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YOUR OPINION: Midna or Medli?


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Medli didn't have a baby body, though. She was like, a preteen. Somewhere around 10 or so? I forget. But it is far beyond a baby. And tiny neck? It was pretty average sized for a Wind Waker character. Better than a fucking giraffe, that's just unattractive.


(not being a dick, you know me better)

Uhm, she's really short. Like, have you SEEN her legs? And her torso is about as long as Imp Midna's(maybe a bit longer, but put them both to scale and they're about/almost the same size). If Imp Midna Has a baby body, she DOES.


Wait, scratch that; even Imp Midna has a more curved and formed body than her, as Medli's is, as you said, the body of preteen's/child's. Imp Midna is just an adult Imp which, quite frankly, is way less weird for me to ogle over than the very young Medli.


And you guys are SERIOUSLY exaggerating the neck of Midna's final form. Do you have any fucking clue what the neck of a giraffe looks like?


"Not a fucking giraffe neck, use the eyes evolution gave you."


This is exactly why I exaggerated Medli's neck, because you guys are doing the same with Midna, and at this point I'm just doing it to get reactions like the ones I did from you.


I'm also not interested in being completely racist, even if it is about imaginary video game races; not only that, I created this topic in hopes we would judge the characters for their, well, character. Personality. Not some dumb beauty contest.


Sure, I've slightly participated in the whole beauty aspect, but honestly, can we judge by character?

(and you can try bringing up how I asked people to "keep it clean" to use against me, but I just added it because I knew it would turn into... this. Geeze.)


Team Medli, you sorely disappoint me.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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The entire thread seemed to focus on the visual aspect of the characters, and personally, Medli is just a lot easier on the eyes me me. Rito are just fucking cool like that. As for aspect of characters, we can go into that terrain if you want, because my stance on Medli is still completely and totally retained.


For me, my perception of Midna is very rocky. I like her. She's cool. But she was a complete dick to you in the beginning of the game! Not cool to taunt someone locked up in your Twilight realm. Not one bit. Medli, however, she is all around a pleasant character. Her personality appeals to me -me- more so that Midna does. I tend to go for the nicer bunch than the bunch that taunts me on a regular basis. Being taunted isn't the most fun, I'd like someone helpful that doesn't go out of their way to make you feel bad in the process. But that is also a strong point for Mida, as well. She starts off like that, but it sort of wears off. I honestly can't judge if she is developing as a character through the story, or is just opening up to you. Either way, I prefer Medli. I never said Midna was bad. I just personally think that Medli is a good bit better, in just about every aspect on my personal opinion scale. She is one of the most pleasant, coolest characters out there.


Medli is the shit. And all this is coming from a guy who hasn't played Wind Waker in like, 4 years and is very foggy on most things that happened in the game.


Shut the fuck up, I lost the game disc. ;-;

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... Okay LLAMA neck.


No, it's not a Llama neck. It's a Twili neck.



I love how she's a total dick to you in the beginning of the game, and then slowly warms up to you and becomes a great companion. She has way more character development then, "OMG I'm a Sage? Time to stay in a boss room for the rest of the game."


Midna also has much more personality than Medli, ranging from snarky, nice, caring, joking, and what could possibly be a romantic attraction to Link at the end of the game(if she could stay with him, she would; someone doesn't pull that stunt with the mirror like she did for no reason). Plus more.


Medli is, in comparison, a flat, two-dimensional character that only has, "Look at me, I'm so nice and cute! Kawaii desu!" going for her.

But hey, that's just my opinion of her, like you have yours of Midna.


Also, it's not my fault people turned this thread into a beauty contest.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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Also, it's not my fault people turned this thread into a beauty contest.


The thought never crossed my mind.


Anyway, I will combat your point soon enough. I haven't played either game in ages, like I said, and I need more examples to back my claims.


So it is a stalemate between you and I as of right now, because I am still for Medli.

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No, it's not a Llama neck. It's a Twili neck.

Actually... its not a Twili neck. One of my biggest gripes with the end of TP was that Midna's final form has little in common with what most Twili look like. Although, now that I think about it the same could be said for Zant so who knows? My memory may be a bit hazy since its been a while since I played TP, but when you go to the Palace of Twilight, you got a chance to see what normal Twili looked like. Something like this:

Posted Image


Medli, on the other hand, is consistant with the appearance of other Rito.


