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A video referencing Zeth and GCN


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I created a little video retrospective about the cancelled Zelda expansion: Ura Zelda. This might open old wounds and/or might be deleted on this forum, but I thought, since the now cancelled project, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Ura or the Ura Expansion had some significance in the history of the game, I referenced it as well as the leader of the project, Zeth, in a video called "Whatever Happened to Ura Zelda?", it's not perfect, and if Zeth sees this, then I am sorry to either remind you of the project or if I had any facts wrong.


I did the editing and the writing for the video while a friend of mine did the voice work.


All-in-all, I hope you all enjoy the video.


Also, the video has some silly moments, hence the thumbnail.


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Oh, who am I kidding. He's lurking around here with a dupe, I'm sure of it. One day he will expose himself, get banned again, then make another dupe. Positive of it.


Anyways, as for the video, I'd say you did a good job.

You really should have included something about all of the shit Zeth did/caused, though.

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"They were pretty close to completing it..."


No they weren't. Also, the project wasn't cancelled because of any tragic events. I think the only thing that really happened was his hard drive failing and his family members getting killed in a car accident. Otherwise, he was delaying. He has been quoted as saying "You'll see," or "soon" to the members of the project when asked about Trailer 3. The main problem was that Zeth could not manage a group, and lacked functioning social skills, thus making him see himself as a higher power to the group, although everything about him would make him out to be a little less than someone who snuck a few peeks at the project. Another flaw that was apparent in the team was the lack of will. Apparently there was a bit more of progress done before the "revamping" of the project, which was essentially making the project into a bad fan fiction and switching to a new engine. If I'm on a good day, I can pump out a mostly completed map. Slip in a couple of days where I don't make any progress, and in about a month, I'd have made four to five maps. Take about a week to optimize every map and add actors or environment settings, and suddenly you have a good chunk of your mod completed. The URA team didn't exactly follow that. They also didn't communicate well due to lack of leadership, as mentioned before, leading to maps being made and then being rejected since another version of the map had been made by another member. The project looked like it had potential, but remember; Spire was the one producing most of the creative content, even going as far as to make most of the ideas on the world map and introduce the Dark World. I don't mean to sound like a douche, but you shouldn't look forward to projects with these kind of big groups. They don't go far, as seen by the past four projects. I wouldn't really even expect Ura to be "remade" anytime soon. Sorry.

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Reason why i said "pretty close" was because from what I saw, I saw that it had been far into development from the times i entered the site. And I said the "Anytime Soon" part for a bit of hope to the fan base. I never said I was excited or looking forward to it. I mentioned the Ura Expansion because it does have some significance to the expansion's history and an example of how strong the expansion's legacy was. While I do think i got some facts wrong or left some parts, so thanks for telling me.

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