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Navi or Fi?  

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  1. 1. Who is the better companion?

    • Navi
    • Fi

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I also wanted to know when you saw Fi's personality change throughout the game, because for me, personally, I didn't notice it. So I felt nothing when she said something like 'Master, I, love you.' at the end.

I'll have to side with Navi here, if only because I'm sick of people saying 'Oh you played Ocarina of time, that Navi sure is annoying, right, Right?' and the hundreds of parodies of her. When I first played OoT I found Navi to be very helpful, like near the begining, where she tells you to go back to saria so you can learn Saria's song, I remember first playing it, I had no idea what to do untill she told me. So, yeah.

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I am definitely part of Team Navi. While "Hey! Listen! Look! Watch out!" got old fast, I still think that she had good character. Primarily a guide, she evolves to become Link's friend. Plus, her departure was directly responsible for Link's adventures in Termina, resulting in one of the best Zelda games ever, which Nintendo seriously need to remake for the 3DS.


The key word being Link's friend, not the player's. To me, Fi, while nearly as robotic as Navi, at least had her personality lampshaded by Nintendo with her throwing out all her percent probabilities and sometimes stating the obvious. Was this overbearing at times? Certainly, but nowhere near as much as Navi's intrusiveness. At the very least, Fi had some identity as the servant of Hylia, whereas Navi was just some glowing ball that came out of nowhere and functioned as little more than an encyclopedia than a companion.


Also, I found Fi's advice on enemies actually useful (particularly for Lizalfos), whereas Navi's was utterly useless ("Dark Link -- Conquer yourself!" Yeah, thanks a lot, Navi), so bonus points to Fi for that.


also jeez chill guys

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Also, I found Fi's advice on enemies actually useful (particularly for Lizalfos), whereas Navi's was utterly useless ("Dark Link -- Conquer yourself!" Yeah, thanks a lot, Navi),

Actually, I found Navi to be mostly useful. The conquer yourself explanation for Dark Link worked perfectly. You are quite essentially conquering your own self... your own (albeit shadowed) reflection. Although I will admit, not knowing Ganon's weakness, when his tail was all big, bulbous and multi-coloured was kinda stupid. Granted, I haven't played Skyward Sword, and am limited to what I've seen people play of it (aside from having played the demo at EB Expo 2011), I've found Fi to be much more annoying than Navi.

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"Dark Link -- Conquer yourself!" doesn't work at all. It does not in any way assist you in defeating him, and the game just leaves you to figure it out yourself(and for newcomers, it can be annoying).If you're going to help me with an enemy, Navi, don't just try to sound cool.

I was a newcomer to the game, and I found it completely informative. I realised that as this enemy had the same moveset as myself, I'd have to think outside the box. It got me killed a couple times, but I managed to win eventually. Those two words are quite a clever way of saying "lol d00d, he haz teh saem m0vez as yu0", or "I don't know what his weakness is".


I am 100% certain that many arguments regarding Navi's speech are either pertaining to her constant pestering, or of her "uninformative" description for Dark Link.


See what I did there?

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I have hardly any gripes with Navi, I don't even find her annoying. All I am saying is that's a very bad way to say, "He has the same moves as you, think different". Not everyone will get it right away.


Let me be more specific:

It mostly comes off as a vague, "Hey, this guy is you. Kill him. What? I don't know how, just do it."



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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I'm not gonna vote in the poll because I have barely played SS, but I can say that I have learned to like Navi over the years. Potential (un)helpfulness to beginners in certain situations aside (ex. Dark Link), I no longer think she's that annoying and that HEY! LISTEN! is being somewhat exaggerated by the fandom.

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I feel as though when I played through Ocarina of Time when I was younger I didn't find her annoying, instead it was a constant alert to remind me what was going on.  Her 'helpfulness' or lack thereof is negligible to be completely honest, I didn't find any part of OOT difficult even when I was a kid.

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Well, Navi did give that misinformation that one time on the Shaboms. In one version I think it says that they bounce off your blade, and they...don't. At all.


But that's not Navi's fault.


I don't think Navi was nearly as intrusive as Fi.


