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Land of Stolen Time


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I got out of bed yesterday and started making this mod.. i've been rushing it a bit but i was just testing how good i can make the visuals without using that meny poligons. and this is how its looking...

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Long story short, the basic story i've come up with so far is that the time has been stolen and destroyed to stop the evil from rising but Ganondarf somehow finds a way to resurrect (as allways) so link must find a way to restore time and kill the dude...


Things i can do with the game that has no time is like a falling mountain that the falling parts are floating in mid air and lightning plains where the lighning is just sitting still.. crazy waky stuff like that..


To be totaly honest, all im good at is making maps and using SharpOcarina to import them, but there will be:

-New massive worlds with bigger and more challenging dungeons.

-New bosses and enemies to fight with custom animations.

-New background music.

-New ocarina tunes to learn.

I will be leaving the items interface as it is but hopefully find a way to be able to equipt the master sword to be adult link from the C buttons..


Thanks if you like the idea and il keep this mod updated on this site...

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So, you're the one who made the Wind Waker texture pack?



I doubt that this is Djipi. I hope he is just using it as a simple texture pack if he isn't, but if he is, he can by all means use it.


If you plan to use these textures in the final game, proper permission for use must be given. Just a heads up, but things look pretty great otherwise. Just, if these are not your textures, you need to get permission, or credit them at the very least.


Edit: On a second glance, it looks a bit different from Djipi's texture pack, considering that it seems to be incomplete. Regardless, my point still stands.

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Yeah, I know he's not the creator of them. I was just being a smart-ass about there being no credit given.



Even if parts may be different, some of it is still directly lifted from his texture pack, so credit should be given.


Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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Glad you like it.

I only made the textures for the water and the houses by hand with photoshop.. The shadow in the water is a uv unwrapped texture with a hires texture in 1024x1024. in 32x32 it looks awfull so im using rice plugin.. The title is a few things i got of google put together but the rest is exracted textures from windwaker and some from Djipi texture pack, (im not the creator for Djipi T pack). i will be planning to make my own textures i was just using these to test it out a bit faster. heres the water texture to see how the shadow works.

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and thatnxs for the heads up Mellow.. last thing i want is to get in truble or bad vibes comeing from this project

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As for jason777 question i find it much better with a texture pack but all the textures get imported in 32x32 with sharpOcarina at first then i dump the textures and replace them with a higher quality and file them in order so theres no confusion so u can play it without downloading a T pack but it doesnt have the same look..

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i will make the texture pack separately from the mod its self for download when its done.


heres a question.... i like the sky textures made by Djipi is there a way that i can use some of his textures in my mod or will i have to do them all from scratch. I dont mind but it just saves alot of time..

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heres a question.... i like the sky textures made by Djipi is there a way that i can use some of his textures in my mod or will i have to do them all from scratch. I dont mind but it just saves alot of time..


If it's not original content, you absolutely must obtain permission to use someone else's work, be it textures, models, music, or anything else. Plagiarism is something the administration takes a firm stance against, and we make no exceptions to this policy, regardless of intent on anyone's part.


That said, the maps you've made look really good, and although I'm somewhat leery on the usage of texture packs, this may be one case I'd make an exception and use it to appreciate the maps you've made in their full glory. I'm curious to see what else you come up with.

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iv got the base down iv enyone wants to join in on the project that has skill that would be great coz solo is a bit slow..... il get the first round


plus i not just the crew but if i can here everyones ideas to make this project to perfection i will read everyones ideas..... iv got a story but i want to here peoples ideas and add it to the the game thats what moding is about to make it enjoyable for everyone....

Edited by wakymaky666
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iv got the base down iv enyone wants to join in on the project that has skill that would be great coz solo is a bit slow..... il get the first roundplus i not just the crew but if i can here everyones ideas to make this project to perfection i will read everyones ideas..... iv got a story but i want to here peoples ideas and add it to the the game thats what moding is about to make it enjoyable for everyone....

Here's an apostrophe and capital letter, ' A. I'm sure you'll put it to good use. You could do with a profile pic too.;)Love to see where this mod is going, looks like you have some skill.
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  • 2 weeks later...

just to let you lot know im still going with this..... heres a sneek peek of the lost woods and ive got this mod giving even me goosebumps...


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thats about 15% of it... itz an old pic but i cant show it all off or i would ruin it lol hope your looking forwerd to it as much as i am... :P


15% of the lost woods lol not the complete mod XD just lettin ya know

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