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The King of April Fools


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*Evil laughter comes from the back, I rip the duck tape of the wall (a friend already tried that on me before in real life , duck tape on wall just doesn't work out) I laugh even more* "I didn't want to have to do this Batman, but your time is up!!!" * I grab my hair and slowly pull up, too reveal my face was actually a mask all along* "That's right Batman, I'm "The Joker" The fool of fools in the flesh, And your time is up HERO!!!" * I pull out a small box with a button on it. I press it. then a big bulldozer ball comes through the Randomness story floor of the GCN, and hits Batman, sending him out the GCN building* The Joker always wins when it comes to fooling around, dont you know this? *Evil laughter again*



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*Evil laughter comes from the back, I rip the duck tape of the wall (a friend already tried that on me before in real life , duck tape on wall just doesn't work out) I laugh even more* "I didn't want to have to do this Batman, but your time is up!!!" * I grab my hair and slowly pull up, too reveal my face was actually a mask all along* "That's right Batman, I'm "The Joker" The fool of fools in the flesh, And your time is up HERO!!!" * I pull out a small box with a button on it. I press it. then a big bulldozer ball comes through the Randomness story floor of the GCN, and hits Batman, sending him out the GCN building* The Joker always wins when it comes to fooling around, dont you know this? *Evil laughter again*



Prepare to be assimilated. Batman was almost as black as me.


-assimilates half of your body, you choose which half-

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assimilate (v.)

  1. to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust: to assimilate the new immigrants.
  2. to cause to resemble (usually followed by to or with).
  3. to compare; liken (usually followed by to or with).

Somehow I don't think you're using this word correctly.

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assimilate (v.)

  • to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust: to assimilate the new immigrants.
  • to cause to resemble (usually followed by to or with).
  • to compare; liken (usually followed by to or with).

Somehow I don't think you're using this word correctly.

a : to take in and utilize as nourishment : absorb into the system


Merriam Webster. I essentially ate the rabbit, I just used dark power to do so.

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a : to take in and utilize as nourishment : absorb into the system


Merriam Webster. I essentially ate the rabbit, I just used dark power to do so.


I thought you were some sort of Borg consciousness, assimilating all non-Borg lifeforms...


Video relevant; 


I win by default, everything else is null due to Staff.

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*jumps through the window of the GCN building and duct tapes Mellows complete body and lets him hang outside of the building* That's worth a ban. *then runs over to ZDSKRF and gives him a bunny* there you have you're god damn bunny, now gtfo! *points finger at sariugoth*  And  you, YOU! Put back on your mask, you're ugly as hell. *kicks him square in the nuts* And that's for kicking me out of the building! *stares at Mr. Popo* ...You're the scariest motherf***er I have ever seen.

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*jumps through the window of the GCN building and duct tapes Mellows complete body and lets him hang outside of the building* That's worth a ban. *then runs over to ZDSKRF and gives him a bunny* there you have you're god damn bunny, now gtfo! *points finger at sariugoth*  And  you, YOU! Put back on your mask, you're ugly as hell. *kicks him square in the nuts* And that's for kicking me out of the building! *stares at Mr. Popo* ...You're the scariest motherf***er I have ever seen.

Damn right.

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