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Ocarina of Time 3D screenshots and info

Zeth Ryder

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Ocarina of Time 3D will be released June of this year bundled with the now confirmed Master Quest Remake, nothing has been stated whether you have to unlock it or if MQ is available at the beginning, perhaps MQ will have more then just remixed dungeons and the URA Zelda we've all been waiting for all these years.(one can hope right?)

Thanks to IGN, I found some amazing newly released screenshots of OOT 3D! This is just IMPRESSIVE!


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Yeah it looks really amazing honestly! :P

I am really impressed with how well Nintendo did with a remake of it.

Me too! But then there are people complaining about pointless things; Such as the way the fingers are designed, how the fence looks, blah, blah, blah, graphics w***e stuff. I could care less about looks and more about how it plays.

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Honestly, I'm actually a little bit disappointed with some of the model graphics. The Stalfos, in particular, doesn't seem much more detailed than the original one, and the textures are rather low-resolution for a full-on remake of the game meant to be in super high detail. In addition, the scene in Sacred Forest Meadow seems highly primitive--walls should never intersect floors at a 90-degree angle in modern games. It makes it seems so much less real, no matter how many particle effects and scenery features you toss in.


That said, what I am liking is the dynamic camera angles. It looks like it's a lot more reactive, now, which is great. I like being entertained by a good angle to view the action by, and it looks like Nintendo plans to deliver on that level. Let's just hope they don't overembelish it, otherwise it will just be unwieldy and dizzying.

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Honestly, I'm actually a little bit disappointed with some of the model graphics. The Stalfos, in particular, doesn't seem much more detailed than the original one, and the textures are rather low-resolution for a full-on remake of the game meant to be in super high detail. In addition, the scene in Sacred Forest Meadow seems highly primitive--walls should never intersect floors at a 90-degree angle in modern games. It makes it seems so much less real, no matter how many particle effects and scenery features you toss in.


That said, what I am liking is the dynamic camera angles. It looks like it's a lot more reactive, now, which is great. I like being entertained by a good angle to view the action by, and it looks like Nintendo plans to deliver on that level. Let's just hope they don't overembelish it, otherwise it will just be unwieldy and dizzying.

To each man his own. But, i think why it's pretty much like that is because the screenshots are of higher quality than an average 3DS screen. I do disagree with the Satlfos part though....*runs away*.

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@Arcaith: I agree entirely. I think that's why the surroundings look so low-detail--it's because Link is so much more detailed than everything else. And I'll concede that the pictures are a higher resolution than the screen, but still, the Stalfos just seem so low-poly to me. Their shields and gauntlets look the same as the N64, for crying out loud!

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You have earned the favor of Naxylldritt by making him LOL at a post for more than 15 seconds straight, and your post is thus to be acknowledged with:

-very cool seal of approval-


@Arcaith: I agree entirely. I think that's why the surroundings look so low-detail--it's because Link is so much more detailed than everything else. And I'll concede that the pictures are a higher resolution than the screen, but still, the Stalfos just seem so low-poly to me. Their shields and gauntlets look the same as the N64, for crying out loud!

Why thank you very much, Mr. Naxylldritt.


On-topic: I agree about the Stalfos' shields and gauntlets,they just seem a little off. But look at the last screenie, now that's quality IMO.

Edited by Octorok17
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Honestly why can't they do this for the Wii?


Shigeru Miyamoto was for doing it on the wii, however Eiji Aonuma didn't want to redo it for the wii. He didn't want it to be just another remake, he wanted something that could draw in the gamer, give depth to the game, and that's where the Nintendo 3DS comes in using its 3D effects, it adds a whole new level of gameplay to OOT.
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