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Hylian Toolbox: Continued development controversy


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Thanks for the feedback, but remember! Development won't continue unless uses post some content on Maco.


I'm sorry, I really am, but I just can't facepalm enough at this statement. Flotonic needs to change his attitude on this because it's just screaming attention seeker. Why can't he make a tool with the aim of helping out the community rather than to gain popularity from it?


That aside, I do look forward to trying this out sometime in the not-so-far future when I have the time and means to make some objects.

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I understand why SanguinettiMods (Flotonic) is saying it, but I do also see DB's point. The tools are meant to be used, but telling ppl (basically in an ultimatum or threat fashion) "use it or forever lose it" type of thing just doesnt sit right with me.


So I suppose I see both perspectives, but everyone should remember that since it is his (assuming he is a he) tool, he can pretty much do whatever he wants with it.


Although I hope SangunettiMods sees that collaboration and sharing does help the overall community and modding efforts even if some of us dont have time to apply the tool right away.



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I'm sorry, I really am, but I just can't facepalm enough at this statement. Flotonic needs to change his attitude on this because it's just screaming attention seeker. Why can't he make a tool with the aim of helping out the community rather than to gain popularity from it?


That aside, I do look forward to trying this out sometime in the not-so-far future when I have the time and means to make some objects.


My perspective on it is that he's trying to encourage people to use it, but at the same time, he doesn't want to waste time on developing something people aren't going to use. Nothing was ever said about this happening right away, so of course he's going to allow time for people to see it. If it wasn't aiming to help the community, I'm not sure as much time would've gone into it as it did. That aside, I'd rather not start any kind of argument, and I hope you enjoy using the tool. :)

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(Tapatalk keeps erroring out whenever I properly quote posts)

"I understand why SanguinettiMods (Flotonic) is saying it, but I do also see DB's point. The tools are meant to be used, but telling ppl (basically in an ultimatum or threat fashion) "use it or forever lose it" type of thing just doesnt sit right with me.


So I suppose I see both perspectives, but everyone should remember that since it is his (assuming he is a he) tool, he can pretty much do whatever he wants with it.


Although I hope SangunettiMods sees that collaboration and sharing does help the overall community and modding efforts even if some of us dont have time to apply the tool right away.




Did you just say San is Flotonic? It really, really looks like you did in the bolded parts.


In case I am not majorly misunderstanding you, they're two entirely different people, and the decision was made by the one named Flotonic.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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Pretty sure he's just saying that Sanguinetti said it in place of Flotonic. Either way, this thread is about the tool itself, not the ethics revolving around its development and release, so let's try to keep the discussion focused on that. If you guys want to make a separate topic for the former though, by all means feel free to.

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I'm sorry, I really am, but I just can't facepalm enough at this statement. Flotonic needs to change his attitude on this because it's just screaming attention seeker. Why can't he make a tool with the aim of helping out the community rather than to gain popularity from it?

Yeah I fully agree at this, I find it utterly ridiculous.

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flotonic's always kinda been like that. In his defense, every time he did something, he was ridiculed, but stepping away from his defense entirely, that's the wrong way to get the gratitude he was looking for. He's done an excellent job. But no one's going to look at it that way if he acts like a child. 

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I did in deed think that Sang was Flotonic...not that it really matters because the principles are the same.  I still stand firmly that tools made should be for the community by the community (you can tell I am heavily for open source products).

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I understand that and that isnt what is important. I think that any and all tools created for zelda should be shared with the community regardless of how many ppl actually use it in a given amount of time.


Zelda modding can come and go in waves and in the time frame Flotonic (not picking on you specifically ..it is just kind of how it fell) creates a tool, perhaps I have quite a bit going on (lets say say work, family and my thesis, and I dont have time to work on his tool right now). So I have to do without because he isnt willing to let the community work on it in my stead...seems selfish


Long story short,

Flo...I joined your forum awhile back, my account was hacked,,,and I do not feel comfortable joining again for fear of my password being stolen...



Lets  be honest with one another...someone has to take responsibility for that...



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About the password thing, that was Vexiant's thing. These forums are hosted by invisionfree again, but I'm not going to get involved wih this topic.

Yeah, it doesn't seem right to make a whole thread on one person. Seems a bit...underhanded. It's way too much gossip.


I don't agree with making this a separate topic, this is just inviting arguing and bullying. Not saying anyone would do it, but it can turn in an instant. By calling it a controversy, you are inviting more controversy. I call for deleting it. If I was flo, then I would be angry that I was even being talked about in a special thread.


It's different when it's just a passing remark here and there, I admit to doing that to. But a special thread? Really?

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Not really,. The tool thread specifically said to post on Maco.com or the tool would no longer be developed. The poster said nothing about making comments here. Maybe I misunderstood.....


I have been in the modding scene for almost ten years, so I consider myself an "oldie" here. All I am saying is create and develop the tools for the greater good of the community...not the betterment of your forum. Who cares who or when they use them. Create them, perfect them and move on...


I will say no more on the subject :)

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