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Official Xbox One Thread


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The problem with people complaining that "all hasn't been revealed, give it time". This is their ONE chance (c wut I did there?) to give a first impression of the system. I don't care about what comes after, because this is what they chose to reveal the system with. THEY CHOSE to reveal a gaming system with emphasis on TV. It doesn't matter if they try and backpedal afterwards, because this is what they are obviously most proud of.


Fish. Just sayin'. I wouldn't reveal a huge game/console/whatever with fish that move out of the way.

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  On 5/28/2013 at 4:40 AM, giadrosich said:

The problem with people complaining that "all hasn't been revealed, give it time". This is their ONE chance (c wut I did there?) to give a first impression of the system. I don't care about what comes after, because this is what they chose to reveal the system with. THEY CHOSE to reveal a gaming system with emphasis on TV. It doesn't matter if they try and backpedal afterwards, because this is what they are obviously most proud of.


Fish. Just sayin'. I wouldn't reveal a huge game/console/whatever with fish that move out of the way.

I just want people to remember the following:


  • ...based on actual Japanese history. ...so, here's this giant enemy crab. [...]attack it's weak point for massive damage.
  • 599 US dollars

Yeah, the PS3 had some god-awful reveals and stuff... but it actually is doing quite well now. Just Saiyan...

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The PS3, despite its reveal, carried one reeeeeeeally big impetus: a potential Final Fantasy VII remake. Didn't even happen, but that's an example of why people were excited for it, among many other properties. Since Microsoft dropped the ball on their exclusives in favor of television (and television versions of exclusives, ehem... Halo), gamers almost unanimously gave up, seemingly over night as well!


It's really awesome to see Microsoft bomb so hard with the public. I'm curious to see what E3 does for the system. They better keep with their intention so we can at least have the saving grace of consistence instead of seeing a retcon reveal catering towards gamers.


Though I'm sure that's what we'll get. It's E3. This was the reveal, showing what Microsoft really cares about, and their conference at E3 will focus on games—and will undoubtedly win over quite a number of people.


I've permanently signed off though. Fuck you Microsoft.

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  On 5/28/2013 at 4:54 AM, Colonel Medo said:

The PS3 isn't a restrictive pile of shit, though.

Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

Yes, but back then, nobody really knew how the device would work though until it was released. For all we know, M$ may decide to scrap some of the more extreme features. For all we know, we could be taking things out of context, and end up finding out it's less extreme than we think it is now. It's still way too early to tell. Like Blunty said in his review, it'll be hard to review until it's actually released, and he has a unit in his paws.


Also, the amount of times my week-old, brand new PS3 has frozen... >.>

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My PS3 hardly, hardly ever freezes(only ever does when it gets hot in here). I think yours may be a lemon, you damaged it somehow, OR you have it in a horribly ventilated area.


And no, that just isn't how the PS3 is; it's one of those three, Shadow, and really nothing else.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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  On 5/28/2013 at 5:13 AM, Colonel Medo said:

My PS3 hardly, hardly ever freezes(only ever does when it gets hot in here). I think yours may be a lemon, you damaged it somehow, OR you have it in a horribly ventilated area.And no, that just isn't how the PS3 is; it's one of those three, Shadow, and really nothing else.

I think what actually has caused it may have been an internet spike when downloading a system update. Ventilation is fine, it hasn't been damaged, and quite frankly, if it was a lemon, it would have been much worse than random freezing. The game it happens most with is Mass Effect, which I believe the PS3 version is quite buggy anyway... even moreso than the PC/360 versions, for which the game was primarily made for.


In any case, back to the topic at hand, I still think we should wait before we start condemning a machine which is still under development. If it releases with the same stuff, and doesn't justify itself, only then may we lynch Microsoft.

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Personally, I see nothing wrong with condemning a system based on confirmed and heavily publicized information from the source of the company developing the console even when it hasn't been released. As giadrosich said, clearly Microsoft is proud of what they've come up with; otherwise, they wouldn't have jumped the gun and shown off their console before E3. I was leery about the leaked information about the "Durango" project a month or two ago, but considering it's all more or less been confirmed to be true, as it is I loath what they intend to do with this console. It's an insult to gamers and a threat to personal privacy, two things that hit in particularly sensitive areas to me.

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There's also the fact that no matter what it brings to the table, there's still going to be the issue of connecting it every 24 hours, the threat of no used games (unless they produce a better system between here and E3). The thing could jump through hoops and cook dinner for me, and those issues still won't go away. The PS3 was released with some weird stuff, admittedly, but it was not released with the thread of privacy invasion, fees for used games, and must be online always to function (excuse me, once every 24 hours is pretty much online always).

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I heard something interesting. Maybe someone mentioned already and I didn't read it, but I'll mention it anyways. We know that this XBox will NOT work without Kinect. But now they are even making it so that if there are too many people in the room while playing your games, it will shut off the entire console. So now people can't even WATCH games on the XBox.


Which sucks for my family, because they love to watch video games.

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Well, I should be more clear on this. See, they haven't added this charming feature yet, and hopefully they WON'T. They simply filed a PATENT for the idea. This will only happen if you haven't payed the correct license fees for the amount of people in the room. AIN'T THAT GREAT?!

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  On 5/28/2013 at 12:04 PM, Shadow Fire said:

In any case, back to the topic at hand, I still think we should wait before we start condemning a machine which is still under development. If it releases with the same stuff, and doesn't justify itself, only then may we lynch Microsoft.



I dunno Shadow Fire. I'd say if they knew how gamers felt maybe they would change their minds, and make the Xbox One different. I'd give it a chance if it wasn't for all the stuff like "connecting every 24 hours" and "Pay a fee to activate used games" I have no problem with the Kinect having to be connected at all times.

I don't doubt it will be released with some good games, but I'll have to pass on those, unless something gives with Microsoft.

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I kind of wish the Xbox One gets discontinued fast, that way, if someone on the Microsoft gaming division decides to make a Xbox 360 spiritual successor (and hopefully can  name it the "Xbox Infinity"; goes well with the 8 thing Microsoft has been using, because 8 is an infinite sign standing up, okay, I'll shut up now), then I'll be really happy. I'm pretty all of us will (unless you're Nintendo fanboy heh heh .)

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Look, guys: you can do everything without an internet connection BUT play games. It's a video game console last, people, and that's all there is to it.


And Shadow, I'm sorry, but it's way past the point for them to suddenly redeem themselves. Their heads are way too far up their asses, and they think this is what people WANT.


Go the fuck home, Xbone. Nobody fucking wants you.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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  On 6/7/2013 at 8:00 AM, Crownjo said:

Ya know something. Ever since my 360 wireless headset and controller works on my PC. It made my 360 pointless.

Ya know something. We're talking about a console here.


Saying that something is on PC anyway is sort of a non-argument. Because comparing PC and consoles together are talking about very different types of gamers. The fact that the games are available on PC is not the issue here. The issue here is that a CONSOLE is taking a very terrible approach. Some of us don't have the money, nor the want to go to PC gaming. We like our consoles.


Just because you've decided to go to a PC doesn't mean that the rest of us are going to like the fact that the Xbox One has required all of this crap with it. Enough of the "oh, consoles are pointless because the games are on PC" shit. I'm a console gamer, not PC gamer. My desktop is TWELVE FUCKING YEARS OLD, and I DO NOT CARE. My laptop is about 2-3 years old. I don't care that your Xbox 360 has been pointless to you now, because ya know what? It's not pointless to me.

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