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Custom Enemy Models or Animations


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I made this topic primarily to show off some things that can be done with the Hylian Toolbox, but I think it should also serve as topic where users post custom made enemy models (either through display list swaps with other in-game models or imported models), animations, or even actors if you have the knowledge to do so!

I guess I'll start by posting a small beta recreation of the Iron Knuckle in which it was believed to be the golden knight seen in the picture below:
Posted Image

Here's a video of the recreation!

I doubt that I'll be able to successfully replace the iron knuckle with a custom hierarchy anytime soon; there are a buttload of weird issues that come paired with it:

  • [*]Using a custom hierarchy with a different number of limbs will usually result in a crash when using PJ64 and Z-targetting. [*]Using a custom hierarchy at all will not allow you to use Adult Link in the same room as the new iron knuckle. [*]Using a custom hierarchy seems to throw off how the iron knuckle deals damage to the player. It is very hard to be dealt damage. [*]Certain limbs are set to specific display lists no matter what.

Here are my solutions:

  • [*]Nemu seems to be void of these problems. You still can't use Adult Link, though. I would recommend making sure that the hierarchies end up with the same number of limbs. [*]This probably has something to do with the actor... I really don't know how to fix this. Though it may be very possible that the model might be too detailed... [*]The very fact that you can still be dealt damage makes me think that this is fixable. Perhaps modifying the Y position of limb 0 could fix this. [*]The only way to combat this is to go into those display lists, have it jump to the display list you desire with a DE command if you want, and then end the display list with a DF command.

The fourth issue can be solved with these specific instructions... the following display lists need to be nulled out with a DF command:

0x16BE0 - Design on Neck Guard?0x16CD8 - Design on Center of Torso?0x16D88 - Design on Outsides of Torso?0x16EE8 - Design on Lower Outsides of Torso? (half)0x16F88 - Design on Lower Outsides of Torso? (half)0x17028 - Design on Shoulder Guard?0x17170 - Design on Shoulder Guard?0x19E08 - Design on Helmet?

The following display lists seem to replace limbs 11 and 12 no matter what... Here's what you do to them:

0x18E78 - HelmetE7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00DE 00 00 00 06 XX XX XXDF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00XXXXXX - Offset of display list you want to replace this limb with0x19100 - ****ed Up (Shading?) Nabooru Face (also jumps to 06019E08)E7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00DE 00 00 00 06 XX XX XXDF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00XXXXXX - Offset of display list you want to replace this limb with

As you can see, I'll probably end up not using a custom hierarchy. I won't be releasing the ZOBJ as I may want to use it in a project of mine. Unfortunately, "you can see but you can't touch" :P

One other thing, I used a program I made to be able to extract hierarchies and recalculate all pointers used to be able to move it to other offsets/objects. It isn't exactly user-friendly, but if anyone is interested I'll be glad to upload it.

EDIT: Oh! One last thing: the model was made by the old members of TBT or Forbidden Legends.

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It is so cool to see Hylian Toolbox in use. Thanks for sharing! It is terrible that the actor part of actor replacing has not been figured out yet, though (which limb does damange, for example). Either way, this looks good!


Here is a video I uploaded today:

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What a clever way to integrate Michael Jackson into the game's storyline :P


This wasn't made by the Hylian Toolbox, but do not let us forget spinout's custom Octopus ZOBJ which uses a custom model, animations, hierarchy, and actor:

I made the head and the leg sections in sketchup, exported them all individually at the origin, converted them (with a slight modification to my converter so it recycled textures), merged them, built a hierarchy/bone setup, wrote an animation editor, animated and previewed, then harnessed the blank animated actor to put it in OoT. Now it needs more animations and an AI.


animation editor (i don't expect anyone to understand how to use it, sorry guys!):





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Thanks, Samurai. I'm glad you were thoroughly impressed. LOL. :P


Here is a new replacement for Link:


I think I found my favorite topic on this site. B)



Not a Minecraft fan, but your work is extraordinary. Your skill cannot be denied. ^_^

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This might sound kinda silly, but has anyone made it possible to make BEN/Elergy of Emptiness Statue to become an enemy? I was thinking to replace Dark Link's model with his (since I like the way how Dark Link appears behind you), but I don't know how to edit/replace models yet.

That is a very interesting idea... Perhaps I'll try doing that for my 2nd replacement seeing as how it would probably take less time than my last :P
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That is a very interesting idea... Perhaps I'll try doing that for my 2nd replacement seeing as how it would probably take less time than my last :P

Thanks dude! I also edited the Dark Link description text to give a description of BEN from Navi when you lock-on Dark Link. This outa be really cool, and a little scary lol.
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