Because if it does, it's a saving issue with UoT.

It couldn't be a saving issue, because collision and actors are saved and the level is playable.


For example, I've modded Kokiri Forest to have Wolfos in it, made the pool deeper, made the level cloudy (as opposed to having clear skies), and changed the music. All changes save for music made it to the ROM.

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I made quite a few changes to kid scenes in my mod long ago. I used a hex editor though UoT was...well...whats the word for it...

We will just say it was useful at the time but had certain faults that drove me bonkers so I eventually moved away from it for everything but actor placement.


Remember with UoT, once you save, close it and reopen it. I found (at least with the version at the time) once you saved, if you saved again without closing it, your scene would be corrupt and unusable.


OK here is what little I contributed to the OoT hacking community long ago (or at least at the time no one seemed to know these things):


**Copied and pasted from their original resting place**


Adding music to rooms that have none (such as the hidden and debug rooms):


As far as I know, this is completely new. No one I asked had the answer to this. For rooms like 119 and the bamboo grass test, there was no music. Even if you edited the correct byte (7th or Fth) it never happened. Now I got it to work. Here is what I did:
1) open the zscene file in a hex editor
2) if the first byte is 15
   a) change the 6th byte to 13 and the 7th byte to the song value (it may be the Fth byte for the song so    
3) if the first byte is 18
   a) change the 7th byte to 70 and the 8th byte to 15 now edit the Fth byte to a song value
Back up your work just in case ppl. And try 02 for the music byte to start off with. Its Hyrule field and I figured it is one youll easily recognize.
Credit goes to me, and DeathBasket for telling me the music byte is either the 7th or Fth. Have fun!


A method for custom music in OoT
EDIT: I have decided to link to it, so feel free to do so as well.
I dont know if this is new, but I have never read about it anywhere else, and my posts have gone unanswered in many different forums, so I assume it isnt common knowledge. This really isnt so much a fix as it is a work around. I needed to port music into OoT from MM and was having instrumental issues. The song would play but the instruments would be out of whack. Imagine a song you know and replace guitars with piano, it doesnt sound the same does it?
That being said, I was using Messiaen's importer and ripper to get and insert the songs from MM into OoT and when i would insert them just to hear what they sounded like, they always sounds good. But, when I inserted them into other maps/scenes, the instrument issues would come back. I then noticed that when I was just listening to them, I was inserting them at 03 - 17 and there appears to be no deviation from the default instruments at these locations. But if you go higher, which everything but Hyrule field does, the music was off.
Therefore the way to import music into OoT while preserving the instruments that you normally hear, insert the music from 3-17, which have no documented use in the game, and go to the zscene in a hex editor. Look for either the 7th or 15th byte (thanks to DeathBasket for giving me these locations) and replace it with 03 - 17 (whichever music you want played).
If you want a list ofthe default music locations open up a map/scene in UoT and go to level options and click the ? mark next to a text box it will bring them up for you. 
A big thanks to punk7890 from GlitchKill and Naxylldritt from Zeth's forum. While they did not help me solve this directly, they always provided insight when i needed it.
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I made quite a few changes to kid scenes in my mod long ago. I used a hex editor though UoT was...well...whats the word for it...

We will just say it was useful at the time but had certain faults that drove me bonkers so I eventually moved away from it for everything but actor placement.


Remember with UoT, once you save, close it and reopen it. I found (at least with the version at the time) once you saved, if you saved again without closing it, your scene would be corrupt and unusable.


OK here is what little I contributed to the OoT hacking community long ago (or at least at the time no one seemed to know these things):


**Copied and pasted from their original resting place**


Adding music to rooms that have none (such as the hidden and debug rooms):


As far as I know, this is completely new. No one I asked had the answer to this. For rooms like 119 and the bamboo grass test, there was no music. Even if you edited the correct byte (7th or Fth) it never happened. Now I got it to work. Here is what I did:
1) open the zscene file in a hex editor
2) if the first byte is 15
   a) change the 6th byte to 13 and the 7th byte to the song value (it may be the Fth byte for the song so    
3) if the first byte is 18
   a) change the 7th byte to 70 and the 8th byte to 15 now edit the Fth byte to a song value
Back up your work just in case ppl. And try 02 for the music byte to start off with. Its Hyrule field and I figured it is one youll easily recognize.
Credit goes to me, and DeathBasket for telling me the music byte is either the 7th or Fth. Have fun!


A method for custom music in OoT
EDIT: I have decided to link to it, so feel free to do so as well.
I dont know if this is new, but I have never read about it anywhere else, and my posts have gone unanswered in many different forums, so I assume it isnt common knowledge. This really isnt so much a fix as it is a work around. I needed to port music into OoT from MM and was having instrumental issues. The song would play but the instruments would be out of whack. Imagine a song you know and replace guitars with piano, it doesnt sound the same does it?
That being said, I was using Messiaen's importer and ripper to get and insert the songs from MM into OoT and when i would insert them just to hear what they sounded like, they always sounds good. But, when I inserted them into other maps/scenes, the instrument issues would come back. I then noticed that when I was just listening to them, I was inserting them at 03 - 17 and there appears to be no deviation from the default instruments at these locations. But if you go higher, which everything but Hyrule field does, the music was off.
Therefore the way to import music into OoT while preserving the instruments that you normally hear, insert the music from 3-17, which have no documented use in the game, and go to the zscene in a hex editor. Look for either the 7th or 15th byte (thanks to DeathBasket for giving me these locations) and replace it with 03 - 17 (whichever music you want played).
If you want a list ofthe default music locations open up a map/scene in UoT and go to level options and click the ? mark next to a text box it will bring them up for you. 
A big thanks to punk7890 from GlitchKill and Naxylldritt from Zeth's forum. While they did not help me solve this directly, they always provided insight when i needed it.

