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OOT Rebirth Hack


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For the most part yes, when it comes to making switches, and dropped chest that's another story. If theirs a switch that drops a chest in a room I can change the contents of the chest, and in some cases the type of switch. Sometimes even if I change the 0 end vairable number to a 2 the switch remains a floor switch. If I try to copy a switch and chest into another room it will not work, even if I do not edit the vairables. I tried the same method for doing math for the doors and switches, but I ran into the problem that I cannot add more than one "0" into the calculater if I want to put in 000A or whatever in for example.

To make a chest attach to a switch, change its Z-rotation to be equal to the switch. For example, if you want the chest to be triggered by a push switch with variable 0F (012A 0F00), you should set the chests Z-rotation to 0F (15).


Lots of fun information about this here


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Made a website to promote the project, and got a new logo. I liked the old one a lot and it wasn't bad in my opinion, but this one Spire made is much better.

I'll still be keeping things up to date here of course. I've decided not to drop the project, but instead put it down for a while. I need to start looking for a job, and get my life on track. Getting a steady income, and eventually my own place is my main priority.




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Thanks, I'm pretty close to releasing the demo mod. I got set back by a few songs I ported into the game, I had to go through a few for each area just deciding what I wanted. Edited the pitch and dropped a few scales for songs that used flutes, then I lowered the tempo on some, and made them loop better. Had to fix a room in the dungeon, and after testing my dungeon I found out that one room was screwed up for an unknown reason. So I gotta fix that, port one song, and do the text, which the text will take me a while, because I want it to be the best it can be.

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Lol, I'd like to port a midi of that song into the Honey and Dariling mini game shop in MM, ahahah. I just might do it for the lulz.


Anyways, here's the new Kokiri Forest song. I like it, but I thought I could have made it better, after hours on end of fooling with it I figured this was as good as it was getting.


I lowered the tempo of the song, and lowered the notes for the flute so it would sound right in game. Cuting and pasting for a good loop is almost always mandatory, as it was with this song.


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Mabe Village! This arrangement feels so fitting. It makes me nostalgic for Mario 64 for whatever reason, but that means you're doing it right.


Heavy, the trailer was fantastic. The song managed to work—glad it wasn't the run-of-the-mill epic metal chorus song that everyone uses. From the footage alone, I'm really excited about what you're doing. Many changes, but not drastic ones. Increased fog in the Lost Woods is brilliant. 20x more immersive.

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  • 2 months later...

So I was going to release this forever ago, but I had a lot of things I was supposed to do, I ended up having to move. Got employed full time, and I just don't have the motivation to work on it, I barely have the time to even do it if I wanted too.


Things to note


  • This was supposed to be for the demo release, but it is very unfinished. I will finish the demo version eventually
  • Non hardware compatible- sorry but the OoT text tool did something and made my mod file super large for no reason it seems. Airikita tried to fix it for me, but for now this only works on Nemu.. I think.. I haven't tried PJ64 on this rom.
  • The next release, and really the official release of the demo will be hardware compatible, I have a back up that wasn't touched by the OoT Text tool, it just doesn't have any new text or new music. IF anyone really wants to play this on hardware without any new music then please comment.
  • File 1 is normal
  • The text was barely worked on. I was going to finish the text, find a way to put in the last few songs before I released  this and hacked Gohma a little more but I would have had to experiment what orders I put in what songs for a long time before I could even hope to get another song in without any help from someone who is more experienced and could help with my problem.
  • This hack is super hard, I doubt anyone will be able to beat my dungeon, mainly because of the timed puzzle room I need to edit.. it is possible to beat, I tested it and beat it before... barely. I mainly want to see if anyone can rise to the challenge, I will tone down the difficulty for the next release
  • Gohma isn't finished
  • A few different music sequences still need to be replaced, but none major,  just songs like "Got the stone" or "Opening chest" and ect.
  • I couldn't remove the map select ability, I will when I finally do release the demo if it's possible.


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It happens, just take your time to think of ways to work around it. There's always a roadblock with these kinds of things. I screwed up on mine, but I'm on the right track. Buuuut, things are not looking pretty... like, I have to start digging out the rotted crap...


I'm kind of pissed at the fact that the texture that was converted was the wrong format (somehow) even though the image was loaded as the proper type.


But hey, it's all good to figure out new things. I'm still debating on if I want to fix it or not, because... well... it's a pain. Good thing I still have a clean/working ROM. I always keep telling myself to back up things when they work, and I completed something. I'm pissed off as shit over the formatting of things on Unicat though... look at me ramble, I'm stressed and tired from other things lately. I'll go crash like a drunkard now.


Uhhhhhh, I have so much stuff I need to review for exams... time to take some Buckleys (if you know what I'm talking about).

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ROM works fine on Mupen, though there are some texture errors. Not sure if that's the ROM or graphics plugin.


--Enemies doing tons of damage gets tiresome.

--Switch triggered wallmasters are a little obvious after the first one

--Speaking of which, the room with the blue switches is really weird. One of them seems to trigger when you step off it.

--Timed puzzle isn't very hard. Just need to put the little block in the right place.

--What lights the torch in the basement?

--What opens the door to queen gohma's room?



--I like the vines/gate thing

--Tektite room is very clever


I've only played up through the tree. Is there more?

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@ Airikita - I definitely know what you're talking about lol and I feel you on the stress thing, believe me. I'll have to ask you about the crash debugger and everything else later. Thank you Airikita.


@ petrie911 - Wow, I'm suprised you got all the way down to the bottom of the tree haha, and kinda it's just a small unfinished demo since I had to do everything over again with a new rom. If you want, try going into the Lost woods, finding the Sales Scrub, and look around for a specific gossip stone that's hidden.


as for your other questions and comments:

-In the basement you have to activate a different torch in the previous room, and use a stick.

-I couldn't figure out how to fix that switch, I used part of a variable for a sun switch that dropped Wallmasters. Honestly I was suprised it even worked.

-Good to know it works on more than one emulator in it's current state, and it's the graphics plugin I believe. I haven't noticed any texture errors on N64 hardware, before my file became too corrupt to work on it. The only thing that stopped it from working on hardware was OoT Text Tool making the file too large, I'm not sure when I made it do that, if I did, or why.

-Queen Gohma's door opens when you hit the scrubs in the right combination, I planted one in their as a dummy, I made him immortal to confuse people.


Thanks for the feedback and playing my mod too

I will work on toning down the enemies damages to something more appropriate, and will think about what would be better for the room with several eye switches.

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