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How Should I Start off a Mod?



So I've got a good plot/story for a mod, but the story I've thought of requires me to do a complete over-hall of the game (that means all new Maps, OBJ, NPC's, ext...) . Now, I know the question may sound a little silly, since I already know that the key apps to starting this mod are SharpOcarina and Hylian Toolbox, but from what I've seen with other moders is that you are always going to hit some kinda error somewhere with in the development of the mod. So my real question would be more like, "What should I do to start my mod with the least amount of errors or problems as possible?"       

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4 answers to this question

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Think of things you know are possible with the tools available. Don't be thinking about all new items or enemies as that requires C/ASM hacking. You can replace the models for enemies and items, sure, but you can't change their general function without getting into some really advanced hacking.


The only errors that people tend to run into when they're only replacing models/maps are problems with event triggers/flags, exits, and cutscenes.

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Hex editting would be unreasonable to do advanced hacking. If anything, hex editting is used for the simpler things. To start advanced hacking, you would use tools such as disassemblers/assemblers, compilers, and debuggers such as the one built into nemu64.


It takes a long time to get the hang of.

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In my experience there's no way you can predict all the errors that can come forth. I've had some really weird stuff out of left field happen on Voyager. Some of it is just not knowing stuff on my part, the other part of it is the game just not allowing certain things. One thing off the top of my head is Sheik not appearing in Ice Cavern unless you get Iron Boots there. Any other item and he won't appear.


Little things like that can change the way your mod is going in an instant. And there really is no predicting that until you do it.

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