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zelda project


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hi i am going to start a new zelda project soon (dont know when) and i have got an idea of what it is so does any want to help out and i want to put new areas, dungeons, items and sidequest and the story is just ocarina of time story just with new dungeon, sages, items and sidequest  

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For the sake of being a good guy, i suggest you edit this post and rewrite your project idea basis and a few details to start us with

^ All of that.



You always want to spell out your ideas, what you may have started, your experience in what you can and cannot do, things of that sort.

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will i want to have new dungeons, items, sidequest and new areas to explore and i know some of you are going to say this ura zelda and it not zeth ura this now is going to be not the same as his


Well...if you want to have new dungeons, items, sidequests, and new areas to explore, that is a goal for most mods on here.


But, do you have ideas for your dungeons, items, sidequests, and new areas? I'd like to see an outline of what you have planned, rather than just a generalization. Do you have experience with making these things, or are you new to the process? If you are, I suggest checking out the Tutorial thread here and see what you might be interested in starting first.

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will i want to have new dungeons, items, sidequest and new areas to explore and i know some of you are going to say this ura zelda and it not zeth ura this now is going to be not the same as his

Well...if you want to have new dungeons, items, sidequests, and new areas to explore, that is a goal for most mods on here.


But, do you have ideas for your dungeons, items, sidequests, and new areas? I'd like to see an outline of what you have planned, rather than just a generalization. Do you have experience with making these things, or are you new to the process? If you are, I suggest checking out the Tutorial thread here and see what you might be interested in starting first.

^This here and also, you might want to give more info on the story. If you want people to join your project, you will have to gain their interest first. It's not fun working on a project, when you don't know what it's about.
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  • 2 months later...

Ok I need someone to make the inside of the wind temple the person that is making the outside of it is taking a while and i need a bit of help so any good drawers out there could draw me out the inside of the temple and i will tell you if i can use it 

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Have to go with Spire here; many a project on Glitchkill has met an untimely end because people started out a project with little more than "I want to make a mod with custom dungeons, textures, etc." which tells us nothing about what the project actually intends to do. If you want people to get interested in it, I recommend first coming up with a story for your mod, and specific ideas for dungeons at minimum. Ideally you'll want to flesh out your ideas as much as possible and have a clear but concise outline of what needs to be done for your project to be realized.


Also, as a dungeon designer who has suffered from vague directions given by project leaders, please don't just say "someone make the inside of a dungeon" with nothing more to go off of than it being referred to as the Wind Temple. What items will the player have at their disposal? What sort of puzzles should the player be expected to solve at that point? If you don't have answers to these questions, then you're probably not in a position to ask someone to go to the trouble of designing the dungeon for you. Creating a map off a blueprint is one thing; designing it from nothing more than an ambiguous title is something entirely different.

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