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So, yeah, decided it would be a fun video to make, yadda yadda... read the description. For the lazy, go die(loljk i <3 u). However, I will still quote it below the embedded video.

This music, it actually fits -very- well. I probably would have been better off using another victory theme for Kat, though. Oh well! Expect more of these to come in the future. :D


Also, just an FYI: I do not, in any way, believe PSASBR is a SSB rip-off, like so many consider it to be; rather, I am a firm believer that it took a lot of inspiration from SSB, which in the end, gave us another glorious entry in the sub-genre of fighting that SSB created and popularized.


ANYWAYS, I just thought this would be a fun video to do for kicks and giggles. Enjoy! :)

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So, yeah, decided it would be a fun video to make, yadda yadda... read the description. For the lazy, go die(loljk i <3 u). However, I will still quote it below the embedded video.

I am lol'ing at the fact his name his "Sackboy."


But, yeah, music is very important to any successful visual media, save for comic books and Manga. Notice how Soul Calibur has a beastly soundtrack.

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