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Dafux is diz?


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I was looking for something in the OoT 1.0 (U) code file and happened to come across a display list that used absolute addressing for it's 01 and FD instructions, and I was all "WTF?!!?". What I mean by absolute addressing is that where you'd normally see this in a display lists


FD 90 00 00 06 00 00 00

01 01 00 20 06 00 02 00


I was seeing this


FD 90 00 00 80 0F 86 12

01 01 00 20 80 0F 88 12


So, I copied the display list to a separate file and subtracted the offset of code.zasm in ram from the offsets to find the vertex and texture data, added a simple 1 bone hierarchy so I could use my importer, and this is what it turned out to be.


Posted Image



and a better render using my import script


Posted Image




which brings me to the point of this topic...dafux is diz?

I ported it over the spin-attack effect hoping to get a better look


Posted Image


Posted Image




still no idea though. anyone else have an idea?

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Probably just a special effect, looks similar to the one used in the goddess cutscenes and as was stated, Phantom Ganon's banishment in the Forest Temple.  (doubled checked, its not from Phantom Ganon)


Posted Image goddess_ring_efx.jpg

yeah, it seems to be the only actual full display list in the code file. there's 2 parts tho, the ring (which I showed above) and a smaller cap that I can't get a good look at because it uses a texture in segment 8. I redirected the display list to the sword spin so I could see the difference, but still have had no luck figuring out what it is.


Back during the later days of ZSO, we would get "Guys look at this model with a messed up texture!" announcements almost daily :P

There's nothing wrong with the texture on this model...its just that its the only full display list in code.zasm, and strangely happens to use absolute addressing.

The offsets for the ring and cap are 0x000EBF90 and 0x000ED2C8 in code.zasm (0x00A87000);  or 0x00B72F90 and 0x00B742C8 rom offsets

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Depending on what and where it actually is, this might be a bit difficult, but... has anyone tried to modify that display list or the vertex data, and then play the game a bit or watch some cutscenes? Check out the "obvious" places where an effect that looks similar to this appears, like what's been posted above, and see if the effect changed?

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