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Super Smash Bros. Wii U & 3DS


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Not gonna happen. Sakurai said in an interview posted at Kotaku that there will be tight limits on 3rd party representation. Furthermore, he has said in the past that only characters that originate and are known mostly for being in video games have a chance of being in Smash Bros.



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No Touch Screen Controls

Final name is "Super Smash Bros. for WiiU/3DS"

No Plans for DLC so far; the game will be faster than Brawl but slower than Melee


About the limit on third-party characters: I'm fine with it. It's supposed to be a primarily Nintendo game, after all, and the third-party characters that do make appearances are few and have a significant connection to Nintendo. If you want your Goku/Naruto/etc, go play Jump! Superstars/Ultimate Stars or a fanmade Smash game.


Oh, by the way, Pac-Man was a fighter in Street Fighter x Tekken, and even outside of that, he's got moves from games like the Pac-Man World series. Plus, there are a lot of characters in Smash who have little to no background in fighting ability (Fox, Cap'n Falcon... fuckin' R.O.B.). Finally, Pac-Man has a helluva lot more name familiarity than the Tales series and its characters. Oh, and Pac-Man already has a history of Nintendo crossovery (Mario Kart Arcade GP 1 & 2). So, basically, expect Pacman to have a better chance of appearing in Smash Bros than a Tales character.

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I read about someone being sad about no Battle Network Mega Man.. What about Mega Man X? Personally I do not share the same feelings for Battle Network. I'm happy Mega Man is in it at all. Dr. Willy Stage 2 theme, and level from Mega Man 2 "Mega Man 2!!" moves from different games in the series. I jizzed my fanboy panties when I seen the Mega Man/Smash Bros trailer.

As for Final Fantasy.. I really doubt that would ever happen. I never liked Crystal Chronicles either.. I mean.. ugh.. The one I played.. the first one on Gamecube had a dumbed down level up system, and it didn't matter if you chose a Mage, a Fighter, or whatever. The only difference was the way the characters attacks looked. As far as I can remember. It's been years. I mainly remember hating the battle, and level up system.

It's not very likely they would use a Final Fantasy character ever. I think we have greater chances for many other famous video game characters from series like um.., like

Ninja Gaiden?! What about Battle Toads? Secret of Mana? Castlevania? Chrono Trigger!!? Dragon Warrior? Crystalis? Ghost 'N' Goblins? Contra?

Should I go on?

Not to mention we already get to see all of the characters from FF in Kingdom Hearts along side with Disney characters.. if Nintendo could only get that damned Rare Ware License, we could be talking Banjo here.

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So between the Square franchises, you seriously think Smash would see a Chrono Trigger or Legend of Mana character before Final Fantasy? I can understand Dragon Warrior, but Final Fantasy is kind of a big deal. It's not as big as it used to be—FF could move consoles—but it's still got fire and historical relevance. Also: Battle Toads, Crystalis, Ghosts n' Goblins, and Contra have 0% chance. Castlevania has a small chance considering Snake's appearance and its general Nintendo relevance, while Ninja Gaiden has a low (and probably equal) chance considering the friendship between Nintendo and Team Ninja. I wouldn't anticipate Ryu Hayabusa anytime soon though.


I do want to note: I recall a year or so ago Sakurai posting on his twitter that he was studying Ken's moveset and animations. Looking at Street Fighter for inspiration, hmm?

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Because Chrono Trigger was released on Snes, and Nintendo DS, and only years later ported to playstation one, and that was only in Japan. It could be considered connected more to Nintendo than the Final Fantasy series. I do realize how big a deal Final Fantasy is, but I just think Chrono Trigger is more Nintendo. I'd like to see Final Fantasy characters in it, but I think of that franchise as more of a Playstation series. Yeah, recently they've done Xbox, and 3DS, and ect. Though think of FF games that are much more popular that have mainly been featured on Playstation platforms, Final Fantasy 7, 9, 10. We're getting an HD remix of 10, along with Kingdom Hearts. FF8 was released on PC as well as PS1. FF13, and 13-2 might have been released in the Wii U as well if it was out a couple of years ago already. The fact that the first few FF games came out on Nintendo means hardly anything considering the were the Dominant gaming company at the time. Square picks, and chooses what system to release each game on, probably only because they feel that those games would sell best on those systems. I doubt they show any favoritism towards Nintendo over Playstation. Eh'.. I'm always able to admit when I'm wrong though. Maybe I am, I mean some of this same stuff could be said for Mega Man. It's just hard to actually imagine FF characters in Smash Bros.

