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A Link to the Past Overworld


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Some months ago I have slowly started to re-learn blender and make 3d maps for the alltp world, my first idea being to make a remake using the most I could from the OoT engine.


I never intended to do anything grandious, rather I decided to use a already created world concept as a way to have a easier direction to follow and learn.

I knew that messing with a classic game like this would, in a certain way, give my little humble project a bigger proportion than I ever intended, so I refrained from talking about it.


After working a bit on the maps, I learned that I would have to change a few things in the 2d to 3d transition. The 3d maps need to have a visual edge you must respect. If you look at OoT itself, you can notice how most locations are dug in. There's always huge walls setting regions apart and you rarely see the horizon.

On the contrary, alttp world has a vast, field format with little division, so I had to create some mountains and cliffs here and there, together with 'tree-texture walls', that I particularly dislike, but that's how most n64 games go with.


Around this week I learned nintendo themselves remade the alttp world for a new game to be released and just now that an accomplished hacker was to undertake this same idea of recreating alttp in 3d. I confess this demotivated me quite a bit. That and hating how bad my maps are coming out lately that I can't take any decent screenshot.


So far I'll keep my shallow objective of completing the light world outdoor maps and see where I go from there.

I'll be posting visuals here sooner or later.


Here's what once was my "proportion control" map, with simplified versions of meshes and coloring.



Progress Bar:



nothing yet - primary mesh

size-leveled mesh - details added

collision set - primary actors added

environment set - revised mesh

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This looks promising, but oh so difficult to implement. Perhaps as a proof of concept, you may possibly want to start with LoZ's map? It has a lot less... stuff going on that you would need to worry about (though in essence LoZ has it's own boundaries to worry about as well.) But if you feel more comfortable with this then by all means!

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This looks promising, but oh so difficult to implement. Perhaps as a proof of concept, you may possibly want to start with LoZ's map? It has a lot less... stuff going on that you would need to worry about (though in essence LoZ has it's own boundaries to worry about as well.) But if you feel more comfortable with this then by all means!

your name is three pendants and youre telling someone they should do something other than LTTP?? :P

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  • 5 weeks later...




Reached the yellow progress level, ranging from regions very close to the final product and others barely plotted and textured.



All regions have a mesh now, in proportional size. Next step is to add small details, tweak shapes and textures and add in visual landmarks in the backgrounds, now that I have every map positioned where I want.


If anyone cares to check, around once in a week the "progress bar" is being updated.

Screenshots? Maybe, you could...I don't know...request a location you want to see. Don't expect anything good at this stage, though.

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Fantastic work Strati. How do you plan on texturing the overworld? Will you be creating textures reminiscent of, but evolved from A Link to the Past? Sounds like you don't just want to slap on Ocarina textures and call it a day.


Let me know if you need help with texturing. I'd love to lend some help.

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I'm actually using a good deal of ocarina textures :(


There were some SNES ripped textures at the beginning, but shortly after I saw that wasn't going to work that well and it was better to keep the OoT style.

What I have right now is a mix between hand-made, recycled and original textures - 90 % in economic 16 colors mode.


Here's Lake Hylia with some SNES-esque rock wall textures:

Posted Image


There's a few rounds of polishing I still want to go through before asking anything, but I will sure appreciate your collaboration, Spire.

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