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My first Zelda mod


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Sorry I couldn't record it on the computer through Skype and Emulator. I'll be able to do it that way next time.

I'm going to change the music in each area of the game, lost woods, kokiri forest, inside dungeons, inside houses and such, ect..

I plan on using music from other zelda titles.

I did this with DeathBaskets InstEd program. I still don't know how to change the area in which the new music will be, I just know I can do it somehow and I'm gonna find out, if I have to get answers from someone or dig for tutorials online.

It's my first Zelda mod, it might not be a big one, and some of you might think it would be a piece of cake to do, but I'm sort of proud of it.

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Hey, that's cool, if you'd like to contribute to the tutorials on how to do this, that would be awesome. :) Just showing how the program works and all that. Anyone can contribute to the list, I welcome the help! Just make sure it's newbie friendly, and shows each step carefully.


Sounds cool though, and I'm jelly for the everdrive. Too expensive for my blood.

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Thanks :) it took me a while to get it to sound as close as it could to the original Wind Waker version. I bought the Everdrive a couple of months ago, and yeah it was expensive, but worth it lol.

Here is DeathBaskets tutorial.




He never explains how to change what area the new music is applied for so I messaged him and he said this.


"If you have a sequence you want to insert then you just replace the sequence used by the area whose music you want to change." and that was the jist of it.


Also you when you click on "insert sequence to rom" in the sequence inserter there will be a thing that says "sequence to replace" with the default number as 2. You have the option of changing the 2 to whatever else you want.

I'm assuming that the 2 represents the number of the area (Hyrule Field) and to change what area the new music is applied you have to simply change the number,

but I don't know what the numbers are for each area :/


Also when you see him opening the the ch1 or whichever documents you will see him change the numbers beside "inst" and "vol"

inst representing the number of which the instrument was assigned. If you assign the instrument bass guitar to 3 then beside inst in the ch txt document you will change it to 3. sometimes you will not have to change it, and sometimes you will.  The highest my vol number in one of the ch documents was 127. 127 is too high it will drown out all of the background noises and effect sounds. You wanna go no higher than 100 or 90, generally around 80 is good, but if it is not higher than 100 then I wouldn't bother changing it, unless of course you test it out and you decide you want that certain instrument to play at a higher or lower vol.

Also this program does not fix the CRC so you will gave to fix it yourself. I use the GZRT to fix it, if you're a noob and you don't know how to do that like I did don't worry,

simply start GZRT and on the left click until you find the rom once it is loaded it should provide two CRC checksum codes. Click Operations, then Fix CRC, and apply the CRC codes that the GZRT provides.




That's all I know that wasn't really covered in the tutorial by DeathBasket.




Here is the music Values. It has been confirmed you replace the default number 2 (Hyrule Fields area) with other numbers for whichever area you want. these are the numbers you will be wanting.



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Nah I don't and I'm too broke to even think about getting one anytime soon. I would get one just for myself. since I'm about to be doing more zelda hacking, and yeah I thought to myself.. "changing all of the music in the game has to be the easiest thing to learn how to do." I figured it would be the easiest way to bring new life to the game. I love Ocarina's music, but I've played this game A LOT, it would be nice to have some fresh new music in an old game. Next thing I'm changing is the lost woods music into the A Link to The Past lost woods song. I'm trying to make it like if Nintendo was going to select songs from all their zelda games (besides OOT's of course) instead of making new ones. If Nintendo still wouldn't select the songs I'm using from other zelda games, then I guess I'm doing it better than they would.

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I was thinking about adding music for night in Hyrule, and using Twilight princess night Hyrule field music.

So far I already know I'm going to use songs from these games (I may make some sound a little different from the originals by emulating different instruments)


Zelda 1 nes - the dungeon underworld music


The Adventure of Link - House music, Temple music, and Cave music


A Link to the Past - Overworld Dungeon, Dark world Dungeon, Dark World Death Mountain, Lost Woods, sanctuary, shop


Majora's Mask - Song of Healing, the confrontation with the mayor, clock town


Skyward sword -  Knights Acedemy, ballad of the goddess, Fi's lament, ghirahim's theme, laynyru mining facility


Wind Waker - Overworld Ocean, Hyrule Castle, forsaken fortress, outset island,


Link's awakening - trendy games song


I still have a lot of deciding to do, I plan on changing the music that plays for other things like when you learn a song, or when an enemy is near. I'm looking for a few midi's like the song after the defeat of the imprisoned (when Impa is talking) if anyone knows what I mean, and the sealed temple song

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is that a super gameboy cartride with links awakening in it?

