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Bing-it-on; The douchbags who piss me off


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Microsoft made a hefty claim that 2-1 people prefer Bing over Google, and me being the skeptic I am decided to take the Bing-it-On challenge.


My searches were




[*]Zelda64 Modding

[*]I don't know

My results were






4-1, Google was better than Bing in my opinion. Keep in mind that this challenge doesn't include the use of personalized results, or image search, just plain web search. When I looked in the comments, the results were unanimous. Everyone was 2-2 (tie), 4-1 (google), and 5-0 (google); with a majority being 4-1 like my results. So, in boredom, I googled for Microsoft false claims about Bing being better than google and came across this article that really struck a nerve.



Google vs Bing. Falling for a Giant Bandwagon

Since most of the people I know irl, and most of the people I meet on the internet, use tthe search engine Google for their web searches, I have generally used google for most of my searching online. Maybe it is because I tried out bing a few years back, somewhere in middle school maybe, and I didn't like it, and it was probably because I didn't like the results I got since I was more used to Google.


YesterdayI discovered that I personally do prefer the bing search results over Google. I was stunned, and it was totally unexpected of me.

Is it because I've become more intelligent over the few years? No.

Is it because I've grown older? No.

Is it because Google is become less reliable? Maybe.

Is it because Bing has developed rapidly over the few years? Maybe.

Did I get sucked into a bandwagon? Most likely, yes.


Bing may not be the choice for some of you, but just so you know I've been using Google for pretty much all my life until just yesterday, so lol x.x take my opinion as you want, because I am a Googler now transitioning to Bing slowly.SO there's no doubt I am a Google search engine user for the most part.


All this time,I have been using Google simply because I believed it was better,

in fact i never even bothered with Bing, and every time I accidentally got onto bing I would redirect myself to google. Yea, I wouldnt even try Bing, and I kinda regret it now that I think back on it. Most people use it, and it even owns YouTube, a video site most of the world goes to, so all these things mesh and add up and morph into a giant bandwagon.


Of course, that's oversimplying simplifying* it x.x because both search engines are decent, and get the job done. It just so happens that I now prefer Bing over Google because I realized I was ignorant by not giving Bing a chance, not experimenting, not even trying it these past years.

There is a challenge called Bing it on! AndI encourage you to check it out and see the results for yourself.

Bing It On


You might like Bing, or you might like Google better, who knows. I'll tell you on my first try, I chose Bing 4 out of 5 times. Second try, Google 3 out of 5, Third, Bing 4 out of 5. I even double checked on the real websites Bing and Google to see if the research on this Bing website was lying to me, and they weren't lying, however I noticed slight differences due to the fact that I use Google more, but other than that the searches were accurate according to both the search engines, and I preferred Bing.


A majority of the tards on the internet claim Google is better, and make claims that are totally false, and I can't fathom why people are lying to themselves. The most common comments are things like Bing sucks, or it's crap. Is this an attack on Bing, or is it an attack on Bill Gates or Microsoft? I'm going to say it's a mix of both.


The thing with Bing is, it's developing rapidly, andI gotta say it's copying many things from Google. Somehow though, I found the Bing results more relevant to my interests. For example when I searched education on Bing and Google.



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Basically on top you have Google, and on the bottom you have Bing.

The thing that Bing does is it gives you an accurate as possible search as the first result, see it's education.com or whatever, then it goes into other education related searches.

What Google did was advertise at me so I removed the top two adverts but left the bottom one just to show you that yea they do advertise to you for some reason, then they go into what most of you probably know. Yea, instead of relevancy they pick out user-input. Do you see what I mean by saying bandwagon? See, why would I want to go to the government website? Is it because it's most searched for since it's the time of the month of the 2012 election? Who knows, maybe. Bing on the other hand just went straight for the word-relevant result, which in this case was Wiki. Of course if you continue down, both Google and Bing will have most of the websites eventually, but this is why I did another comparison for you all. And for those education websites, no I'm not gonna rely on the internet for that, I'm gonna consult with my parents and school and contact the facilities directly. What the cake? x.x Are people getting lazier?



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Google on Left. Bing on Right.

Both started off with images.

