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My Brain Today...


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My brain today:



My brain after HeavyZ just told me he wants to give up now:



I feel like doing nothing now... I don't even have the drive this holiday for much of anything... I had an awesome dream last night, and I might brainstorm some stuff. Things are not coming together for me to do anything else today... maybe I'll sort through some stuff again, look at my projects.


Seriously, I hope people aren't quitting because they're stuck on something... there aren't tools for everything yet, and there may never be tools for everything. I'm feeling rather demotivated today...

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I haven't done shit in half a year now since my old laptop died on me, and I think I've started forgetting a few things by now, so I just started messing with RPG Maker VX Ace since it caught my attention, and with it, the drive to learn some Ruby. I think I won't do anything hacking related for quite some time since I'm not in the mood, nor does the laptop I'm using now like 3D programs like SketchUp or Blender, so I just do something else. You should maybe do the same, find something else and have fun with it until you want to work on your stuff again. Everyone needs a change once in a while, it's just like with videogames, you beat 'em and you get bored after a while, so you beat a few others until you want to replay the first one.


Ninja-EDIT: It might just be today, but hey even then, go do something else and don't just lay there flat on the ground being "eeeeeehhhhhhh" *slobber, slobber* like that girl up there ^.

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I did not mean to unmotivated you Arikita, you're a friend, and I'm glad to have you as such.


The reason I want to quit is caused by multiple things.


I feel like my integrity, and intellect is always being looked down upon by more experienced hackers/programmers I really need help from.

Even though I am uneducated, do not know a lot about the debug ROM, and haven't been modding it very long. I am somehow not worth even replying to by a few people when if I were someone else I just might get a response. I have asked DeathBasket for help before, and got it for a while, and after he decided that he didn't want to mod anymore then it was understandable to a point that he didn't feel like helping. Though seeing how he is likely to never add on, or fix things with the InstEd program I asked for open source of it.

There has been no open source provided, and I feel short changed. I may not be owed anything yet the feeling is the same.


I did not set the goal of making my mod with full custom music replacements knowing that I could only replace a number of songs until "boom" I am unable to replace anymore music. The only way I can is by manually putting it into the rom, and wasting hours, upon hours, upon hours of time that could easily be avoided if provided an open source.

The mod I am working on is already time consuming enough, for instance I am no writer, I do not easily think of grand new things to use and replace text with. I have an entire game to look at to replace text, music, maybe make a few custom maps for if xdan makes a program similar to SceneNavi, or works on SceneNavi itself to keep the rom hardware compatible. I have new dungeon puzzles, actor placements, new this, new that, changed this, changed that, ect. I want to mod bosses, but do not have the knowledge to be able to do so to the extent I would like, neither is there a program for it.

The last thing I need is the thing I thought easiest to do to also suddenly become the hardest freaking thing to do manually.


I have messaged other programmers/hackers like xdan, though as dumb as my question might be (I later realized) I do not get help, I may be a lowly noobie, who doesn't know a lot of crap yet I'm worth a response. Being pointed in a new direction or even saying "That's not the problem" wouldn't kill anyone. Like I said I'm new, I'm not stupid I just need to learn a lot. Not like I've bugged him for answers time, and time over. I can wrap my mind around a lot actually as long I'm not thrown in the dark expected to do so.


Ya know, there might have been a few things that needed changing with my mod, and it certainly wasn't worked on much because I started all over again when Death Baskets tool fucked my ROM to where no further music replacement was possible (Also by the way so did the OoT text tool) setting me back further once again (Arikita can back me up on that). BUT I would have listened to anyone who thought whatever changes should have been made (I have so far too when Petri911 gave me some feedback). And ya know what else?? I had a lot of faith that my mod "Project Rebirth" was actually going to be liked by a lot of people, more people than not, and it was going to be awesome.

I set out to do shit, yet I quickly realized how limited we really are. The only people not so limited are those who have been messing with the Zelda 64 hacking a lot longer than I, or have had some programming experience before ever going into it. We can't all be genius's like Strati, or other newcomers who have jumped right into Assembly and other things, but ya know what. Screw it. If I won't get help, then I won't ask for it anymore

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Might as well apologize publicly to Heavy that I haven't even replied to that last message. Reason being both, that I have not once worked on sound-/music-related stuff in OoT or really any game that I can remember (outside of accidentally corrupting music while trying to find something else in a Digimon WonderSwan game), and that I just forgot to even tell you that - as it's happened to me before, not replying someone because I'd simply forgotten about their message...


To anyone who's messaged me or does someday message me: Please don't feel like I ignore you on purpose if you don't get a reply. I'm just dumb as fuck sometimes.

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That's the other thing... I don't make model tools, or music tools... my stuff is logic based. I think we have a good team, and sadly not everything works with tools either. I don't know what to say about the others HeavyZ, but I don't mind explaining the hex logic of things. I mean, that's as basic as I get. I mentioned how sloppy my tool would be importing music of custom length, because it's something the user would have to know to look for.


But you know... this happens a lot, hackers have their own way of doing things. It helps when we get a team of different specialties, and hell I'm grateful for it. I'm usually sitting here like a hermit all "durrr" until things move again.


