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I would like to propose an art trade

Tell-Tale Heart

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I want a song remixed, or orchestrated. I love the tune, but the instruments they used weren't the best.
I can only offer a drawing in return.
Keep in mind that I can draw a small amount of gore or blood, but I tend to be rather reserved in other areas.
Here's a few samples of the styles I can draw in:




And here is the song I wish to be redone:

(In case it doesn't show up:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6--e8YpfvA4 )

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Hmmm. Maybe some art from this old song I made https://soundcloud.com/punk7890/synthectic-forest ?
I'd be interested in what you come up with. Let your imagination run wild! Disregard the name and the song icon and draw whatever comes to mind.  I'm not expecting anything in particular or any date so what ever you come up and whenever you come up with it is fine.

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