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Community Project: Everyone Is Invited


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This type of thing was done before. It never works out. Work isn't consistent among users and not everything is used, etc. etc. etc. In the end it causes a lot of Drama. Before Project Antiqua, there was this thing called Project Majesty which started out as a community project and that ended up in a drama fight.

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id say it could be possible, but we would have to micromanage things, ie one boss for the whole project (for Cohesiveness) , one for music and sounds, one for levels, one for texturing, one for story writing, one for modeling, one for scripting and one for piecing it all together.

basically working in little groups for each individual part of the design process.

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Well, if the community decides to do something like this, I would support it as much as I can. It'd be interesting to say the least. But, as I stated on the shoutbox earlier; Just because URA is dead, doesn't mean there aren't any awesome projects out there. Project Venus and Project Anquita being a couple(also being the only two which names I actually remember off the top of my head =w=) But, that was a bit off topic. Still! I'm excited to see progress.

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I say if we are going to do this, we lay down some ground rules first. That way there's no fights to be started. Agree?





Oooooo! I'd love to do this, I used to be apart of a community project, it was really fun, but two things we all gotta know: Don't fight and start drama or get lazy. That can break the project down to smithereens.



yeah, that may have been the downfall of the ura project, so lets take that as a lesson to imrove ourselves as modders.

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If we were to do such a project, the first rule would be:

I. Please do not mention URA.


That stuff is bad for morale, and does not have a place in conversation about a completely unrelated project. Besides, ShadowFire asked nicely. Just a friendly reminder, guys.

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Make it Ultra Wario Nebula VI.

In all seriousness, I am already involved with Project Antiqua as well as my own project(which, mind you, not too many people check out because this place is constantly confused with a Zelda modding website, and my project is not such a thing).


So, honestly, I do not have time for such a thing, especially if there's a chance it will fall flat on its face and go absolutely nowhere. Maybe if you guys make a significant amount of progress, I will feel more inclined to contribute.


Also, you'd be much better off keeping OoT or MM's(whichever you choose to do) story intact, and just adding content on top of it; no major story rewrite, just brand new sub stories/quests added in, as well as bunch of new content.


The second you try to replace the story with a new one, on a community project, that will guarantee its downfall later on. That's just too much work for a type of project that will undoubtedly suffer of poor organization.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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This type of thing was done before. It never works out. Work isn't consistent among users and not everything is used, etc. etc. etc. In the end it causes a lot of Drama. Before Project Antiqua, there was this thing called Project Majesty which started out as a community project and that ended up in a drama fight.


Indeed. The last time we did this, Project Majesty went okay for a while, but it ended in a burning pile of wreckage. I just don't know how well a community project would work, but the best of luck to all of you, anyway.

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As I said, someone could write a script that only has to include changes as big as redisigned caves/dungeons/houses, some changed speech, maybe something similar to Zelda's birthday. Then, when a resource is needed, be it, a map/character model or new music, the community would create submissions, then the best one could be included in the mod.

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Why does it have to be Zelda? The game is just too complex to have a community mod going for it unless the organisation is ridiculously good. It would be better to hack a game like SM64 or SMW where people can build levels which are easily implemented and then others could set the objectives for the levels.

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Why does it have to be Zelda? The game is just too complex to have a community mod going for it unless the organisation is ridiculously good. It would be better to hack a game like SM64 or SMW where people can build levels which are easily implemented and then others could set the objectives for the levels.

I approve of this idea, actually.


Also, then you guys can make Ultra Wario Nebula VI a thing.

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Backing up DB: even if everyone did get along and the project flows smoothly, it is still alot of work and a RIDICULOUS amount of testing has to be done with major commits. Also DB has been working on a mod for (what seems like) forever.

I am derailing the topic, but how is that going?

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Also, just as an aside to people bringing up stringent rules, that will do basically nothing. As an example, we have a very clearly laid out Terms of Service page, and people very rarely seem to actually read it and we get instances of it being broken every now and then. Rules do not mean peace.

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Btw, regarding SMW: Not meant as advertising or anything - not least because the thing is ~9 years old - but to back my claim about 2D level design, there's a demo for a SMW hack I once started, the incredibly named "Super Mario World - A Different Telling", on my old site: http://magicstone.de/dzd/old-site/?sec=t&pg=dead - I replayed it just now and am still a tiny bit proud of some of the stages, or at least a few tricks (or ruses) in them. Patch is for a headered US SMW ROM, btw.

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