I did not know about Nintendo's relationship between team Ninja either.. I might google that though, it sounds pretty interesting.

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Why would anyone want Pacman in smash? Pacman hasn't been relevant to gaming for years now.

But Mr. Game and Watch and R.O.B. were when they got in? And Pit before KI:Uprising?Oh, and Pacman has a new game and cartoon coming out. What's this about "irrelevancy"?Listen, I'm not trying to say that a Tales character would be terrible, or that Pacman NEEDS to get in. What I am trying to do is address certain arguments against Pacman.
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@ Heavy — Square's priority with Final Fantasy are graphics. They want their games to look top-notch and Nintendo consoles have not been able to provide that since the SNES. The Playstation supported pre-rendered cutscenes and higher-resolution textures whereas the N64 failed in that regard. That's why FF7 switched to Sony (it was initially planned to be a N64 title) and since then, Final Fantasy games have primarily been on Sony consoles. In recent years, Microsoft has proven graphical prowess and thus, Square has put their titles on the Xboxes.


But Square hasn't left Nintendo out of the equation entirely; they just haven't been the platform for the flagship Final Fantasy titles, which is a shame. There is a chance considering its graphical capacity, that they'll bundle FFXIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns into a trilogy for the Wii U somewhere down the road. The Wii U can't support FFXV it seems, but FFXIV? I wonder if they'll port it over at some point. It is definitely capable. Square has its priorities and with the Wii U, Nintendo is finally "catching up". Considering its graphical output is on par, if not slightly better than the PS3, they've finally crossed into that "decent" threshold of gaming. The Wii was just garbage.


Chrono Trigger debuted and re-appeared on the SNES and DS respectively, but it was ported to the PS1 and received a sequel (Chrono Cross) on that console as well. So that series has equally appeared on both Nintendo and Sony consoles.


Considering also that Square has released their games on iOS, Android, and even the Ouya, I wouldn't assume they're a partisan company; they release on whatever systems they deem fit. At one point in time they were a Nintendo developer, then they were a Sony developer, but now they're just a developer. It's entirely up to Sakurai to honor the relationship between Square and Nintendo and frankly, I don't think he cares one bit. Final Fantasy and Metal Gear basically have identical relationships with Nintendo, starting on the NES, moving to the Playstation, reappearing on Nintendo consoles in their cross-platform eras. If Sakurai were friends with Hironobu Sakaguchi or Tetsuya Nomura and one of them begged for a Final Fantasy character to get in, I'm sure it could happen. I completely doubt that has happened though, so I don't expect even a smidgen of FF representation in Smash 4.

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Let's see... Third party candidate...


Well, we could see Okami. It came out on both playstation and the Wii. Everyone has seen this game, even if they don't really know anything about it. It also has that stylized look that Nintendo loves to put into Smash games. I can see it happening.

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Amaterasu was playable in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 because she's a Capcom character. With Mega Man in Smash 4, I totally doubt her likelihood of inclusion as well. It'd be cool!


That's the big sham with 3rd party. A lot would be really neat to have, but 99.9% won't make it. Smash Bros. is an elite club.

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Yeah. It's too bad Nintendo stopped the Mario RPG series, originally they wanted Paper Mario to be a sequel, but I think they didn't want to share rights, or split profit from it with Square. I'd be the first to say the chances were slim to nothing, but it would be awesome to see some Mario RPG boss fights, or characters. From what I heard the new Paper Mario games are crap. It's funny I didn't even think of Mario RPG at first when talking about Square, and Nintendo's relationship.

