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Is majora a woman?

Agnostic Priest


  1. 1. is majora a woman?


I'm talking with a friend over skype who thinks majora is a woman. I don't see how this could be.


he's pretty stubborn about this, the only thing this idea has to go on is the little yips, squeaks, and giggles from the final battle scene.while what I have to go on is the idea that majora's wrath is majora manifesting himself to the point where he appears how he truly is, why would majora manifest as a man if he were a woman?

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I don't think a mask, no matter how magical it is, can HAVE a gender. We have to remember that Majora's mask seems to be either enchanted or possessed, and Majora just wants to f*ck with you. I also see a dark evil MALE being of destruction, or a girl demon when I hear Majora. By the way, still confused as I didn't play the game... what the f*ck was the ending about? Majora is trapped in a mask?

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heres an argumentmajora's mask


majora's is possessive, theres no hints to who he his, just his mask


Yes. That is a valid point. It is the only mask with a possessive noun tacked to the front of it. Contrast Goron Mask with Majora's Mask. The Mask might be the belonging of some demon/god/wizard, or whatever else have you. It's really all up in the air, but Majora is probably a female. 

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Majora's Mask may not physically represent whoever Majora was, if Majora ever owned such a mask. Majora may not have been a demon at all, just some evil sorcerer or witchdoctor. Consider every form the mask takes in the final battle carries the possessive over:

  • Majora's Mask
  • Majora's Incarnation
  • Majora's Wrath

If I were to say, "my incarnation", then what I refer to is one of two things:

  • A form that I have become incarnated as. This incarnation is identified as "I, me".
  • An incarnation that I own, something I have summoned or created. This incarnation is identified as "mine".


There's another case you did not consider, which is the one I find to be the most interesting and, for me, most plausible.

The Japanese translation could also be Mask of Majora which, while it has pretty much the same meaning, I feel has more of an implication for Majora not being a creature with direct possession or inhabitance of the mask. If we go back to the information from the game itself, the mask was used by some ancient tribe in hexing rituals. I think this lends a lot of support to my idea that Majora is not a living creature but is a form of, or metaphor for, the type of magic the tribe may have used to create the mask. I think that the sheer amount of advanced magic and ingenuity that went into the mask's creation is what allows it to become sentient, unlike any other mask seen in the game of which most have some sort of power but none even comes close to Majora's Mask. When we reach the end of the game, I think this also becomes more plausible since we see that the mask obviously has no concrete grasp of its own or your own power, which is why you ultimately defeat it. In the final fight it only changes form in response to the damage it is taking, which makes me think that if it knew its own power it would not have battled you in the same way. The fact it gives you the easiest way to defeat it (Fierce Deity's mask - probably a derivative of Majora's magical power) means it either has no concept of strength or that it sees itself as being far superior. This probably stems from the magic that created Majora's Mask being focused on destruction and superiority, or at least that's how I see it. The mask was probably sealed away because the powers granted to the wearer were too strong and could not be controlled but I do not think its original purpose was to be anything other than a mask to enhance the wearer's abilities, it just ended up being too strong for such a purpose. After the Skull Kid wore the mask, I think his emotions of loneliness and jealousy are what fuelled the mask's power to reawaken and obviously then lead to the events of MM.


TL;DR Majora is essentially a magical power and the forms Majora's Mask inhabits are an extension of that power in response to its situation and in an attempt to self-preserve.


Anyway, I realise I've gone on and on and I don't expect anyone to accept or agree with what I've been saying. I still think it's best to leave the backstory of the mask as a mystery and let the player come up with their own opinions.

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