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Implementing the Master GUI - INITIAL MOCKUP exe READY!


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If you wanted me to, I could make it so that ZAO-ADD takes command-line arguments. I wouldn't know how how your GUI would automatically know how many maps a specific scene has or how many actors/objects are already within it though.


My program would still give you an error and close without making an modifications the ROM, but, like I said, I don't know how your program would know how many maps are in a specific scene, etc to avoid having my program spit out an error in the first place.


Maybe I could have an argument that spits out information about the scene's map count and actor/object count for each map?

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Any command inputs or output messages you could add would be helpful. It is, of course, up to the authors if they choose to. Otherwise I would not really be able to help the users (other than opening the app and the help file perhaps).

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Looks cool so far, however in the OOT Text/Scroll of time section, cutscenes is spelled custscenes. Very minor, but hey, it's a thing. Overall, I'm liking the approach to this, it's very user friendly.


I must mention though that the "manual text editing how to" does link to a video that shows how to decompress a rom as well as using hex editing. To provide less confusion, I can make a new video specifically dealing with the debug rom if need be, otherwise, I would specify that one doesn't have to go through the process of decompressing the already-decompressed rom if people are using this. It might cause confusion, especially to those who don't know the difference.


Let me know which is easier for you to implement.

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The text bank isn't compressed anyway (for any version) so a video shouldn't need to show how to decompress a ROM to edit the text...


@haddockd I haven't got a chance to look at this yet but maybe I can tomorrow or something if I get enough work done. I'll see if I can find anything that needs changing or adding when I get the chance.

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The text bank isn't compressed anyway (for any version) so a video shouldn't need to show how to decompress a ROM to edit the text...


@haddockd I haven't got a chance to look at this yet but maybe I can tomorrow or something if I get enough work done. I'll see if I can find anything that needs changing or adding when I get the chance.

It was how I was first taught to edit text....and it's a very old video.

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OK so this is going to take SIGNIFICANTLY longer than expected...apparently many of these applications use relative paths which means they wont be storing information silently in their own respective directories, they want to look for it in the relative root because they are being invoked by my application. This means I am going to have to add an ini system (which is going to suck).

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OK, so I started implementing all of the executables and am about halfway done (the jar file was hard to deal with programmatically...eyes Airikita). Implementing the ini reader and the logic to dummy proof this thing was a pita, but I think it will be well worth it once it is finished (which hopefully will be in the VERY near future).

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HUGE amounts of progress tonight. I added a TON of features and all I have left to implement is the Objects area so I s*should* be able to release a version 1.0 tomorrow. Keep in mind you should expect issues and errors just let me know how exactly you got them and I will do my best to fix them in a timely fashion.

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How do these sound as arguments for ZAO-ADD, haddockd?



-s [sCENE NUMBER] : Specify a scene number (if used as the only argument, it'll return the number of maps as a string)

-m [MAP NUMBER] : Specify a map number and doesn't return anything if it is the last argument (use in conjunction with -s)

-a : Returns the amount of actors in the specified map as a string (use in conjuction with -s and -m)

-o : Returns the amount of objects in the specified map as a string (use in conjunction with -s and -m)

-aa [ACTOR ADD] : Specify the amount of actors to add (use in conjunction with -s and -m)

-ao [OBJECT ADD] : Specify the amount of objects to add (use in conjunction with -s and -m)

-off [OFFSET] : Manually specify an offset to inject at (use in conjunction with -s, -m, and -aa/-ao)

-ft : Try to fix file table offsets if possible (use in conjunction with -s, -m, -aa/-ao, and/or -off).



For example, say you wanted to find out how many maps were in scene 109:

ZAO-ADD.exe -s 109


Say you wanted to find out how many actors were in scene 109 map 0 (the same could be applied for objects using the -o argument):

ZAO-ADD.exe -s 109 -m 0 -a


Say you wanted to add 2 actors to the actor list in scene 109 map 0 (the same could be applied for objects using the -ao argument):

ZAO-ADD.exe -s 109 -m 0 -aa 2


Say you wanted to add 2 actors to the actor list in scene 109 map 0 and inject the map at 0x35CE040:

ZAO-ADD.exe -s 109 -m 0 -aa 2 -off 0x35CE040


Say you wanted to try to fix the file table entry as well:

ZAO-ADD.exe -s 109 -m 0 -aa 2 -off 0x35CE040 -ft


How does that sound, haddockd? You could take the strings that program returns to set up bounds of some sort in your GUI. 


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Holy Donkey Balls Batman!...lol


Fantastic. I already implemented ZAO...but now I will re-implement it because this is awesome. Thanks Jason777.


I had a hypothetical upgrade path from xDan, but never heard if it was official...


*Eyes xDan*...lol

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For those awaiting this, I wanted to let you know that I am still working on it when I can. I have spent more time on "dummy-proofing" the GUI as much as possible. All I have left to implement is the objects section (and to tweak ZAP2 and ZLE2 now that I have the source).


So look for a first release soon!

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