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Voyager of Time [COMPLETE]


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I'm just hoping I can get the graphical problems that are going on out--I want to release on time, everything is pretty much done (just a few things left to test here and there), plus there's a big stream for charity I'm going to be a part of on the 28th. x.x Busy rest of the month.

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My biggest fear when playing a hack is that not everything will be found by people. Will you release a 100% checklist after the game has been out for a while?

I do want the hints in-game to be enough for people, but there are a few parts that might have you thinking outside the box. So yes, when I release the game, I have someone who has volunteered to do a walkthrough for the game. I will also set up a hint/support thread for the game for people to report any issues or if they need any help.

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Just wanted to let folks know that Kazegava offered to translate the hack into French for me--this probably won't be available May 1st, but eventually I will put up a link to the French version when I get hold of it. :)


As for latest news, yes, we are a week away from launch (gah!), and I'm very excited to release this to the public. Even though there are a few hiccups here and there, there is nothing gamebreaking that the testers have found (and in fact, I'm trying to put in anti-sequence breaking things here and there), so hopefully there won't be any major issues for folks!


There are some graphical problems that still haven't been figured out, but we have figured out a work-around for them that will be included in the readme file if it never gets solved. This might be one thing in the future that I might be able to fix, but probably not by launch. I'd like to have only one release for this thing, so multiple files won't be floating around.


I will be going to Georgia next week to visit my Grandma, but she does have internet, so I should be able to upload no problem from there. :)

The night before, I will be setting up a support/issues/hints forum that people may use, and after the hack releases, I will be keeping an eye on the forum in case there are major things that pop up that me and my four testers missed.


I'd also like to officially challenge folks to speedrun this hack when it releases, as I'd love to see a different speedrun of this game than the same stuff we always see with OOT. And a proper speedrun too, no bottle adventure stuff ;). With the different routes, it should be interesting to see how people go about this.

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I'd also like to officially challenge folks to speedrun this hack when it releases, as I'd love to see a different speedrun of this game than the same stuff we always see with OOT. And a proper speedrun too, no bottle adventure stuff ;). With the different routes, it should be interesting to see how people go about this.

Oh, hell yha!!! That sounds awesome!!!

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I've been visiting GCN for about a year now and I have no idea how this slipped under my nose.  This looks absolutely fantastic!  And i'm so happy for giadrosich for going from not knowing how a hex editor works to making what looks to possibly be the best OoT mod ever released in only four months!  I mean, the only thing that i've seen that even comes close is Zelda's Birthday but even that always seemed kinda weird and wonky.

Seems my patience for Ura is finally paying off.  :D  This releases in about a week, and apparently Ura is putting out a "mini-hack" to tide us over soon.


It's a good time to be an OoT fan.

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I'm glad you're looking forward to it! I'm excited to release it to the public as well. It's not perfect, but it's the best hack I can do at my abilities!

Just wanted to let people know that there is now an official facebook page for Voyager of Time--it's a great way to spread the news to your friends and get the word out. :)



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Due to some short-notice complications, I might have to drop the custom music tracks--I'm still trying to get someone to import the music for me, as I don't know how (and frankly at this point don't have the time to learn). So just a heads up to folks, I'm still going to credit the two people who worked hard on getting music for me, and hopefully we'll be able to post the awesome tracks they put together.


If you have talent in importing music, please, let me know via PM.


Don't forget to tell your friends about the mod, and like the page on facebook to get the word out! I've been getting a lot of feedback from folks who are interested in playing it, so this is our time to have the modding community shine. :)


So I hope I don't screw this up.

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I've been visiting GCN for about a year now and I have no idea how this slipped under my nose.


Same here (but not a year) and I can't believe I missed this I must be blind, how lucky for me though that I discovered Voyager so close to it's release, still gonna be a long couple days haha. Any way I can't wait to play this, congrats.

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Hmmm... Are the tracks in the MIDI format? I could give a little test import to see if I would be up for the job.

Thanks for the offer, but I did get contacted by to Coool who's trying it out. They are in Midi format, but we've run into an instrument problem which will be fixed by Animatix. So, custom music is looking to be a reality! :D


Frantic movement behind the scenes to get this all set up and ready to go for May 1st, that's for sure! :wacko:

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Well, at least one of these Zelda mods is still real.


Giadrosich, thank you for this.  It's going to make the idea that Ura was a huge ****ing farce easier to deal with.

Sorry it won't be as expansive as URA, but I've done everything to the best of my abilities thus far, so I'm really hoping people enjoy it. ^_^


Off topic: Oh, lord, drove almost 13 hours today to Georgia. I'm sore. x.x

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Giad, I just want to let you know on a personal level that I'm very proud of you for all the work you put into this mod. You promised, and you will be delivering in just one more day! I am so happy to hear that everything worked out for you. It doesn't matter if your work isn't on the same scale as URA, you are putting in your honest effort and love into this project to make sure that it comes out nicely. Just because you can't have fancy new dungeons, items, bosses, maps, and everything, doesn't make this a bad mod whatsoever. Just seeing hard work like this released, no matter what scale it is on, makes me happy and very proud of you. Once again, kudos to you.

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Truthfully, Ura wasn't an expansion for Zelda OOT. it was just going to be an entirely new game, having nothing to do with supplementing Oot's gameplay, story, or adding anything to oot. Hell if you look at oot's data, it had partially written data for a forth tunic, 2 more dungeons, and when you connected the DD to Oot it asks for Ura Zelda, the expansion (not new game) for ocarina of time.

so I'm not really caring as much as the le ura project anymore, as it wasn't a restoration, just taking a name under a false pretense and doing their own thing with it. It was amazing, but it got canceled. Truthfully, you project is at the same scale, as its a whole new story and game. Tho you might not be building as much from scratch, you are making a mod for the game that doesn't swap stuff out, and doesn't change little things. You are making new dungeons, but hey, ur not going overboard by using music that is too high of quality for the 64, you arentvusing the MM engine, and you are not inventing new aspects for Zelda OOT that didn't exist in gameplay before.

all that ura had was rewritten OOT gameplay and features, added visuals for show, and uber quality music.

But hey, n hindsight and in scope, it did seem like they tried to bite off more than they could chew. And hell, your project looks great and I can't wait till it is finished!!

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Truthfully, Ura wasn't an expansion for Zelda OOT. it was just going to be an entirely new game, having nothing to do with supplementing Oot's gameplay, story, or adding anything to oot. Hell if you look at oot's data, it had partially written data for a forth tunic, 2 more dungeons, and when you connected the DD to Oot it asks for Ura Zelda, the expansion (not new game) for ocarina of time.

so I'm not really caring as much as the le ura project anymore, as it wasn't a restoration, just taking a name under a false pretense and doing their own thing with it. It was amazing, but it got canceled. Truthfully, you project is at the same scale, as its a whole new story and game. Tho you might not be building as much from scratch, you are making a mod for the game that doesn't swap stuff out, and doesn't change little things. You are making new dungeons, but hey, ur not going overboard by using music that is too high of quality for the 64, you arentvusing the MM engine, and you are not inventing new aspects for Zelda OOT that didn't exist in gameplay before.

all that ura had was rewritten OOT gameplay and features, added visuals for show, and uber quality music.

But hey, n hindsight and in scope, it did seem like they tried to bite off more than they could chew. And hell, your project looks great and I can't wait till it is finished!!

Oh, lord, I'm not making new dungeons. O.O Just changing a little bit of the older ones, sorry if that wasn't made clear. D: This mod concetrates on storyline and route changes :)


Thanks for the support, everyone!

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