Google, it appears, goes into the most popular kinds of searches on the web, maybe because it's interconnected with its Images feature which might be why it places photobucket first. And this is just my opinion, but I didn't really care about the results after, and then it continues on into random junk Idc about, search on google yourself, Cute Anime and see if you like those sites. I certainly didn't, I mean, I'm not gonna waste my time with a site like 4chan for the subject cute anime. And no offense to the people who use it, but I like my brain cells, and I don't feel like participating in a cesspool site. Kinda like Facebook, time wasting. Or Twitter, boring and useles, imo. Yea sure myanimelist is popuar, but why would I carw about the phrase cute anime in random possibly popular topics or threads on the ite? Furthermore it provides some tumblr page, which I don't care about. Onto Bing's side, like I mentioned before it tried to be as accurate as possible, and in this case, no, I wasn't looking or a wallpaper, and it tried its best on the next, however then it goes into another category of searching which would be video, and so on and so forth for the rest, similar to Google.


Eventually both get their results across to us, but both have varying techniques when doing so.


I saw someone argue that Bing is for morons because it has "bigger thumbnail pictures". Well that's plain retarded. Instead of looking at the presentation, which is also important and Bing does just as well as Google, look at the results, moron, whoever the heck that random nobody was.


There was even a guy who said they ssearched on bing for "bing it on" and they got "bing.com" as their first result. Did that person just spew off stupidity? Obviously this person was trolling or joking, or they're just another bandwagoner. Of course a few are gonna check, especially if they wanna be truthful and accurate if theyre gonna write about it, blog about it. I checked it, it's false, they lied. Go check now if you want, it does give you bing it on, not bing.com first.


Stuff like that, lying to yourself, is what happens in a bandwagon.


Your preference might be different. In fact,I still like Google because I'm used to it, but slowly I think I'm going to watch and see how Bing progresses because it's not as bad as tards make it out to be. Here on the Cakedog blog, I have given not only my opinion and TRUTHFUL word, but actual substance, real evidence, unlike most of the internet and "fact checkers" and stupid bloggers who have no clue what they're talking about and probably just want traffic to get blog revenue. They may SAY or TYPE about how bad Bing is, but they're not giving equal attention or shedding light on the truth. Makes me sick.


The point of all this is for me to tell you to take matters into your own hands, don't rely on others' opinions all the time. Don't go along for the ride, steer the mode of transportation xD And if you do that, you'll find out whether you've made the right choice for yourself or not.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have some ice cubes to eat, or drink, whatever makes more sense, and a novel to read > :o




Obviously, I had something say about this, which I posted on the irc at the bottom of the article. No one was online at the time, so it'll probably never be seen, but I felt that I had to vent my feelings about the article...

The person who wrote this article is full of shit. Firstly, nice job only showing the first 2 search results, and not showing Bing's ads as well. Btw, I would still pick the Google results for "Education" because if I were to search for "Education" I would be looking for info about education. I don't need to be told how to spell ".com".

In the second search, you cut off Google's video results while showing Bing's, which add to the appeal of the page, and even worse, you were looking for "cute anime" pictures and didn't both to show an actual image search.

"A majority of the tards on the internet claim Google is better"


A minority of tards on the internet like having a plump juicy Microsoft dick in their mouth.

Well, you have my opinion on this. If you're a skeptic about Microsoft's claims as well, take the bing-it-on challenge yourself and see how it stands
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FUCK YOU, TPATALK! It's not letting me add text to the quote, SO HERE'S FUCKING THIS:"You becoming a Drakan fan?

lol, yeah :P it's like skyrim, except you can ride dragons instead of killing them and play it without lag

Also, Bing fucking sucks. It's the absolute worst search engine on the internet."

that seems to be the unanimous opinion of everyone except a select few Microsoft junkies.
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Drakan fucking rocks. I also had some love in there for you, but I discovered tapatalk isn't letting me make those little arrow symbols, so I cannot make a goddamn heart.


And yeah, almost everyone hates it for a good reason.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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I don't understand 99% of internet squabbles. Pirates/ninjas... Consoles/PC's... Macs/PC's... Robots/Monsters...


Google/Bing most of all. Who gives a high-tom-tit about what kind of search you use? They all suck in their own special way. When you look up blue waffle, you STILL get a blue waffle.

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I don't understand 99% of internet squabbles. Pirates/ninjas... Consoles/PC's... Macs/PC's... Robots/Monsters... Google/Bing most of all. Who gives a high-tom-tit about what kind of search you use? They all suck in their own special way. When you look up blue waffle, you STILL get a blue waffle.

It's not a vs squabble, it's about Microsoft blatantly lying and saying 2-1 people prefer Bing when in fact, 4-1 people prefer Google
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I took this challenge and not even fully understanding it, I just searched for the most random things that popped in my head. I've been an avid Google user for years and as I had expected, I preferred Google on each search I did on Bing. I wonder how much these people on their commercials are getting paid to promote Bing. :o

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