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Hi everyone


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I'm ZDSKRF. I dunno if it's mandatory to introduce myself here before I ever post, so I'm sorry for posting in another topic beforehand if it is.


I don't have any modding experience whatsoever, I really only joined because it's awesome that you plan to restore URA Zelda. But I've always wanted to make a mod of Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, and who knows, I might be able to pick some stuff up here.


As a kid I heard stuff about URA Zelda being developed, and was bitterly disappointed that the 64DD was cancelled before it even left Japan. I think it's extraordinary that you're trying to recreate it, and when I get the money I plan to donate a little bit.


That's all about me pretty much...

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Guest sakura

Welcome to The-GCN!

It's not mandatory to post an introduction, it's just nice to get to know a little about our members. We have a lot of great people who will be more than happy to help if you do start a mod, I hope you enjoy your stay.

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Welcome to the GCN! There are several knowledgeable users here as well as some tutorials to get you started if you're interested in picking up modding, and if you have any questions about that or the forum itself, feel free to PM myself or any other member of administration.

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