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My Anita Sarkeesian Video Rant


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Just came back from this video of hers, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LjImnqH_KwM... wow, just, wow. Great job at cherry picking all the worst parts of women in games, has she never heard of Samus or Cortana(excluding halo 3 and 4), or the fact that the majority of video game players are male and therefore prefer to play as males themselves. As for why the majority are game players are males, that's another matter entirely, but she completely fails to bring it up. 10/10 would hate. 

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Just came back from this video of hers, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LjImnqH_KwM... wow, just, wow. Great job at cherry picking all the worst parts of women in games, has she never heard of Samus or Cortana(excluding halo 3 and 4), or the fact that the majority of video game players are male and therefore prefer to play as males themselves. As for why the majority are game players are males, that's another matter entirely, but she completely fails to bring it up. 10/10 would hate.

Aw yeah, son!


This made my day, bravo sir.

Thanks. :D

Glad I made your day a good one.



Oh snap, the views on this video seem to be raising faster than on the other new videos I upload, as well as the likes. I even gained a new sub! :o


I think I hit the nail on the head with this one.



Sent from my iPhone, because Siri has my manhood in her purse... or something.

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or the fact that the majority of video game players are male and therefore prefer to play as males themselves


While your first point is technically true, this is by a very small margin. According to this report, the actual number of female gamers is about 47% and of the games that are just purchased, 48% are by women. If anything, it's much closer to being split even between males and females when it comes to the gaming market. As for your second point, while it's probably true that most players can more easily identify with characters of their own gender, I would hesitate to proclaim that that automagically means they prefer playing as characters of that same gender. I think it more boils down to how well the story of a game is told and how strong and developed (at least toward the end of the game) a character is to determine how likeable they are in general, regardless of the gender of the player. Thus, if a female protagonist is developed in a way that both genders can identify with using androgynous character tropes, I think there would be hardly any problem with males playing this character. A prime example of this would be Samus Aran, who, if I'm not mistaken, kept her androgyny for the first few games until she was finally shown without her helmet.


For what it's worth, here is an article (written by a dude) that argues from the standpoint Anita seems to be taking which, I think, is done in a much better manner by avoiding cherrypicking examples. (It also probably doesn't hurt that he's making a game himself featuring female protagonists.)

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There I go again cracking open a debate that's unrelated to the original topic >.>;


While perhaps a bit over the top for my tastes, I'm pretty much in agreement with what you said with regards to Anita's arguments. Your comment near the end insinuating that she's issuing a catch-22 in that there is no "right" way to treat female characters (or perhaps one extremely vague and obscure way) is one I definitely agree with entirely. If the damsel in distress trope can't be used (even with inversion to undermine female stereotypes), then I can't see her calling for anything but complete and total dismissal of one of the most classic establishments of conflict to drive plot in the history of storytelling. Which, to say the least, is asinine.

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Late Reply. Oh well.I agree with your points.Personally? I think Anita more or less exploited the gaming community to get herself 150K (approximately 2500% what she was actually asking for) to produce videos on youtube that she disables rating and comments on that deal with non existent issues in games. The biggest issue is-- in my opinion, that she gets so much attention. Attention is attention, be it negative or positive, and this means she can profit.


That's how she made so much money in the first place. She wanted to do something so stupid and ridiculous that it pissed gamers off. All the stupid feminists out there funded her, if only to spite the people who made it clear they weren't supporting her. She gained more publicity through this cycle of hate and feminist extremism, and she rode this cycle to 150,000 dollars she didn't deserve, or even need to produce her videos.Back to the issue of attention. It's not even hard to assume that more than half of the views on her channel are views from people who aren't her target audience (I.e. Feminists). The fact of the matter is, even if she's wrong-- she's still getting what she wanted. She wanted money to make feminist videos and she wanted people to watch them, and she got it. I still haven't watched any of her videos for longer than five minutes, yet a single visit to her channel reveals that most of her videos have over 500K views on them. The only way to truly stick it to her, would to be to do nothing at all. The more publicity she gets, the more views she gets, and the more video's she'll make. The only way to support her is by watching her videos. So do what I do. Don't watch them. They are full of mindless babble about nothing of importance or relevance.


In any case, I honestly couldn't care less about her or her opinions. I just figured I'd throw in my 2 cents about the whole situation.

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