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Custom Map Thread


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A couple of years ago, I used to be really into making and designing custom maps. I still have quite a few maps on my hand that I think it would be cool to show off and possibly give download links for if there is any demand.


Other people should post pictures, videos, downloads of their custom maps, too! I encourage it!


Remember that a lot of these are from when I barely started getting into modding and 3D modelling so most of them might not be so great :P Alright, let's get this started... I'll begin with my finished creations.


I helped alphaheiti fix up this map 2 and a half years ago so that he would actually be able to import it:

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I made the untextured structure of an Ice Temple for a beta restoration project 2 and a half years ago:

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This here is my baby... this map was the main area of a small mini-mod I was making 3 years ago when I first got into modding. Unfortunately, I never finished the mod. I got -really- damn close to finishing it but I just never got around to it. I would consider it about 90% done:

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This is part of the above mod. It was meant to be a secret area where you got a incredibly overpowered weapon to just f*ck sh*t up:

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I can't really remember what I was going to use this map for... All I remember is that it served as a type of entrance map to where you could go into 5 different areas (forest, dungeon, mountains, canyon or river valley, and desert). This map is incredibly old:

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And now we're starting to get to more recent maps that I've made... Here is a map that I made for Zelda's Birthday II. I have no idea if it is still being used:

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Now we have come to my unfinished area... Some of these I still plan to finish up.


This one is really recent and is basically an abandoned church dungeon:

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I was inspired after playing some Sonic and Knuckles and started to try and build an Angel Island-esque dungeon. It's been around a year and half since I've touched this so I'm not sure if I'll continue:

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If any of you guys remember Project Majesty, I had donated this map to that effort. This is one of the maps that I would like to get around to finishing:

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Ahh, the Temple of Light and the dream bridge, both fantastic maps, Jason. Might as well toss in some of mine:





Probably the map I'm most proud of that I've uploaded video footage of, this was intended to be a full 3D remake of the existing Market map.







The Palace of Earth done for the URA Project, probably the largest map I've ever made.






Something I may or may not release in the future. Mind, this is a very small part of the intended final product.

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Here's a list of stuff, in no particular order. Lots of images, yay.





An old field map I started making WAY back when cooliscool was working on an importer as part of UoT. I never finished this.





First success with spinout's importer.





Old geo test for a tree I was working on for URA back when it was changing from a restoration project to an original project.





Another geo test for a light temple map this time. I've considered revisiting this design.





Early redesign attempt of part of the map seen in the spinout importer test.





Second revision of the above map.





Render of the test dungeon I made for SharpOcarina.





Water temple map render. First two rooms only.





Test import of the first image's map. Demonstrating an error with either texture conversion or the geometrymode.





Yet another bugfix image, this time a zfighting issue. I late corrected this by separating the geometry that formed the top of the ledge from the side and the draw order issues ceased.





Last bugfix image, same issue as the first (more or less).





Water dungeon. Boss door room.





Behind the boss door, the antechamber to the boss chamber.





Windmill edit project. Screenshot 1.





Windmill edit project. Screenshot 2.





Windmill edit project. Screenshot 3.





Windmill edit project. Screenshot 4.





Windmill edit project. Screenshot 5. I might go back and finish this properly some day.





More screens of the initial design of West Village.





More screens of the initial design of West Village.





More screens of the initial design of West Village.

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Yay, more stuff.





Designs for the market from the same project.





Part of the initial design for a desert dungeon. It's pretty bad.





Second and current version. Obviously not finished.





Unicorn fountain. Never got used.





Swamp palace, version 3. Hallways design concept.





Swamp palace, version 3. Doorway concept.





Deku Bomber concept. Never finished this one, might still use it.





Replacement golden torch.





For lulz, something I did for a Mario project.

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Thanks, Secant and Three; I appreciate the compliments!


Your maps always seem to have a dark appearence, Secant... I like it. It's too bad that we didn't get to see the Earth Temple have some actors and puzzled placed; I would imagine that it would've given the team a much-needed moral boost.


That last map looks like something from Hyrule Castle or a continuation of one of your older maps, Citadel Castor :P


Do you have any maps from Shadowing Dawn? I had always been interested in that project but had joined the community too late.


EDIT: Wow, just saw your post, Arcaith. Needless to say, I'm impressed. I recognize some of the maps that belonged to your old Zelda mod, Shattered Realm.

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Do you have any maps from Shadowing Dawn? I had always been interested in that project but had joined the community too late.


Yeah, I still have all the ones Nate sent my way for previews, but a good many of them are too impractical to import into the game (either mapped with hi-res textures, too many polygons, or too large in scale). I wasn't responsible for too many of the maps, and most of them are much too old for me to consider posting up here, and of course I don't want to step on Nate's toes by posting his work.

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