We keep things moving when it happens... sometimes you just have to wait.


I mean back in ZSO we were hacking without much structure... I was hacking a compressed ROM wondering wth I was looking for, and by magic I poop out some cool videos of stuff that didn't completely flow well. Spoof videos. People loved them, but I was just being a special-minded person just looking for hints of ways to change data, and hacking that Iron Knuckle to auto-start was pure luck.


I couldn't repeat that until I learned more about MIPS. But hey, if you feel you need help with your mod, why not consider a helper on it? Like get someone to import music for you. I mean things are rreeeaaalllyyy slow lately, but if you need an extra hand, ask on your topic.


There's always some credit you can give... even some basic actor-hacked mods use a team (with other stuff involved). ZSO was mostly big on actor-hacking at the time, and we had people popping in and out of the site quite often.

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Thanks for saying that xdan, I did not realize that you were not ignoring me. I've been rather frustrated lately, and dealing with some uncool RL problems.


And thanks Airkita for all the help I have been getting, and for any help I might be getting from you later.

I suppose I could ask if anyone would like to help me out on my topic, the only thing that worry's me is that a lot of people wouldn't really like to port music I've already made, and last time I tried to get someone to make music for me, we had huge differences in opinions. Still I will ask. If I could get help with just porting the music so that I am no longer limited to the amount I can port, then, well it would be awesome just being that. I doubt that will happen though as whomever might not want just want credit, and would like to make the music itself too so that they may have something to be proud of, other than just being a part of the project.


I really could use help with the text as well, I need someone to help me write. Even if I disagree with something I could say why, and try to point whomever in a general creative direction that is more fitting to what I might like. Or it would at least give me an idea as to what I might want it to sound like when I have no clue to begin with.

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Also, in case you're wondering, if I don't respond after you message me for a while, it's probably because I went to bed. I usually don't log out as I get tired easily and just want to sleep as soon as I get tired. I've been trying to get my sleep schedule back, and I've been having random sleep patterns of sleeping in until noon, or waking up as early as 7am...


Like I slept good last night, but I woke up at 1pm for some really weird reason... I haven't been playing DDR lately, and might pull it out today.

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This is gonna sound real cheesy, but I really look up to you guys who do any kind of hacking, no matter the skill level. Even the people who may consider themselves nooby have achieved so much in comparison to people like me and I think its incredible that people can bring new life to such old games. It's the people here who gave me that last kick I needed to start a programming course, so that eventually I can try and be helpful to the people I look up to.

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Let me say that I'm "jealous" of some hacker's talents, yet I have to remind myself that it's a good thing to have people specialized in other aspects. But I mean jealousy in a good way, pushes me to do more. I'm pushing myself to be more hands-on lately (hence the N64 console custom modding I'm doing, might move up to a handheld N64 mod).


I'm yearning to make a discovery, and I have a phobia of touching hardware (like circuit boards and chips) I need to break past. My soldering project will be good practice, and if it works I'll keep that for a future handheld mod.


I have real life things I need to do, and break past my shell. I envy so many great minds and scientists, and have had things I wanted to do as a younger girl. When I was in elementary school, I already had an idea, but because of life's problems, I walled myself off in my room, and turned to hacking as a way to test my potential. Modding anything right now is good to see if I can truly analyze and test some real piece of science.


I envy everyone's different talents on this community. Sometimes I wish I could do them all, and I've come to a complex crossing because of my ideas conflicting with my hobbies. I use my theory skills to aid people where I can. Hands-on tasks, I'm a pansy because I have to analyze things before taking the next step, so you won't see me making tools until I know what that particular thing is for by testing it myself.

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Let me say that I'm "jealous" of some hacker's talents, yet I have to remind myself that it's a good thing to have people specialized in other aspects. But I mean jealousy in a good way, pushes me to do more. I'm pushing myself to be more hands-on lately (hence the N64 console custom modding I'm doing, might move up to a handheld N64 mod).


I'm yearning to make a discovery, and I have a phobia of touching hardware (like circuit boards and chips) I need to break past. My soldering project will be good practice, and if it works I'll keep that for a future handheld mod.


I have real life things I need to do, and break past my shell. I envy so many great minds and scientists, and have had things I wanted to do as a younger girl. When I was in elementary school, I already had an idea, but because of life's problems, I walled myself off in my room, and turned to hacking as a way to test my potential. Modding anything right now is good to see if I can truly analyze and test some real piece of science.


I envy everyone's different talents on this community. Sometimes I wish I could do them all, and I've come to a complex crossing because of my ideas conflicting with my hobbies. I use my theory skills to aid people where I can. Hands-on tasks, I'm a pansy because I have to analyze things before taking the next step, so you won't see me making tools until I know what that particular thing is for by testing it myself.

The day will come, when the time is right, and the tools are there and we will have the talent and time to make a single MEGA mod for all to enjoy.  I'm talking dozens of modders putting all in on a single organized project where everyone is credited for their work.  Until that day comes, personally, I'll contiunue to stay alive waiting and lurking in the cold, dark, dankest corners of the-gcn.




Lets have a helluva good 2014!!!



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