No I'm replacing all the music in oot with music from other zelda games, I do this by downloading midi files of those songs that other people made. Sometimes the midi's don't sound that much like it, but since I can change the instruments that each channel of the song plays on it comes out sounding a lot better in most cases.

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I did that back in my mod. I brought over a few WW songs that way. You are right when you say some of them do not come over as spectacularly as others.

Yeah I think I just learned how to help with that. Certain area's have certain instrument set list, but you can change that with the Instruments set to sequence mappings option in the InstEd program. That and it helps if you have something you can clip the music to loop better. It takes some trial and error to get each song to sound the way you want it, sometimes more than that, then again I just started using the InstEd program a few days ago.

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I was thinking about adding music for night in Hyrule, and using Twilight princess night Hyrule field music.

So far I already know I'm going to use songs from these games (I may make some sound a little different from the originals by emulating different instruments)


Zelda 1 nes - the dungeon underworld music


The Adventure of Link - House music, Temple music, and Cave music


A Link to the Past - Overworld Dungeon, Dark world Dungeon, Dark World Death Mountain, Lost Woods, sanctuary, shop


Majora's Mask - Song of Healing, the confrontation with the mayor, clock town


Skyward sword -  Knights Acedemy, ballad of the goddess, Fi's lament, ghirahim's theme, laynyru mining facility


Wind Waker - Overworld Ocean, Hyrule Castle, forsaken fortress, outset island,


Link's awakening - trendy games song


I still have a lot of deciding to do, I plan on changing the music that plays for other things like when you learn a song, or when an enemy is near. I'm looking for a few midi's like the song after the defeat of the imprisoned (when Impa is talking) if anyone knows what I mean, and the sealed temple song

I approve. Sounds good.

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is that a super gameboy cartride with links awakening in it?

I feel stupid for not realizing why you were asking that at first (don't judge I was missing out on a ton of sleep -_-') . It's pokemon red, I have Links Awakening DX, it's the reason I got the Super Gameboy.

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I like what you did, awesome! I will figure out music someday, and a tutorial would help. I don't need to change any music yet though.

Thanks! I would offer to do your music if, or when you might need some help. It would be pretty cool to be part of a full game hack, but I'm busy replacing all the music in my hack. Plus I might still run into problems yet with what I'm doing with the InstEd. If all goes well I might make a full hack with new dungeons, and text. I don't want to change the story, instead I want to tell it differently than before (kinda like how DBZ did for DBZ Kai). Like Master Quest, but harder, with new text, and new music. Maybe some other small changes too, nothing too dramatic though.


This isn't a for sure thing since I have never even used the Hex editor, only the OOT Text editor, and InstEd. I will see if I can do what I want on my own, but if learning everything becomes more trouble than I'm bargening for then I might just try to recruit a team. I'm planing to call it Ocarina of Time Rebirth, even if I don't get around to redesigning the dungeons. I gotta sit on the thought for a while..


I'll be posting up new videos tomorrow. I might get around to doing a tutorial on the InstEd too, there's some small things I gotta make sure of first before I post a tutorial.

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Hex can be a bit confounding at first, but the best part to keep in mind is that hex can be easily split into segments.


While textures are just random scattered data, they are not split into segments, but the majority of hex is either code or reference data split into 4-bytes per command. Object files have command segments of joined 4-byte segments and can be segmented into 8 bytes.


Reading hex isn't the only thing you should do... ROM is one thing, but I'm beginning to learn how RAM works with it. I would recommend getting used to ROM hex though. Some would recommend RAM hex, but I say it all depends on what you can get used to. RAM can be confusing without knowing the data before it gets run.


HxD is a really good free hex editor, and I can give you some shortcuts and pointers on how to use it to make things easier.

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That would be much appreciated, I definitely would have needed a little help, it does look sort of complicated. There's a few youtube tutorials I'm going to be looking at, and I didn't know that there was even more than one hex editor. I'm curious to find out which one is more compatible with real hardware. When playing Voyager of time on my N64 I noticed that the grotto holes glitch to the point that they are not visable at times. I think that the reason for that was the hex editor Giadrosich was using, I'll have to ask later and see.


Didn't know that I could edit RAM hex either. If ROM Hex is best for noobies then I'll go with that, and maybe later get into RAM Hex.

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