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YOUR OPINION: Midna or Medli?


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  1. 1. Who do you prefer?

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Medli, she was just so useful in the game.  She gave really good advice, helping Link understand the problem with Lord Valoo since she could speak his language, and then helping you in the Earth Temple by allowing you to glide or preform task to solve puzzles.

Also she's adorable and Dragonroost where she lives has the catchiest tune in Wind Waker!


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I think Midna would be best mainly because of maturity level. We're also talking about two different types of Links here. There's the child-like Link in WW who's still very much 10 years old (coming of age is to celebrate the Hero of Time's age, which in OOT was ten), and then TP Link who's maybe between 17-20 years old. There's a HUGE difference between maturity levels.


Medli deals with the child-like Link, and has more of a "crush" potential instead of "love" potential. Plus, she and Komali already have an established relationship, in the fact that Komali likes her, and I think that she likes him, but is unable to really do anything due to her status as his caretaker. I think Komali's a little younger than her based on his actions during the game.


Midna on the other hand has both child-like and adult qualities to her. The imp form of her has a child-type personality that you sort of see shift very rapidly at the end of the game (Must I say spoiler alert? The game has been out for seven years...), when she becomes her true form, she speaks with more authority, especially when you watch the after-credits scene.

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Medli. First impressions are lasting ones, and Midna doesn't exactly make the best first impression in-universe (although I'll admit as a character she was much more defined than Medli, but I attribute that to screen time). Medli was nothing but helpful.

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