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Super Smash Bros. Wii U & 3DS


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It's official. Talk about it here. The OP will be updated once nintendo.com comes back online with info.


Oh, and in case you didn't see: MEGA MAN IS IN. MEGA MAN.


And Villager from Animal Crossing. Shit's forreal.

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I'd say Nintendo and Sony both win; I'm equally happy with the both of 'em. Nintendo wins for its games, Sony wins for everything awesome about the PS4. Like so: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWSIFh8ICaA


Microsoft, go home. Let the companies that care about games make games without stepping in and trying to steal their thunder. You actually lost it this time, assholes.


Super Smash Bros. 4ever.

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Currently listening to: ROCKMAN HOLIC - Together as One (feat. Nano) (aka a really awesome English-language vocal track based on Wily Stage 1 from Mega Man 2)


Also, you know who should go 3rd party? Microsoft.


EDIT: Also:



http://www.smashbros.com/us/ - The Smash Bros. Dojo is back (sort of!)

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So, um. Yeah.




Seriously, I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this is an awesomely batshit character choice. I thought R.O.B. would be esoteric in Brawl, but this tops that. Just wish they'd save her as an unlockable, unless Sakurai has ideas for unlockable fighters further out of left field.

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...yeah. The announcement they teased some 15 minutes before that. Right, let's move on.


I'd like to know if Sonic will be in again! Mario vs. Sonic vs. Mega Man would be awesome!


Remember, Nintendo has that deal with Sega for upcoming Sonic games, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Sonic again. That way, we can finally see who the superior blue mascot is.

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Furthermore, Namco could easily add Pac-Man.


Mario v. Pac-Man v. Sonic v. Mega Man. An all-star match of the mascots of four major Japanese video game companies. That's history! The reality of this being extremely likely is really exciting.


Wii Fit Trainer is the biggest WTF addition the series has ever seen. It's ridiculous on so many levels that I'm kind of speechless and would rather ignore it altogether.

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I wonder if Solid Snake is also back in since Kojima seems to be good friends with Sakurai. Or maybe even Raiden since he was a trophy character. Man that would be awesome (nope I'm not getting my hopes up, I'm just fantasizing).


EDIT: I also think the Wii Fit Trainer would be a nice addition. "Say Whaaaaat???" is probably what you're saying after reading this, but really every beat e'm up needs a f***ed up character to join the team. I know she doesn't really fit in, but I think that would make it more special.

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I wonder if Solid Snake is also back in since Kojima seems to be good friends with Sakurai. Or maybe even Raiden since he was a trophy character. Man that would be awesome (nope I'm not getting my hopes up, I'm just fantasizing).


EDIT: I also think the Wii Fit Trainer would be a nice addition. "Say Whaaaaat???" is probably what you're saying after reading this, but really every beat e'm up needs a f***ed up character to join the team. I know she doesn't really fit in, but I think that would make it more special.

Well, Gray Fox was a trophy, haha.

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Raiden was not a trophy, Grey Fox was. Raiden is in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale; I severely doubt there will be crossover between the two. I sure hope Snake returns though. I'd say he has a 50/50 chance.


I'm past the shock of Wii Fit Trainer. If I were designing SM4SH, I would never have chosen her but maybe that's what she has in favor—total, unbridled surprise. She's bizarre and kind of emotionless, BUT SHE'S FEMALE! Smash needs more females.

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I'm past the shock of Wii Fit Trainer. If I were designing SM4SH, I would never have chosen her but maybe that's what she has in favor—total, unbridled surprise. She's bizarre and kind of emotionless, BUT SHE'S FEMALE! Smash needs more females.

Exactly. The Smash team has always added that one total surprise character in each game, with each sequel's "surprise" character out-WTFing the last: SSB64 had Ness, hailing from an RPG that not many people outside of Japan had heard of/played at the time (not that "WTFish", but he's the closest I can think of for SSB64). SSBM had Mr. Game and Watch, who beforehand was just a generic multipurpose character silhouette used for old G&W handhelds. SSBB had R.O.B, a notoriously impractical NES accessory. (Although, it seems Wii Fit Trainer isn't a hidden character unlike the others, which is all the more reason why I think she may not be SSB4's "WTF" character).

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In the 30 minutes since her unveil, I've actually grown fond of her inclusion. She represents risk-taking, not safe-playing. Of course people are going to be split over her inclusion, but I think she represents that this team is willing to do things no one expects. With that, I'm even more excited about the future now—and her debut trailer is genuinely humorous, what with the other Smash characters trying to hold a tree pose and this presumably friendly trainer bringing combat to the table. I think she represents that Wii Fit is as much a Nintendo video game series as our beloved franchises, and by that leaf, that Smash is a celebration of all-things Nintendo, even the aspects we don't want to like.


She reminds me of Barbie's inclusion in Toy Story 3. Maybe you don't want it, but it makes perfect sense. She even carries a similar demeanor.

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Samus's appearance has changed a lot, adopting her Other: M armor. Link is still inspired by his Twilight Princess outing, while the rest appear to be very similar to their Brawl appearances. Beyond that, the cast has collectively adopted a brighter color scheme, more vibrant, less brown. There was an antiquity to Brawl's character designs; consider Mario for instance. His denim looked worn and faded; a little too realistic for such a character. They have amended this by retaining the physical designs, albeit upgraded (Link looks fantastic), and applying more exuberant textures. I dig it. Kinda wished they had gone with original character designs unique to the Smash universe (why Skyward Sword Link was abandoned is quite the curiosity), but it's all good. There may be room for extra costumes, who knows? It'd be neat if there were both alternate costumes and colors thereof. You could choose between OoT, TP, and SS Link, all of which would have access to green, red, blue, purple, gold, and black outfits.

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While physical appearance is important in these kinds of games I also meant moveset wise. Sakurai (who is still looking amazingly young for a man of 42) previewed how Bowser's aesthetic changes effected the moveset they gave him. I am looking forward to more demos like that of well established characters receiving upgraded movesets.

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While physical appearance is important in these kinds of games I also meant moveset wise. Sakurai (who is still looking amazingly young for a man of 42) previewed how Bowser's aesthetic changes effected the moveset they gave him. I am looking forward to more demos like that of well established characters receiving upgraded movesets.


Aye, didn't realize you were speaking about movesets. In that case, I want to see every character changed. I mean, that's a given—no character will play identically to their Brawl incarnation. Easily-observable changes are in the actual moves, like if they replaced Link's boomerang with a hammer, or the beetle. Speaking of, we haven't seen any boomerang action yet, have we? I wonder if they've got a new side special to unveil at a later point in time.


Sakurai deliberately avoided showcasing Link in that 8 minute video, while he elaborated on Samus' and Pit's appearances and capabilities. I bet they've got something special in store for him. The beetle? The hammer? The whip? Wuddit be Sakuraaaaaai!

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When I seen Megaman in Smash Bros brawl, I got so excited.. I think my hair went all blonde, and spikey... and I was powering up, saying "YYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSS". Then I kinda, like.. snaped out of it.


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