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"Master" GUI application for "all" Zelda modding apps


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I decided to create my own thread as to not clutter giadrosich's Video tut thread. Essentially, I got a little feedback on whether or not some folks think a single GUI (created by myself) would be helpful for the command line tools in use today for Zelda modding. I got a little different idea in my head (not to say the previous one wasn't awesome). I was thinking of a guide GUI that allowed users to walk through exactly what they wanted to do to their mod. For example...


Keep in mind this is VERY high level:

A main screen (where you would pick an option) asking you the main goal of your mod today. Options could include:

  • Add custom actors
  • Create a new map
  • Edit an existing map
  • Edit songs or text
  • Etc.

Once you choose a main "category" the tool would ask you a sub category or recommend the tools that perform that action (with descriptions). If the tools have public interfaces, the GUI could get all the needed info from the user and launch the app, making it easy to use. If no public interface existed, the GUI could still launch the appropriate app for the user to engage. All the readme's and/or helps could be launched from the GUI as well.


Essentially (from what I have been told) the biggest block to modding is that folks do not know which tools to use, how to use them and how to get help for them when they need it. I am proposing such a solution.


Would there be any interest in such a thing? I could do it but it is a considerable amount of work and do NOT want to waste my time if the community as a whole would not use it/find it useful.




The project would be open source, of course.

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Not very many replies but the day is still young. Without a good deal of interest I have no intentions on going forward on the project. As I create it I planned on getting alot of ppl involved. I would need input on the layout, options needed, complete list of apps, their interfaces, etc so it will indeed be a community effort. I will do all of the programming of course (unless someone wants to help). It will be in C#.NET (this means that it will be Windows only though, so sorry Linux folks...all 2% of the PC market share of you...lol)

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To tell you truth, the only people who are active in the Q&A or Modifications forums are myself, Sanguinetti, DeathBasket, and sakura from time to time. And out of us, DeathBasket and sakura tend to post inconsistently. The other people who post here are usually one-time posters who only here to get their questions answered. Indeed, most of the members on this site usually come only for the URA project and do not pay attention to other forums.


So my advice to you would be that you're simply not posting in the right forum if you want to get attention. I would recommend posting in the Community Projects section as it gets more traffic. But even then, a lot of people only pay attention to posts made by certain members (i.e. members of the URA project) and often ignore any other posts/replies.


It get's pretty frustrating when you work hard to make something and then people won't so much as glance at the thread where you showcase your work. I will admit, that is one of the reasons why I lack the motivation to do anything that can be deemed worthwhile... But you learn to get over it.



In other words, "I feel you brah."

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I personally think this is a great idea, if you could combined all the zelda editors into one, it would make zelda hacking much easier, no more going back and forth looking for which editor dose this or that. It would be really awesome if it had a setting that already had every obj, zmap and all the other data already in it, that way, you could just edit all these things and when your done you could just compress it into a rom. (just a idea though)


Just wondering, has there been any cut-seen app made?

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Re-read the first post AnimatixReels when you have a chance. It would indeed be a swiss army knife, but to be clear it would be like having a virtual guide to know which tools to use in what situation, how to use them, and the tool can even guide you on the input required (and launch the app for you).


Make sense?

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Re-read the first post AnimatixReels when you have a chance. It would indeed be a swiss army knife, but to be clear it would be like having a virtual guide to know which tools to use in what situation, how to use them, and the tool can even guide you on the input required (and launch the app for you).


Make sense?

Yes, thanks haddockd.

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I will leave this post "active" for a week. If more folks have not shown interest than there will be no need for this project. Not trying to cause any trouble, just think that if there are few posts, then there is little interest.

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There's not a whole lot of people actively modding right now (that I know of) because of lack of help with the tools. How many people do you expect to respond? If they're new, they won't even grasp what you're trying to put together (with some exceptions) and they're the people that need help the most. If you did release it, I would put it into a video tutorial format to help more people use it.


Even if a lot of people don't say "oh, want", right now, any sort of helpful tool will be used in the future. I think that if even one person benefits from hard work by other people, it's worth it. Because then you're expanding the community. By putting a fence on this already, you've limited the new people. New people is what we need. I'm constantly advocating newbie friendly tools/tutorials/anything, that way we can get more people in for modding.


As I've said before, I'm extremely interested, and now I hope that people who do want to try and mod will see this thread and post in it.

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I'll go ahead and voice my approval sheerly because this might be something to motivate me to get back into modding more regularly when I have some spare time, and I fully stand behind giadrosich's post. Even if just a handful of people are vocalizing their support, that doesn't mean they're the only ones who want it, and I would consider a program to be a useful and desirable contribution if just one person benefits from it, even if that person is just the program's author. If nothing else, it would be useful experience for you in designing an intuitive and easy-to-comprehend interface, which, as sakura has been stressing for some time now, is currently the biggest problem our tools suffer from.

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