And thinking about the game, I think the last cutscene also sticks out as the first time Fi's character really visibly changes...if you guys could post about where you saw a change, that would be cool. I might be forgetting something. My husband also remembers only the last cutscene.

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While recently playing OoT, I noticed that Navi is nowhere near as robotic as some make her out to be. She's very childlike, and doesn't really directly tell you what to do, like when she says "I wonder what saria would say about you be..." subtly hinting for you to go see saria.

Navi = childhood companion

Fi = Pre-programed gift from Hylia

Ps. I'll ask again, at what point did you notice Fi becoming less robotic.

PPs. Master the batteries in your wii remote are nearly de-flipping-pleted!

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I saw her as less robotic the more and more her sense of humor became so obvious(at the end of some enemy descriptions are funny jokes, humorous remarks about NPCs, etc.). Not only that, she shows signs of being weirded out/amused/whatever during exchanges with the robot you repair. The one that calls her Mistress Fi, if you forgot.


You know, guys, stuff that is blatantly out in the open. She seems to have some damn emotions to me, and just because she adds a percentage to everything, it doesn't make her robotic.


It's like how you guys say nobody has reason to consider Navi annoying for constantly bugging the player with a hey, listen, or watch out; you don't have reason to call Fi robotic for constantly dropping percentages. She had a personality, and emotions that were crystal clear in the game, so I have no idea how you missed them.


Now, taking into consideration she DOES(factually) have emotions, it's a no damn wonder she felt so close to Link at the end; you go through such a long journey with someone, spend every waking minute with them, it builds a connection, whether you guys choose to accept it or not.


She considered Link a friend in the end, and clearly Link did too. Now, at the risk of sounding like a complete dick, Born, quit hounding me for an answer; just because I do not give one RIGHT AWAY doesn't mean I never will. Asking once is all you need to do.


PS. Hey, listen, watch out! I am a series of loud voice clips that will play way more often in a session of OoT than a warning for a depleting battery ever will in a session of Skyward Sword! I also tell you the same exact things over and over, just like Fi, when pressing my action button! My name is Navi!


Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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I saw her as less robotic the more and more her sense of humor became so obvious(at the end of some enemy descriptions are funny jokes, humorous remarks about NPCs, etc.). Not only that, she shows signs of being weirded out/amused/whatever during exchanges with the robot you repair. The one that calls her Mistress Fi, if you forgot.


You know, guys, stuff that is blatantly out in the open. She seems to have some damn emotions to me, and just because she adds a percentage to everything, it doesn't make her robotic.


It's like how you guys say nobody has reason to consider Navi annoying for constantly bugging the player with a hey, listen, or watch out; you don't have reason to call Fi robotic for constantly dropping percentages. She had a personality, and emotions that were crystal clear in the game, so I have no idea how you missed them.


Now, taking into consideration she DOES(factually) have emotions, it's a no damn wonder she felt so close to Link at the end; you go through such a long journey with someone, spend every waking minute with them, it builds a connection, whether you guys choose to accept it or not.


She considered Link a friend in the end, and clearly Link did too. Now, at the risk of sounding like a complete dick, Born, quit hounding me for an answer; just because I do not give one RIGHT AWAY doesn't mean I never will. Asking once is all you need to do.


PS. Hey, listen, watch out! I am a series of loud voice clips that will play way more often in a session of OoT than a warning for a depleting battery ever will in a session of Skyward Sword! I also tell you the same exact things over and over, just like Fi, when pressing my action button! My name is Navi!


Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

It's been a while since I've played Skyward Sword, we were being very polite in asking you to tell the particular cutscenes besides the last cutscene when she showed emotion towards Link or anyone. Yes, Fi has a personality...it just happens to be a very robotic personality. That's how she's programmed, sorry. Being amused towards an NPC isn't really enough evidence that she was changing to me. If something or someone is unusual, it's going to be unusual to a robot too.


No, Navi did not bug you way more than Fi. Navi doesn't beep when batteries or low, or when your health is low. Fi beeps when your health is low even though your hearts are already beeping, and Link is panting.


