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Randomizing Chests, people who give masks and shops in MM?



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Well I had wanted to get this out tonight but it's now 2 AM and I'm tired and can't be bothered with testing. In theory, everything is in place and should be working (except one thing that should take two minutes to fix) but I just want to make sure and do some testing on VC too, so I guess it will be out tomorrow afternoon or evening.


Oops, I just found out I can't seem to catch fish in a bottle, guess I didn't fix everything then...

Tomorrow I will actually test this properly before I go and release it, I don't want it to end up as broken as before.


It turns out that the Pirate's Fortress chest softlock was caused by the code that makes fish catchable... something weird is going on here. I will have to take a look at this again and see what I can do.


This is pretty funny while also being a pain in the ass. If I catch the Zora egg in the tank then open the chest, it doesn't softlock.


Well I found a way to fix it but it's not a simple fix... however, this should be one of the last problems I'll have. I'm stupid, that was a really easy fix.


Okay, as far as I can tell everything is working this time. I'm going to go and make a wad file now and play on VC for a while to make sure it works on there, but there shouldn't be any trouble with it. Release should be very soon unless I run into something horrible on VC.


So VC crashes after a certain piece of code runs (pretty sure I know why) and the pause screen blacks out after two seconds or so (don't know why). I'm going to attempt to fix this.


Now I'm confused... just getting a black screen on VC but I still hear everything.

Edited by DeathBasket
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No, that was an emulator issue but this isn't (?). This hack runs fine on PC emulators for me. The last version I tried on VC was fine but I made some changes to fix something and now it doesn't display any video at all. I'm trying to get it figured out now because it's the only thing holding me back from releasing this. Since the older versions are fine (literally just now tested one) I'm going to guess I have overwritten something that VC reads that emulators and probably consoles don't. In that case, it shouldn't be difficult to fix - time to try it out.


I feel determined to work this out. Black screens are fixed, but now I'm getting crashes which (and this is the good part) depend on where my code is in RAM, even though I put it somewhere it's always loaded and never overwritten. VC is a total bitch. This has basically become a guessing game now.



It's done, it's finished, it'll be released shortly and tomorrow I'll wake up to a ton of bug reports.

Edited by DeathBasket
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Cafde's having problems with the filename P:

<cafde>: I got goron mask from deku mask cs, zora from zora as normal, but goron I didn't get deku

<cafde>: also the great fairy won't give me great fairy mask (or randomized equivalent) and I didn't get a pictobox either

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You can't get couple's mask from Goron mask anymore... are you playing the latest version? The Goron mask should have given you what the Garo mask was supposed to (because I wrote the wrong item index in my table) iirc, but I just found another bug with this thanks to you. Time to upload the newest version.

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