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SharpOcarina and Sketchup question



10 answers to this question

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I've been having this issue too. but what i found usually fixes it, is I remove all solid color materials, then repaint all the surfaces the appropriate material. always fixed this kind of thing for me so far.


but don't do it yet, as I am inexperienced and do not know for sure if this is the correct thing to do. wait for someone else to reply before doing what i said.

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I don't know an awful lot about custom maps as I've only recently started messing with them myself, but I encountered this same problem when I first started trying to import maps. Here are two tips I hope will help remedy this problem for you.


1. Make sure you have the latest version of Sharp Ocarina (Version 1.6) as apparently V1.5 has some trouble displaying maps properly (at least this is what I've read).


2. When exporting from SketchUp, adjust your OBJ Export Options to match the Options below:

Posted Image


Hopefully these tips will help fix your problem.

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What obj exporter are you using? The only time I see this happen is if you have the faces in the wrong direction. Each face (without a texture) has a light side and a dark side. Ensure the light side is ALWAYS facing link.

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For the record, are your maps triangulated? If not, then that could definitely be causing the problem you're having. While there are definitely several plugins which can do this for you, more often than not it's a better idea to manually triangulate as you build the map if it's a simple one, as most triangulation algorithms aren't particularly efficient. It's also worth checking to ensure your polygons are facing the right way; in SketchUp, the white side is the front of a polygon, while the indigo side is the back (which cannot be seen, and for collision, will result in Link being able to move/fall through that side only).

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Alright, now I cannot stress this enough but the Object importer in the normal Sketchup Pro is flawed. XDaniel shouldn't have to make workarounds for his tools when his tools are not the issue.


I stress Everyone to pick up TIG's Exporter at...




Then follow JSA's instructions here...




That should solve a majority of the problems people are experiencing..

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It's 50-50 I think. SO has its bugs, but there's also exporters that create somewhat weird .obj files, for the lack of a better word - perfectly valid in regards to the (not very strict anyway) file format, but going against some typical conventions I've seen so far.


Honestly I think you're being modest XDaniel.  I've not encountered any errors in Sharp Ocarina other than the UV mapping error.  (Edit: and yes the skybox but that is a different issue)


I've been trying to think up a way to pre-process the .OBJ files.   To split the UV mappings that cross the invisible boundaries of the of the UV mapping limits.  However, it probably requires geometry of a higher level than I know how to do.


It's not 50-50, more like 90-10 or 80-20.  I would say the majority of errors are created by bad .OBJ exports and not Sharp Ocarina.

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