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Decipher That Phrase!

That 1001th Person

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been 2 weeks, and only sairugoth posted. Might as well say that this topic is dead. Now, let me tell you what it meant. It means, everyday (as in Monday, Tuesday, etc.) is never going to be the same the next year (an example is, today is Sunday in the US, next year, it's going to be Monday). 

Goodbye, got to go study, and do homework, and read, and fap.

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All right, well since I was the only one who posted I guess I'll make some thing that you can try to decipher.how about this!I am he who is easy, I am he who is square, I am as hard as cardboard, but can be changed with water and hot air.What am I?


(the rules never said we couldn't make our own phrase, but it did say 2 weeks until I reveal the answer)

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