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Every PC elitist ever just got served.


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You can make games on any console that has a Basic interpreter, so a lot of them from I guess Famicom and up. Not to mention game creation tools like Dezaemon or RPG Maker...

This, too. Though, I didn't mention things like RPG Maker, because I was assuming Bobbo would be all like, "That's not a real game maker" or something.

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As far as gaming goes(and when discussing GAMING, that's all that will ever matter), there is hardly a damn thing a PC can do that my most current console can not do.

Multiple monitors (surround/eyefinity/softTH). You haven't truly played an Elder Scrolls game until you've done so across three displays.


That said, gameplay wise there's not a whole lot different. PCs are actually a bit disadvantaged on higher profile stuff since many companies target the 360 and then port back to the PC. Ultimately, use what you prefer.

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As far as gaming goes(and when discussing GAMING, that's all that will ever matter), there is hardly a damn thing a PC can do that my most current console can not do.

Multiple monitors (surround/eyefinity/softTH). You haven't truly played an Elder Scrolls game until you've done so across three displays.

It kind of bugs me when people say stuff like that.

No, you truly haven't played the game until you launched it on your PC or console, and actually played it, three monitors or not.

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I hate playing on PC I mean it's just not the same as sitting back in your couch and playing on a nice flat screen. Then you have to worry about the fact if the game has good controller support or not. I just don't like playing with the keyboard. I have Silent Hill 3 for my PC and it doesn't support some of the buttons for my 360 controller. I know it would be a lot easier to play on PS2. For consoles you can pick up a controller and easily memorize the button layout. The controller feels a lot better in the palm of your hands than it would feel to have your hands on the keyboard for hours. Being a console gamer offers a lot of comfort. It gives you that plug and play option so you can take it anywhere with ease.

Medo is right though, if you play the game you've played the game, it doesn't matter how. It all gives you the same feels in the end.

You can't say I'm not playing my games just because I do it on a CRT TV... I wouldn't say you're not playing yours just because you do it on computer. I do both PC gaming (very little) and console, but if I was a richer man I'd only do console gaming.

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That reminded me of the BlackBusterCritic, very questionable.

Not sure who he is.... but I'm a critc for sure... even of myself at times.

I was trying to say that I think Console gaming has it's advantages, but the game is the game even if you experience it a little differently.

If I had a HD TV I would be able to appriciate the graphics a little better, but that's not what the game is all about.

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Not sure who he is.... but I'm a critc for sure... even of myself at times.



I was trying to say that I think Console gaming has it's advantages, but the game is the game even if you experience it a little differently.

If I had a HD TV I would be able to appriciate the graphics a little better, but that's not what the game is all about.


Oh, I was referring to the video. Sorry,

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it's just not the same as sitting back in your couch and playing on a nice flat screen


I noticed several arguments of this theme, so here's this (or DVI/HDMI, whatever floats your boat). Just thought I'd throw that out there for consideration.

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That's cool and all, Secant, but HDMI gaming on the PC can at many times be a painful experience: some shit can happen in the background that minimizes your game, game can crash so you have to get ALL THE WAY back up and start it up again, and not to mention, a lot of PC games have poor controller support, and require you to use a mouse in certain areas, eliminating the point of "kicking back and relaxing on the PC!"


The last one is the biggest issue. If people want to give their games controller support, they shouldn't half-bake it in(yes, I know there are games that fully support controllers).



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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it's just not the same as sitting back in your couch and playing on a nice flat screen


I noticed several arguments of this theme, so here's this (or DVI/HDMI, whatever floats your boat). Just thought I'd throw that out there for consideration.


How do you think I watch my movies for free? Also what Medo just said.

I may not own a flat screen myself, but my brother has his set up in the living room, and I use it all the time.



I'd like to mention people with desktops instead of labtops as well. It would be a big hassle just to move everything back and forth just to game on the TV

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I fail to see how one can consider games to be 'better' overall on one platform or the other, when certain game types play with more ease on certain platforms. It's absurd to say that one platform is the superior overall, simply because certain games are designed with certain platforms in mind. It's like saying you could play Wii games better on the N64 (assuming one created an N64 version of said titles). The mechanics are designed to reflect the inputs and outputs of the respective platform.[/thread]

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I fail to see how one can consider games to be 'better' overall on one platform or the other, when certain game types play with more ease on certain platforms. It's absurd to say that one platform is the superior overall, simply because certain games are designed with certain platforms in mind. It's like saying you could play Wii games better on the N64 (assuming one created an N64 version of said titles). The mechanics are designed to reflect the inputs and outputs of the respective platform.[/thread]

You are right, but I haven't seen a game that didn't play as well or better after being ported from PC to console. Some games made for console then PC don't port over very nicely, the controls are often lacking.

Like I've mentioned before the controls for Silent hill 3 on PC are not good, and it does not have very good controller support. Playing it would be easier on PS2.

If people want to game on PC it's their choice, personally I think the only real advantage PC gaming has is the ablility to download games for free some illegal way, or get them very cheap off Steam. PC only games as well are a factor, but it's not like there isn't console only games. To each their own though. I don't have any intention of discussing it further, these sort of topics can get heated very easily.

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