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Ocarina Song Editor



So I found this program called Song Creator by petrie911 (http://glitchkill.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=tuts2&thread=4850&page=1#46166) scroll a bit down the page to see the zip download.


I've been trying to mess with it, but there aren't any instructions on it (no readme file) and I don't understand the instructions that has come with it in the command program. Has anyone used this program with good results?



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Not me. There is only the one Sanguinetti mentioned that I know of. I worked on an ocarina song creator once (a few years ago) but I never got near to finishing it.


imo the best thing would be if someone were to write a tool that could make an ocarina song using a MIDI file and reading what notes the ocarina can play from the ROM since that would be super-easy for the user. However, the note range is still really limiting and I don't remember if I found any way to stop the game crashing once you play a song after adding more notes.

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Hmm... There should be a site where all of the programmes are stored so they won't have to be searched for, buried under tons of garbage. That, I truly believe, would really make Zelda modding more accessible to more people.


There should also be clear, concise instructions with EVERYTHING to avoid confusion so that people may begin their modification journey as soon as possible.


Agreed? :D

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This is going to sound bad, but Samurai,


I have heard you complaining about numerous things and offering these "great" suggestions. But what have you actually DONE to resolve any of them? You just bash other people's hard work such as Sanguinetti but yet I haven't seen any contribution from you that was better...or even half as good as what he has.


Just me ranting and it will likely be deleted, but I had to write it.

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This is going to sound bad, but Samurai,


I have heard you complaining about numerous things and offering these "great" suggestions. But what have you actually DONE to resolve any of them? You just bash other people's hard work such as Sanguinetti but yet I haven't seen any contribution from you that was better...or even half as good as what he has.


Just me ranting and it will likely be deleted, but I had to write it.


Hmm... I appreciate the constructive criticism. I actually appreciate such direct communications. I will keep this in mind in the future.


Also, I suppose I will post some of my lesser mods for others to download and enjoy.

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That sounds awesome. I would love to see and try out your work :)


Alot of my stuff is purely cosmetic, such as my Megaton Battleaxe mod, my Biggoron's Sword mod, and Master Sword mod. Usually involves refining the weapon to look cooler.


My level mods, though, can be pretty intense. Your sword will be drawn about 87% of the time. xD


How do I make a patch and how do I post it, though?

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Use PPF studio.


Simple instructions:


Make a file name for the ppf by clicking the folder next to PPF File (output).

Go down to original file and put in the untouched rom.

Go to patched file and put in the modified rom.

Hit create ppf patch.


If you want, you can rename the file to "samuraimod.ppf", otherwise it'll just be "samuraimod" by default. I do that so I know what it is.


After that, just post it to mediafire or something, then copy the share link and post it up for others to enjoy.

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"Hope I don't sound like a jerk" I think  SanguinettiMods can make a better one. :) But that's my opinion. :) I should try this and see how it works. Haven't been on Glitchkill in awhile. Didn't Death Basket originally make this or am I thinking of someone else?

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Ah, right... I probably should have left better instructions.  They made sense to me, after all >_>.  It was actually something I made for my own use and decided to share, so I didn't think as much about usability as I should have.


Anyways, the thing is asking for the pitch of the note you want, not the button in question.  For the record, here are what numbers the buttons correspond to and the notes they produce


A - 02 (D4)

Cv - 05 (F4)

C< - 09 (A5)

C> - 11 (B5)

C^ - 14 (D5)


But this program isn't limited to just the button notes.  You can use any notes in between, too, as well as several outside that range.


I can write up an example if you like.

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As an example, let's try to make the song depicted in this video (Still Alive, from Portal).

Here's the musical sequence.

Posted Image

So, it's pretty clear we want an activation sequence of 5 notes.  The actor we want is 0009 (normal door).


So, the musical notes we have are


C5, 1/8 note

B5, 1/8 note

A5, 1/8 note

A5, 1/8 note

B5, 1/8 note

Rest, 3/4 note

D4, 1/8 note
C5, 1/8 note
B5, 1/8 note
A5, 1/8 note
A5, 1/4 note
B5, 1/8 note
Rest, 1/4 note
G4, 1/4 note
A5, 1/8 note
D4, 1/8 note



Now, we convert the pitches to a number by counting the half steps above middle C, and we convert the note lengths to a number by multiplying by 96.


12 12

11 12

9 12

9 12

11 12

192 72

2 12

12 12

11 12

9 12

9 24

11 12

192 24

7 24

9 12

2 12



Where the first number is the pitch and the second is the duration.


Now, try entering these numbers into the program.  I'd recommend using the Song of Storms, as the program has a few bugs when working with other songs.  I've been working on a fix for this.  If everything goes right, you should get something similar to the video.

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Hmm, well, I inputed the song you gave just to see how it worked, and it changed the stuff okay, everything except the song that's played after you play the song. :/ I put in everything like you said, it still played song of storms though.

That's because you would have to change that music like you would the music that plays in the background of an area like in Hyrule Field

The music value for that is "49" Song of Storms.




I know you've been gone a while, but hopefully this will help once you get back.

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