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Let's Make a Hoax!


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What if when you beat the dungeon it gliches and your emulator errors out. That would make them believe its real.

I think this would tie into xdaniel's plan, of having a warp to an unrelated area (like room 116 or something) at the very end.


Also, that would make it non-playable.  I mean, this kinda goes against the WIP-like nature of the dungeon, but you at least gotta be able to get the Triforce and use it as an item or something.

Else, we might as well make something completely different.


The Triforce images were some of the earliest Zelda 64 images released.


Hmm... How about making the Triforce powerup unstable and likely to crash the game?



I could test it on an N64 flash cart after it's done. Assuming that anyone would be worried about that.. someone might try to say it's fake if it doesn't work on real hardware like every other debug room in the game. Although... I think there is one that doesn't work, I'm not sure if it's because of real hardware or it needed a patch. I know it's not the Stalfo's church like room, but maybe the Vanilla Room.

It could of possibly been Room 125 (early Hyrule Castle garden), which used an old graphics storage format.  I think that's what the problem was... I just know Zeth made a fix for it.

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Idk I'll have to check later. My little sister spilled water on the extension cord for my computer so I had to unplug my TV and junk to plug the PC back up, and I'm too lazy to plug and plug up things to check at the moment.

Why do these sort of things always happen to me? -_-'

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Hmm... How about making the Triforce powerup unstable and likely to crash the game?


This could work. Another possibility might be having it activate another random item like the beta items in Majora's Mask did (they all function the same as the pictograph box).

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I'll begin outside modifications while you guys work on designing the temple.


The are some assembly hacks that'll require a lot of research, but I think I am capable of pulling most of them off.


Here's my list of outside modifications that I need to do:

[*]Add a warp to Temple of Time

[*]Fix exit table to link things up

[*]Try to see if I can have a level not be accessible through map select

[*]Add a Triforce to the quest status screen

[*]Make a broken Triforce item (infinite loop anyone?)

[*]Look into making an hourglass-light contraption as Spire had described

[*]Modify warp actor to take you to a specified level

[*]Look into drawing animationless models

Heh, this is starting to sound a lot like another old project of mine.

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Jason, while she has not mentioned joining the effort, you should talk to Sakura. She is perhaps the most learned individual in this community about custom actors.


I can draw animationless models. Anything, really.

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When I talk about "drawing", I am referring to the game rendering a model in its hierarchy stance. Thanks for the offer though.


I will definitely be speaking to Sakura soon concerning help. She is indeed one of the more learned ones :)

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Hmm would it be too much assembly work to make it so that after you obtain the Triforce you are supposed to be able to do a real beam blade attack? but every time you try to do it... say by hitting B, or B+forward that the game crashes? Not that it matters, but I've always thought the so called "Beam Blade hacks" were cheap imitations of what they could have really been. It would leave fans drooling over the "What if?" it could be fixed idea, or just thinking if it was more or less how the Beam Blade worked in ALTTP.

I think it's very possible as well.

Just make it so that the sword glows like the fully powered up Master Sword did in Skyward Sword... or how it looked once charged with the Skyward Strike I should say. Only glowing when hearts are full.

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Hmm would it be too much assembly work to make it so that after you obtain the Triforce you are supposed to be able to do a real beam blade attack? but every time you try to do it... say by hitting B, or B+forward that the game crashes? Not that it matters, but it I've always thought the so called "Beam Blade hacks" were cheap imitations of what they could have really been. It would leave fans drooling over the "What if?" it could be fixed idea, or just thinking if it was more or less how the Beam Blade worked in ALTTP.

I think it's very possible as well.

Just make it so that the sword glows like the fully powered up Master Sword did in Skyward Sword. Only glowing when hearts are full.


This could work.  It would be much more of a surprise as well if the game freezes on use.


A small note: If the sword is to glow, it should probably use the early sword model as the glowing model (the way the sword glows in Wind Waker, except simplified, and in this case mismatching models)

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What if it only replaced the sword in the quest status screen? We could always say that originally it never changed the way the sword actually looked in the game other than adding a glowing effect, but it did update the image logo for the master sword in the quest screen.. probably because the sword had an updated description, or name.


Edited: making the Master Sword look more like the sword from the Zelda 64 images, or from ALTTP?


Edited again: blech' this whole post kinda doesn't make since now that I read it again. Either way things could be left unexplained because things were left unfinished.

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I was just thinking a Triforce icon somewhere on the start screen, selecting it either crashes or displays empty text boxes depending on what selecting it does.  For the blade beam, when you're at full health, a modified version of the Alpha sword model (slightly enlarged, and the hilt removed, to appear as a glow effect) would appear over your sword, and if you try and use it, the game crashes.


