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YOUR OPINION: Midna or Medli?


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And what is exactly stopping anyone from putting Medli in such a position that Kusai described? The topic isn't unfair when you can do stuff like that, so by all means, everybody, go right ahead; I just want to end the moronic arguments of long necks, and who we find the cutest.

Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.


The point is we -can't- put her in that situation. Unless you want a fanfic, or a fangame. Which I would be all for, but I just don't see the more appealing solution to be viable. You know what I mean? It'd just be fair to compare Midna to any companion besides Navi, and Medli to any other major support character. Probably Ruto, but we have had enough "Ruto and x, who is better?" topics, so even though they both serve similar roles (unknowing sages, you escort both through a dungeon...) that just wouldn't work either. But there are plenty of 2D characters out there, and whether Medli is 2D or not, she is probably the best of the 2D. If she even is that. Which I don't think she is. Just me, I'm known for my stubbornness.

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Judging by the small amount of personality that Nintendo gave us surrounding Medli, I'd think she'd be much like (excuse my comparison) Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Now, I say this with good reason. Medli seems like a quiet book worm as she studies her hardest to become(Under a member of the Royal family) the attendant to Valoo. Much like Twilight and her studying to become a great magic user under the apprenticeship of Princess Celestia(Also Royalty). With these similarities in mind, you can look at Medli and see how, if she was in a more main role in the game, she would start out shy and not very good with her skills, open up to Link, strengthen her skills, and reach her goal(Seems to be a general story trend, eh?)Either way, I believe that;If Medli were given a much stronger role in the game, she would be a much more well rounded and developed character. 

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Never really liked Midna, to be perfectly honest. I mean, she was fine, but I never grew attached to her like others did.


Not that I can really say that about Medli, either. She wasn't around enough to develop a bond.


I vote Medli, simply because I didn't care much for Midna's attitude.

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I, leader of Team Midna, reach out to you, Mellow, leader of Team Medli; wouldst thou be willing to drop this childish feud, and form Team Midli under a partnered leadership?

Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.


Hurmble grurmble... possibly. Team Midli, yes. But the fued for whose body goes to which head will remain... I think it would look cooler with Medli's head on Midna's shoulders.

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Midli is kinda creepy... >.>Anyway, to the people who criticize Midna's personality, need I remind you that another sidekick started out similarly? Tatl was quite rude and brutish at the beginning, but warmed up to Link eventually, and was sad when they had to part.Also, I love your Midna = Twilight Sparkle argument, Kusai. :3Anyway, keep the topic civil, or I will put you ALL on post moderation/demote you...

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