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Custom Enemy/Boss



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It's been done before. A long time ago, someone made a custom slug monster in the temple of time. I think it was spinout...

It must have been hard, because there isn't another one floating around interwebs


Check this out: http://www.the-gcn.com/topic/2095-hylian-toolbox/?hl=hylian+toolbox It's a program made by Flotonic that is still in development.

I actually have this downloaded. I'm patiently waiting for its next update

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Check this out: http://www.the-gcn.com/topic/2095-hylian-toolbox/?hl=hylian+toolbox It's a program made by Flotonic that is still in development.




that doesn't create actors. it just creates/edits the hierarchy and animations in zobj's. if you wanna create actors, you'll need a mips IV gcc toolchain, headers containing definitions for functions in the game, and nOVL to turn the output elf file into an overlay file

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As far as I know there haven't been any new enemies when you consider that there haven't been any completely custom attack patterns. And that dodongo's tail enemy ("slug monster") was made by Cendamos. There wasn't a custom AI, I think he just had the actor only use the tail display list. I may be wrong though.


The only things that have been created that come close to the being custom enemies can be found on this topic:http://www.the-gcn.com/topic/2157-custom-enemy-models-or-animations/


Out of the those, spinout was the only one to have made a custom actor that utilizes the octopus model. However, it doesn't actually attack. We're a long way from figuring any of that shit out.

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We're a long way from figuring any of that shit out.


Not really. This is something I'll be doing once I have enough free time. I honestly don't think it will take much time to figure out considering I found out most stuff I need to program NPCs in less than a single day iirc, it just means looking at a few actors in RAM and finding out what each function they call is used for. As far as I'm concerned the most difficult part would be making a good model with good animations because there's no real effective way of doing that (I'd rather not type in every single rotation by hand).

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Not really. This is something I'll be doing once I have enough free time. I honestly don't think it will take much time to figure out considering I found out most stuff I need to program NPCs in less than a single day iirc, it just means looking at a few actors in RAM and finding out what each function they call is used for. As far as I'm concerned the most difficult part would be making a good model with good animations because there's no real effective way of doing that (I'd rather not type in every single rotation by hand).

There are quite a few external functions that actors call... I'll definitely be looking foward to what you can figure out :)Hylian Toolbox is actually really easy to use; maybe I'll make a video tutorial on it someday (when I finally get a microphone).
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Hehe, both subjects I was very curious way back when (and am still curious about how to speed up an enemy)


But Enemy damage has been partially mapped out, and with the technology these days will probably find things in an easier fashion than I used back in the day.




Now I'd love foes like that in OoT on a normal basis, but alas I only figured out how to do that by copying their data into other "Tables" thereby increasing their functionality.


Now as for Enemy Damage Charts.... I thought they would be on the wiki, having found the information many years back (with Sakura pointing me the correct way) but the only thing there is the Damage Link does to them, maybe I should take a closer look....


Hah, it looks as if some of the notes from years back have been lost on the amount of damage and kind of damage an enemy does to Link. I guess I'll have to go looking for them again, they're not on the wiki as far as I can tell by any stretch.

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Hehe, both subjects I was very curious way back when (and am still curious about how to speed up an enemy)


But Enemy damage has been partially mapped out, and with the technology these days will probably find things in an easier fashion than I used back in the day.




Now I'd love foes like that in OoT on a normal basis, but alas I only figured out how to do that by copying their data into other "Tables" thereby increasing their functionality.


Now as for Enemy Damage Charts.... I thought they would be on the wiki, having found the information many years back (with Sakura pointing me the correct way) but the only thing there is the Damage Link does to them, maybe I should take a closer look....


Hah, it looks as if some of the notes from years back have been lost on the amount of damage and kind of damage an enemy does to Link. I guess I'll have to go looking for them again, they're not on the wiki as far as I can tell by any stretch.

I will message Sakura, and see if she has the time to help. I figured since Ghoma is the easiest boss to take down it wouldn't do much good to increase the amount of damage she deals unless I can speed her up, so she is actually able to hit the said player.


I know Ghoma's actor in the list is "0028 001C Ghoma" but since I only know how to change colors with the hex editor all I see is this when I look it up..


Well it didn't post the picture once I posted it. One min and I'll have it..



Nevermind I found the MQ Debug actor list with all of the offsets. Now it's time to study up, and see if I can make sense of anything other than changing colors.

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