The effect of the blade beam would be because of the upgrade, not because of a special sword.  This wouldn't really need a new icon.

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Oh I wasn't sure what you were talking about for the model in your last post before my last one. The idea wasn't that it needed a new model, but that it for some reason brought out some other old stuff in the game. I don't think my idea for the new icon was that cool anyways though.

But yeah it sounds like what you're saying should work.

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How about you have the game crash when you first obtain the Triforce, you then reboot to the same file, then try selecting it in the menu, crashes again, reboot, crashes when using sword beam. Sound good, the more crashes the more realistic.

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So... warps have different behaviors, triggered by the current scene number.


I don't know how complicated would be to extend an actor's code. If that's not much of a hassle, then It shouldn't be hard to add a small new routine.

With luck, the space occupied by the debug text might be enough.


The basic behavior structure is like this:


IF CurrentScene (ctxt + A4) != at, branch to Next Scene Routine. [at = Next scene test] 

(Some code checking whether you already went through the cutscene or not, branching to the cutscene or the direct warp exit.)

at = ctxt + 10000 = 80222020

t7 = Next Scene Offset  [eg. 60C = Lake Hylia Entrance 09]

sh t7 => 1E1A(at)

sh 0 => 8015E660 + 1412

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Thanks for the help, Strati. You seem to be quicker and more skilled at figuring things out for yourself than I :P


I've actually been looking at the source for DeathBasket's "Boss Rush" hack in order to get an understanding of warps and how to modify the exits they take. He had modified the warps spawned by bosses in order to take the player straight to the next boss and was nice enough to include the source of the modified actor with comments.


And you can extend an actor's code, so you don't have to worry too much about space. We'll be recompiling the actor so the only thing that you and I need to worry about are the relocations getting messed up and exceeding the virtual size defined by the actor table (we can fix this easily though).

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Taking a little inspiration from BEN, why not make it so that selecting the Triforce unpauses the game and Link dies instantly? When continuing, Link goes on as normal, but suddenly, he dies again. Continuing takes you back, but the moment you use a single item (including sword, shield, etc), Link dies again, and this time, you're taken back to the title screen. Upon going to the file select, your save file is erased.

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Taking a little inspiration from BEN, why not make it so that selecting the Triforce unpauses the game and Link dies instantly? When continuing, Link goes on as normal, but suddenly, he dies again. Continuing takes you back, but the moment you use a single item (including sword, shield, etc), Link dies again, and this time, you're taken back to the title screen. Upon going to the file select, your save file is erased.

With all due respect, that doesn't sound like something that'd realistically be found in the coding; it seems a bit too "creepypasta"ish (not just because BEN was mentioned), and I think people would catch on too easily with something like that. I think the crashes sound more convincing for a hoax.
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Well, what would pressing A on it normally do?


If it does the same thing that all the other things do (pops up an small information box) then it SHOULD be fine, unless the implimentation is different, in which case it shouldn't be selectable at all.

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I thought things in OoT don't have information boxes when you press A? If they do then it should bring up an empty message box. I'm just assuming it would be something like equipping other items though... I don't really know what's planned for this.

You're right, they don't.


I'm assuming that we're going to have the triforce graphic on the status screen.  Where?

I'm a little aprehensive about putting it between the medallions, since that might make people think it's a hoax because they might think "anything that's like this is a hoax".


How about, when loaded, it gives the status screen a different, "alpha-esque" layout?  Not for the graphics, just different placements for the items.


Also, since in the story, Jason only found an unused scene, that wouldn't give us any room to add new graphics unless it can be embedded into the scene.

Maybe we could say it's an old version of the zscene format that could possibly embed graphics?  But then again, that might tip people off (So this old format just CONVIENTLY happens to be able to have graphics in it?).


Maybe we could say it was just compressed, and not give them any idea of how it was compressed?

But, that's being vague and people will want to know more.  We NEED an explanation!



How about, the Triforce icon isn't stored as raster graphics, but rather polygons?  That way, it'll be much harder to attempt to find in the vanilla ROM.

Also, it looks kinda rough which is perfectly fitting for a work in progress upgrade.

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With all due respect, that doesn't sound like something that'd realistically be found in the coding; it seems a bit too "creepypasta"ish (not just because BEN was mentioned), and I think people would catch on too easily with something like that. I think the crashes sound more convincing for a hoax.

Yeah, I've got to agree.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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