With that said, my opinion is based on personality, not appearances. Even if she were more consistant, I'd still vote Medli.

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Jotokun, have you ever noticed how much the Human race differs? At all? There are even Humans with longer than normal necks, and not every Human has the same eye color, stature, etc. Also, the picture you linked: never, ever has something so obviously been a child Twili.


You know what bugs me? People, for some reason, do not expect the members of fictional races to differ in any way from each other(save a few minor details). It truly annoys me, as if Human characters are only allowed such traits.


To sum it up, Jotokun:

Your point is moot. Midna is a Twili. The Twili race differs in appearance like the Human race. I'm not even going to argue something so obvious.


Also, when you come across another Human with a long neck, Joto, do you tell them their neck is not that of a Human because it's so different?



I just want to point out that Team Medli has been coming off as pretty racist with the remarks made towards the Twili race. Not cool, guys.

*grins so, so widely*



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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Jotokun, have you ever noticed how much the Human race differs? At all? There are even Humans with longer than normal necks, and not every Human has the same eye color, stature, etc. Also, the picture you linked: never, ever has something so obviously been a child Twili.


You know what bugs me? People, for some reason, do not expect the members of fictional races to differ in any way from each other(save a few minor details). It truly annoys me, as if Human characters are only allowed such traits.


To sum it up, Jotokun:

Your point is moot. Midna is a Twili. The Twili race differs in appearance like the Human race. I'm not even going to argue something so obvious.


Also, when you come across another Human with a long neck, Joto, do you tell them their neck is not that of a Human because it's so different?



I just want to point out that Team Medli has been coming off as pretty racist with the remarks made towards the Twili race. Not cool, guys.

*grins so, so widely*


So there's some disparity between members of a species. Well, considering how humanoid the Twili are, I think the point Ashe is trying to make is that it's fair to compare them to humans, and abnormally long necks are generally considering unappealing to look at. Contrary to what most might believe, though, this is not opinion, but rather something concretely measurable, a phenomenon known as the golden ratio, which is approximately 1:1.618. For some reason, the vast majority of humans prefer looking at objects that incorporate this ratio in as many features as possible (for those interested, some graphical artists have actually constructed what they call a "golden mask," a face constructed where nearly every feature adheres to this ratio), and features of the body that do not fit this ratio are thus considered less pleasant to look at. It's pretty clear that Midna's neck doesn't fit that ratio, hence the argument that it's unattractive.


As for "giraffe necks," it's an exaggeration, and people use them all the time. I'm sure Mellow doesn't literally mean Midna has the neck of a giraffe, but that it is abnormally long (which, according to human standards, it is).


Also, just thought I'd point out that just because you prefix your posts with "not trying to be a dick" does not justify you, well, being a dick. Let's keep it civil, dude.

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She's like the story of the ugly duckling. Midna starts the game being a disgusting, big headed imp with baby arms, and grows up to be a Tiny headed thing with a jacked up neck! What a touching story.


Then again... I'm not on Medli's team either. I'm strongly in Kotake and Koume's corner. Once you see sags, you'll fall for them hags (our team logo)!

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So there's some disparity between members of a species. Well, considering how humanoid the Twili are, I think the point Ashe is trying to make is that it's fair to compare them to humans, and abnormally long necks are generally considering unappealing to look at. Contrary to what most might believe, though, this is not opinion, but rather something concretely measurable, a phenomenon known as the golden ratio, which is approximately 1:1.618. For some reason, the vast majority of humans prefer looking at objects that incorporate this ratio in as many features as possible (for those interested, some graphical artists have actually constructed what they call a "golden mask," a face constructed where nearly every feature adheres to this ratio), and features of the body that do not fit this ratio are thus considered less pleasant to look at. It's pretty clear that Midna's neck doesn't fit that ratio, hence the argument that it's unattractive.


As for "giraffe necks," it's an exaggeration, and people use them all the time. I'm sure Mellow doesn't literally mean Midna has the neck of a giraffe, but that it is abnormally long (which, according to human standards, it is).