I call Fi robotic because she spoils puzzles, tells me things I already know, and also tells you things you JUST did. (slingshot area)


The only way to have Navi consistantly say Hey over and over is if you get near an area she says it. A good example of this is in the Deku tree when you drop onto the web, but don't break it through. She's programmed to say Hey at that spot, but since the web doesn't break, the sound clip goes crazy.

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I'm still team Navi, but since my only problem with Fi was her pointing out solutions to puzzles and describing obvious things (ex. explaining a new weapon right after a textbox already had) I figure I'll play devi's advocate here... Fi definitely had a more pronounced personality. I can see why the percentage thing may have annoyed some people, but it made her far more memorable. I honestly couldn't quote Navi because of how relatively simple her dialogue was.


Consider, for example, enemy descriptions, as Navi would only give a sentence or two on each enemy. Fi, however, was like a walking encyclopedia more detailed descriptions for each variant of each enemy. From that perspective, Fi was a much more helpful partner than Navi ever was.


Compare Navi's Stalfos text



Lure it close to you and watch its movement carefully! Attack it when it drops its guard!


With Fi's



This skeleton soldier is born of the dead. In its previous life, it was an ordinary knight, but undeath has improved its combat abilities. It is possible to overpower it with a well-timed shield bash during the creature's attack.
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PS. Hey, listen, watch out! I am a series of loud voice clips that will play way more often in a session of OoT than a warning for a depleting battery ever will in a session of Skyward Sword! I also tell you the same exact things over and over, just like Fi, when pressing my action button! My name is Navi!


Speaking purely for myself here, but I don't even hear those voice clips anymore while playing, unless I want to hear them. And I don't press her action button unless I need to, which is mainly when I want first-person view, and then I first check if the word "Navi" blinks on screen.

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It's been a while since I've played Skyward Sword, we were being very polite in asking you to tell the particular cutscenes besides the last cutscene when she showed emotion towards Link or anyone. Yes, Fi has a personality...it just happens to be a very robotic personality. That's how she's programmed, sorry. Being amused towards an NPC isn't really enough evidence that she was changing to me. If something or someone is unusual, it's going to be unusual to a robot too.


No, Navi did not bug you way more than Fi. Navi doesn't beep when batteries or low, or when your health is low. Fi beeps when your health is low even though your hearts are already beeping, and Link is panting.


I call Fi robotic because she spoils puzzles, tells me things I already know, and also tells you things you JUST did. (slingshot area)


The only way to have Navi consistantly say Hey over and over is if you get near an area she says it. A good example of this is in the Deku tree when you drop onto the web, but don't break it through. She's programmed to say Hey at that spot, but since the web doesn't break, the sound clip goes crazy.

Maybe she didn't show a growing connection to Link(it WAS there, though), after all. It's been a while since I played, too, but a connection was there regardless, and it actually showed in the end(you know, like I explained in the post you quoted, the part you completely ignored). And why are you bringing up "being very polite" as if I did something wrong, or being rude? I wasn't being rude. And no, I'd say it's half robotic; she acts like a robot, but has a lot of the emotions of a human, and they do show; that's just how she is, sorry.


Also, "If something or someone is unusual, it's going to be unusual to a robot too." That makes no sense. Unless she's programmed that way, no, and I like to believe she has a personality, and can think on her own; but you guys go ahead and feel free to use the whole "robot" thing to twist her as a character in your favor. That's what you guys are doing.


"No, Navi did not bug you way more than Fi." Did you just try to tell me what bugs ME more? ME? You don't know what bugs me more, and you can't say, either.

Also, Fi never spoiled puzzles for me; I didn't let her. :|


And one sound clip out of two others that play quite a bit, okay.

Speaking purely for myself here, but I don't even hear those voice clips anymore while playing, unless I want to hear them. And I don't press her action button unless I need to, which is mainly when I want first-person view, and then I first check if the word "Navi" blinks on screen.

That doesn't matter, they're still there. Just like Fi bugging me about the battery is, and I can tune that out just as well. So, yeah.