"Imagine a song you know and replace guitars with piano, it doesnt sound the same does it?" I had a mental image of Yngwie Malmsteen shredding piano, even though you can't bend notes or play vibrato on a piano. xD


Anyway, thanks dude! Now all I have to do is begin learning the Hex Editor... It looks like I can't avoid it forever, huh?

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Not really. A Hex editor isnt hard to use and as long as you stick to being careful, you will be fine. Just take your time and learn it slowly.

Okay, I changed the background music for Hyrule Field, but it didn't work. It's still the same song. What the Hell?


How do I change it?

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Alrighty, I guess this is where you should probably get acquainted with the format of maps and scenes. Back when haddockd gave those little tips he didn't exactly know about the formats and the scene/map "header commands"... so I'm guessing that you're probably modifying the wrong things. Visit this page and follow along with everything that I'm saying: http://wiki.spinout182.com/w/Maps_and_Scenes


To start with, open up your scene file in a hex editor. We'll be looking for the 0x15 scene header command. The thing about scene/map header commands is that they are always 8 bytes in length. So you'll want to scan the beginning of the scene file for a 0x15 every 8 bytes. If you encounter a 0x14 on one of those bytes then you've gone too far. You should be able to find a 0x15 command since scenes are required to have a music command to even be playable.


Once you find it we'll change the track number. Every scene/map header command contains their own different "parameters" or "arguments". In the case of the 0x15 music command, this is it's layout:


15 XX 00000000 YY ZZXX - ReverbYY - Playback optionsZZ - track number
We'll only be wanting to pay attention to the "ZZ" argument of the 0x15 command (located 7 bytes away from the 0x15). Changing that part to the desired track number should be all that is needed. Remember that everything is in hexidecimal.


Now do this for every scene header in the scene file.

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Alrighty, I guess this is where you should probably get acquainted with the format of maps and scenes. Back when haddockd gave those little tips he didn't exactly know about the formats and the scene/map "header commands"... so I'm guessing that you're probably modifying the wrong things. Visit this page and follow along with everything that I'm saying: http://wiki.spinout182.com/w/Maps_and_Scenes


To start with, open up your scene file in a hex editor. We'll be looking for the 0x15 scene header command. The thing about scene/map header commands is that they are always 8 bytes in length. So you'll want to scan the beginning of the scene file for a 0x15 every 8 bytes. If you encounter a 0x14 on one of those bytes then you've gone too far. You should be able to find a 0x15 command since scenes are required to have a music command to even be playable.


Once you find it we'll change the track number. Every scene/map header command contains their own different "parameters" or "arguments". In the case of the 0x15 music command, this is it's layout:

15 XX 00000000 YY ZZXX - ReverbYY - Playback optionsZZ - track number
We'll only be wanting to pay attention to the "ZZ" argument of the 0x15 command (located 7 bytes away from the 0x15). Changing that part to the desired track number should be all that is needed. Remember that everything is in hexidecimal.


Now do this for every scene header in the scene file.

Where is this "Scene Header Command"? I just see lots of numbers. I don't see a 0X15 anywhere...

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"0x" is a prefix to tell you that it's a hexidecimal number :P I could just write "15 in hex" but I prefer to just put that prefix. 0x15 = 15 in hexidecimal.


Basically, I'm telling you to look for a 15 after every 8 bytes with the beginning of the file being where you should start at. You would go like this...


"Is the first byte (offset 0x0) 15? Nope."

"Is the the ninth byte (offset 0x8) 15? Nope."

"Is the seventeenth byte (offset 0x10) 15? Nope."

"Is the twentyfifth byte (offset 0x18) 15? Yes!"


Because every command is 8 bytes long, you would look at the first value of every 8 bytes. If that value is 14 then you've reached the end of the scene header.

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"0x" is a prefix to tell you that it's a hexidecimal number :P I could just write "15 in hex" but I prefer to just put that prefix. 0x15 = 15 in hexidecimal.Basically, I'm telling you to look for a 15 after every 8 bytes with the beginning of the file being where you should start at. You would go like this..."Is the first byte (offset 0x0) 15? Nope.""Is the the ninth byte (offset 0x8) 15? Nope.""Is the seventeenth byte (offset 0x10) 15? Nope.""Is the twentyfifth byte (offset 0x18) 15? Yes!"Because every command is 8 bytes long, you would look at the first value of every 8 bytes. If that value is 14 then you've reached the end of the scene header.

How many 15's are there? There's just one per scene file, right?

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Well, there's only one 0x15 command per scene header. The arguments of some commands could even contain the value ot 0x15... That's why look for a 0x15 after every 8 bytes. After the header there could be any number of occurences of 0x15. The 0x14 command signals the end of the header. For more commands, follow the link I posted awhile back.


Here's another tutorial that a friend made if you don't quite understand me: https://sites.google.com/site/flotonic65/modding/n64zeldatut/mc

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Well, there's only one 0x15 command per scene header. The arguments of some commands could even contain the value ot 0x15... That's why look for a 0x15 after every 8 bytes. After the header there could be any number of occurences of 0x15. The 0x14 command signals the end of the header. For more commands, follow the link I posted awhile back.


Here's another tutorial that a friend made if you don't quite understand me: https://sites.google.com/site/flotonic65/modding/n64zeldatut/mc

This is ridiculous...

Am I looking for "15" along the *just* the FIRST column, or do I have to look in the other columns as well?

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First columns and the eighth column. I totally understand what experienced people mean when they say that it's no longer easy to explain things in simple manner for newbies.


You know what? I should probably make a video on this if you're still having trouble.

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