Also, just thought I'd point out that just because you prefix your posts with "not trying to be a dick" does not justify you, well, being a dick. Let's keep it civil, dude.




To them, this is beautiful. It's actually what I thought of a while back when I saw the picture of Midna. There are exceptions to every rule--even the golden ratio rule. Kinda funny too, but tourists call them giraffe women. XD


But yeah, appearances really shouldn't be factored into personality. Though men are visual-based, women are emotion-based, so seeing the different way people look at the characters is interesting.

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Mellow:Oh, come on. It's a joke. All it is is one imaginary team trying to slander the other as if this is some big political thing.


So there's some disparity between members of a species. Well, considering how humanoid the Twili are, I think the point Ashe is trying to make is that it's fair to compare them to humans, and abnormally long necks are generally considering unappealing to look at. Contrary to what most might believe, though, this is not opinion, but rather something concretely measurable, a phenomenon known as the golden ratio, which is approximately 1:1.618. For some reason, the vast majority of humans prefer looking at objects that incorporate this ratio in as many features as possible (for those interested, some graphical artists have actually constructed what they call a "golden mask," a face constructed where nearly every feature adheres to this ratio), and features of the body that do not fit this ratio are thus considered less pleasant to look at. It's pretty clear that Midna's neck doesn't fit that ratio, hence the argument that it's unattractive. As for "giraffe necks," it's an exaggeration, and people use them all the time. I'm sure Mellow doesn't literally mean Midna has the neck of a giraffe, but that it is abnormally long (which, according to human standards, it is). Also, just thought I'd point out that just because you prefix your posts with "not trying to be a dick" does not justify you, well, being a dick. Let's keep it civil, dude.
I don't recall ever questioning the golden ratio rule or calling it just an opinion, I just remember saying how stupid it is to judge someone for their neck. How, fucking, fucking stupid it is. It can be a common thing all it wants, it's still stupid.Also, I know what an exaggeration is. Did you see the part where I, oh yes... said they were exaggerating? You did, right? I just found the exaggerations uncalled for. So maybe when I went off on a tangent, it meant I didn't much care for the exaggerations? Just because you guys use them, it doesn't mean I have to, as well.Off-topic:And about the "being a dick" thing:We're getting caught up in this again? Just because there's a lack of smilies in my post, I say a few curse words, and word things a certain way it makes me a dick, as usual. If I say I'm not trying to be one, I'm not. I'm sorry you're perceiving me as one, but I don't much feel the need to completely alter my personality to suit everyone else's needs. As long as I am not flat-out insulting people(unless the racism joke counts, but honestly, how can you not tell it's a joke with the grinning part?), I think I'm just fine. I'm not flaming anyone, or anything, and if people want to PERCEIVE me as a dick, that's their thing.And fact is, when I get into debates like these, I get -very- passionate, and word things heavily. Still, at no point, am I trying to be a dick. But hey, whatever. If my personality eventually gets me banned on this website, then so be it. I don't care. You guys do what you want with that.
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I'd also like to add that this entire topic is really unfair to discuss, past the beauty and character design, considering the character development of the two individuals in question...Simply because Midna was with Link throughout the entire game and she developed and changed throughout that time, while Medli was only there for two parts of the game. Medli, if thrown into a more developing role, would appear much more appealing as a character to the general public.So, this being said, this entire topic is unfair because without the character development that Midna had, Medli is very unattractive as a character and seems very flat and two dimensional (as Blinx Stated)However, if you put Medli is a role such as Link's sidekick and information gatherer, she'd have a way more interesting personality and story to her.Both are amazing and beautiful in their own way. *squish hugs her two favorite Zelda characters* 

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I'm pretty much in agreement with Kusai here. It's unfair to compare two characters who are presented in two completely different art styles (realism versus cartoon/cel-shaded) and one of the characters gets the entire game to develop character-wise while the other is only present for about 15% of the game at best.


I also agree that everyone should keep their tits calm. Nobody likes it when they get all flustered.

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And what is exactly stopping anyone from putting Medli in such a position that Kusai described? The topic isn't unfair when you can do stuff like that, so by all means, everybody, go right ahead; I just want to end the moronic arguments of long necks, and who we find the cutest.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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