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Fi. As much as I hated Skyward Sword, I have to go with Fi. Navi I felt absolutely nothing for, the "guardian fairy" was just a title thrown on her to make it seem like she was worth something to the player. The "lol I'm leaving see ya" thing at the end of OoT without any explanation didn't help her either. Fi on the other hand, even though she had sort of a lame personality, at least HAD a personality. She was actually helpful too (a little too helpful, as some people have pointed out), unlike Navi, who, when I'm sitting in the Water Temple nearly losing my mind, just flits about my head.

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Also, giadrosich, since you clearly missed it:

Now, taking into consideration she DOES(factually) have emotions, it's a no damn wonder she felt so close to Link at the end; you go through such a long journey with someone, spend every waking minute with them, it builds a connection, whether you guys choose to accept it or not.
She considered Link a friend in the end, and clearly Link did too. Now, at the risk of sounding like a complete dick, Born, quit hounding me for an answer; just because I do not give one RIGHT AWAY doesn't mean I never will. Asking once is all you need to do.

Tell me: did you skip over my explanation on purpose, or?
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Sorry if I came off as persistant, thought you had forgot/ignored the question.

I was fine with Fi's robotic personality, because that was her personality, she was a pre-programmed gift from Hylia to be a guide, nothing more. Clearly she became more than that, I just never noticed it untill the end, by then I had no time to like her myself.

I find her annoying for the same reasons as Giadrosich, for constantly interupting you, Navi may have done that, but mainly in the first few temples. I dont need to know that my hearts are low, Every, Single, Time.

I'm trying my hardest not to sound rude, because I'm not, I respect your decision in prefering Fi.

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I'm trying my hardest not to sound rude, either, but people always think I am trying my hardest to do the opposite.

I also respect your guys' opinions; but when you point out problems with Fi that Navi shares, it's just kind of... I dunno.

I still respect your opinions, regardless.


But yeah, know what I do when she tells me my hearts are low? Or my batteries are dying? Or tells me how to solve a puzzle? I ignore her, and tune her out. Like you guys do with the noises Navi constantly make. I'm sorry, but it's the same thing. :|

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That doesn't matter, they're still there. Just like Fi bugging me about the battery is, and I can tune that out just as well. So, yeah.


Which basically means that no one should complain about one but not the other. And if I am ever going to complain about Fi in that regard once I pick up SS again, someone rub me in the face with those words of mine.

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I haven't much to say, because Branden has already said it. I agree with him wholeheartedly.


Also, I just want to point out that whatever robotic characteristics that are present in Fi are no detrimental to her character. She is about as robotic as Data is from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and despite his being an artificial life form, he is the most lively and interesting character in the series. Fi reminded me a lot of Data, and the same positive, emotional characteristics accompanied by the thought process of an artificial life form make them beautiful characters. I loved Fi with all of my heart, and she never once annoyed me.

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If in ten years we start seeing parodies of how annoying Fi is, just like we see now with Navi, I will not be in the group that laughs at them.

Allright, so we can move on from the annoying aspects of BOTH of them, good.

I'll begin... Who's Branden?

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I didn't ignore the explanation, that was the ending cutscene. Everyone knows about the ending cutscene. Did you read my response at all?


besides the last cutscene when she showed emotion towards Link or anyone


And apologies about the "Navi did not bug you way more than Fi", that was a typo. I meant me, but was thinking about you in your post.


You can't help but have Fi spoil puzzles, she freakin' POPS UP before giving you the chance to. As for the programmed, I think she was programmed that way, why else would she use very precise percentages? It's the best way to get a robot personality across, by using percentages (C-3P0 in Star Wars comes to mind).


I acknowledge that Fi has more of a personality than Navi (to me), but that doesn't mean she has a good personality, or much of one.


Whether or not you tune them out doesn't mean that they aren't there. It's insulting to a player to have a sidekick come in and say "hey, you're health is low, might be a good idea to get some". She even does it in HERO MODE for crying out loud, when there aren't any hearts available, and she even SAYS this. "oh, sorry, you're on hero mode, so you won't get any hearts. But your health is still low." Yes, that's the same as Navi, but navi's voice clips aren't as active as the beeping.

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