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While physical appearance is important in these kinds of games I also meant moveset wise. Sakurai (who is still looking amazingly young for a man of 42) previewed how Bowser's aesthetic changes effected the moveset they gave him. I am looking forward to more demos like that of well established characters receiving upgraded movesets.


Aye, didn't realize you were speaking about movesets. In that case, I want to see every character changed. I mean, that's a given—no character will play identically to their Brawl incarnation. Easily-observable changes are in the actual moves, like if they replaced Link's boomerang with a hammer, or the beetle. Speaking of, we haven't seen any boomerang action yet, have we? I wonder if they've got a new side special to unveil at a later point in time.


Sakurai deliberately avoided showcasing Link in that 8 minute video, while he elaborated on Samus' and Pit's appearances and capabilities. I bet they've got something special in store for him. The beetle? The hammer? The whip? Wuddit be Sakuraaaaaai!


Maybe Link'll finally get some sort of transformation?


Or maybe they're just hiding him away so that they can introduce a different Link alongside?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not too interested with the new characters so far.


I need Krystal. I need Midna.

I need an MM Link that cycles between his different forms like you can Pokémon with the Trainer. His Final Smash needs to be the friggan Fierce Deity Link.


I bet I won't get any of this, and I bet Nintendo won't get my money if I don't.

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Theory time -Sakurai recently said that older characters are going to be cut due to time restraints. I doubt this means less characters than previous installments, but I think it'll be more like they've done in the past.I think that Marth (and possibly Ike) will be replaced by a character from the latest 3DS Fire Emblem installment. I also think that it's likely that New-Mewtwo will make an appearance, probably instead of Lucario. ROB will be cut, and possibly Star Wolf or Ice Climbers.As far as new characters go, there hasn't been a successful first party IP from nintendo (that isn't Mario, Zelda, Metroid or Donkey Kong) for years. I'm not including Animal Crossing or Wii Fit for obvious reasons, haha.  So, as with previous titles, I think they're going to try rebooting an old IP by including an old character (Marth and Roy accidentally boosted Fire Emblem, then Pit was included in Brawl - then later received a reboot).However, all of that aside, I think that this will be relevant to new smash bros... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wonderful_101

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I think that Marth (and possibly Ike) will be replaced by a character from the latest 3DS Fire Emblem installment. I also think that it's likely that New-Mewtwo will make an appearance, probably instead of Lucario. ROB will be cut, and possibly Star Wolf or Ice Climbers.

-Marth: really? If anything, since Marth's the FE mainstay, I would think that Ike is far more likely to be eliminated than Marth, and replaced by Chrom (the bloke from FE: Awakening). This would make sense, seeing as Roy was the newest protagonist around the time of Melee, and lost his relevance around Brawl's development time (where Ike was the newest FE protagonist).-New-Mewtwo: I could see him replacing Lucario, unless a NEW "that" Pokemon is introduced in X/Y.-Star Wolf: As much as I'd like Falco (the more blatant Fox clone) to get kicked, Wolf is probably the more doomed one due to popularity. As I've said, though, the survivor NEEDS a different Final Smash from Fox (Christ, at least Mario/Luigi already had the dignity of different Final Smashes in Brawl).-ROB: seeing as Nintendo's massive boner for the NES is calming down, I can easily see ROB going bye-bye.-Ice Climbers: considering they've survived two Smashes in a row and have been considered iconic since, I think it'd be somewhat hard for them to get the boot.

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If Wolf is removed over Falco, I'm going to have a huge problem with Nintendo.


Falco needs to go. He's literally a reskinned Fox that moves at a different speed, whereas Wolf is not. Wolf can easily be changed up to differentiate EVEN MORE from Fox in SBB4, Final Smash and moveset(yes, Falco can be, too, but SBB has way too many good guys in its roster).


Now, Krystal should replace Falco. Hands-down, it needs to happen.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Theory time -Sakurai recently said that older characters are going to be cut due to time restraints. I doubt this means less characters than previous installments, but I think it'll be more like they've done in the past.

 I don't know. I'm sort of expecting there to be a smaller character roster than Brawl's 35.

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